Chapter 1164
From the beginning, Yang Ting acted calmly and calmly. If he was really a master, everyone would be relieved. However, after several trials, it was obvious that they had figured out what he was like. What a master!
I haven't even heard of the eight-armed Raksha, which is enough to show that this guy hasn't even entered this circle at all, and he hasn't even entered the circle, so where does he come from?

Now, I despise him the most in my heart, and expressed it outright. When other people heard this, they looked at Yang Ting coldly.However, in the end, this posture was stopped by Lie Yanqiu's glare!

Even if it was to stop her, she still looked at Yang Ting. She really didn't know where such a man had such a good energy-raising skill. With a solemn face and furrowed brows, it was at least a very tricky thing, but he... seemed to have no such awareness at all.

Hearing the man's cold reprimand, Yang Ting smiled, and then walked over slowly!When he came in front of that person, he slapped him and passed away!

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. This time I will teach you a lesson! Next time... oh, after a while, you may not have a next time!" The guy who made a fart would walk over slowly and slap someone violently?

Then, there was a burst of laughter!Laughing that guy was bullied by such a person!

A guy who couldn't get a fart out of him after three kicks was a coward, but being beaten by such a person was even more humiliating.

"Zhang Lei, you are a piece of wood. If he hits you, you won't fight back, won't you avoid it? When you get out of here, don't say I know you!" Someone next to him laughed at the beaten guy.

But even in the face of these ridicules, the man still covered his face with one hand. Obviously, he was completely fooled at this moment!Lie Yanqiu also didn't expect that this guy who has always shown his demeanor as a master but has no skills would actually have a temper!
The situation made her even angrier.If you don't have the ability, you have to keep a low profile. This is the code of conduct. Otherwise, for the so-called face, you may even lose your life in the end. Now that this kid dares to slap people in public, he is not afraid of Zhang Lei's counterattack. !

However, a strange thing happened. Zhang Lei, who looked big and thick, was standing there. There was even a blood-red handprint on his face until now. It seemed that he had been beaten badly just now.

However, this guy with a bad temper was humiliated face to face and ridiculed by his companions, but after he was stunned, he didn't say anything again, let alone make a move, and he didn't even say a cruel word. Everyone feels quite boring!Even Lie Yanqiu felt quite ashamed!He cursed fiercely, "It's better to kill a worthless thing!"

She doesn't want her brother to bully a person who has a ride, but she doesn't want her brother to be bullied in front of her, and she doesn't want her brother to have the courage to fight back after being bullied!The people standing next to Zhang Lei, seeing this situation, were also cursing there, obviously disgusted with this kid's behavior, and there were even two brothers who had a slightly better relationship with Zhang Lei, who wanted to take the initiative to find Zhang Lei to get back the place .However, before they could do anything, Lie Yanqiu had already used his eyes to force them back again!
"Isn't it enough to be ashamed?" And at this moment, the battlefield, which was originally rough and the waves were like a wall, and I only felt that it was dark inside, but I didn't know what was going on, gradually calmed down, and the waves as high as the wall , fell slowly, the sound gradually stopped, and the sea water seemed to have become calm. Lie Yanqiu and others were breathing heavily, and they all stared at the situation there, lest the person who would go out from their cabin My lord, I was slaughtered by this long-famous ghost-eyed Hades!When they saw that tall figure and heard the sound of the iron chain, they were all very happy!

The adult was fine and appeared on the sea again.And when their eyes shifted again, they saw a figure appearing behind that adult again, Ghost Eye Pluto!

This person is also fine, even, fine!tie!Really a tie! "Even if it's a tie, we...should be fine!" A servant murmured to himself, and the others nodded in agreement when they heard this, even Lie Yanqiu did the same, but Lie Chen's eyes were fixed He stared at the huge hound-like creature with a dignified expression!
Will they be safe after a tie?
Lie Chen couldn't guarantee it, but if the other party really...he didn't dare to think about it!Because, even if I really follow my worst guess, I have nothing to do.The huge hound-like body gradually approached, and slowly came to the side of the building. The tall body was almost equal to the building. It was hard to imagine how such a huge monster could hide on this ship. down.

"Congratulations, sir..." When Zhang Lei saw the arrival of the old hound monster, he immediately flattered him!

It's a pity... such flattery did not bring good results!The monster's long arms waved, causing a gust of wind, which made everyone feel sick. When everyone reacted, they saw Zhang Lei being directly grabbed by the monster, chewing, and his legs He was still kicking around outside, while the blood flowed down the man's big mouth!This situation was so sudden that no one even reacted!
However, this was only for a moment, and then, these people quickly split apart, as if avoiding the plague!Seeing this scene, Lie Chen's eyes darkened, and he finally made it to this point. This was the scene he didn't want to see the last time!
"Miss, get back quickly! Don't let this monster get hurt!" Lie Chen said to Lie Yanqiu.However, it was obvious that he lacked energy, not as full of pride as before!
And the rest of the people looked terrified, especially when they saw blood dripping from the corner of the monster's mouth, and the broken pieces of meat kept falling here, falling on these people's sides. Terrified! "My lord, you..." A person next to him wanted to bravely ask, but he was torn apart by the monster!
The blood flowed again, click click, the sound that sent chills down the spine sounded again, and everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps!ah!Some people couldn't help shouting and trying to escape,

(End of this chapter)

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