Urban Sage System

Chapter 1200 Beast Tide

Chapter 1200 Beast Tide
The whole of Shenzhou, with Yang Ting's advancement, was completely appeased, and even some guys who were not convinced at first, but still thinking of secretly tricking, saw Yang Ting's advancement to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, especially when he felt Yang Ting's advancement, When the figure in the palace was majestic that day, these people lost their temper completely, and all dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction disappeared!

Divine Realm!This is the real divine state, just standing there, without deliberate release, already has a majestic majesty, the oppressed sentient beings can't lift their heads, a kind of sincere awe arises in the heart!

For this kind of people, if they were to be their island masters, what else would they be dissatisfied with, what else would they not tolerate, and they would even be a little happy!
The North Sea is not peaceful. Every time a special period comes, there will be a wave of beasts. At that time, sea beasts will flood the sky and cover the sky, and even turn an island into a dead city!At that time, whether it is a high-level warrior or an ordinary civilian, they will face the impact of these sea beasts. If they are not careful, they will die, and what's more, the whole family will be wiped out!

Now, with a celestial being like Yang Ting in charge, it is naturally different!

At least when those beast tides come again, as long as this true god is willing to take action, they will no longer have to be attacked by those beasts!

Such an idea was soon confirmed!
Ten days later, with the overwhelming roar, there were sea beasts everywhere on the sea surface. Looking from a distance, the entire sea surface was covered in darkness, with no sea water visible, just like a piece of black land!That's the back of a sea beast!
The civilians on the island are all terrified, even those warriors are trembling at the moment!

They didn't expect that this year's beast horde would come so fast, and what's more, the momentum was so huge!
"If it were in previous years, I'm afraid the population of the island would be reduced by half after such a beast swarm!" An old man said with emotion. There was a fear in his voice, and his eyes seemed to be reminiscing. Obviously, in the memory of the old man's life, Among them, there seems to be enough facts to confirm these words!
Sure enough, following the roar of a wild beast, there was an earth-shattering sound. The sound was like thunder, and even the entire island was shaking!

Donglin Island is naturally the first place to be invaded by this beast wave!Once Donglin Island is destroyed, Qiuming will be next and then Dongwang Island.

In the past, after Donglin Island was destroyed, the people of Qiuming Island would not only show no mercy, but would even clap their hands, but now...they have already merged into Shenzhou, and the island owner even said that the people who want to relocate will exchange their opinions with each other. Blending, in this case, will become a relationship between lips and teeth. Once Donglin Island, which bears the brunt of the brunt, is breached first, the remaining two islands will be difficult to support no matter how well protected they are!
Therefore, the guarding of Donglin Island has become a big deal for the Three Islands Alliance!
The cultivators responsible for sniping these sea beasts have all been selected. They usually enjoy high-level treatment, and now it is time for them to pay.

However, when those warriors were determined to fight those sea beasts to the death, they saw a person suddenly appearing on the sea surface. The person was very small, especially in front of those huge sea beasts, he seemed even more insignificant and invisible !

This kind of size comparison, even feels a little funny, but now, in the eyes of the people on these islands, this kind of comparison is meaningless, even if that person is a little smaller, but in the hearts of these island residents, The whole person is also like a giant!
"What is the island master doing?"

"It should be a warning to those people!"

"It may be a warning, or it may be a compromise!" Someone speculated.

After all, the sea beasts this time are really too terrifying. It may be that the Shenzhou has just gone through a big battle and has no fighting strength!
Some people hear this, although they can accept it in their hearts, but they can't understand it, and they can't even forgive it. After all, compromise is not a glorious way!

However, other than that, there seems to be no good way!

It is true that this beast tide is too serious, there is no way to stop it!
Sure enough, those who guessed that Yang Ting was going out of the city to compromise, saw Yang Ting separated from those sea beasts again, as if to avoid something!
Everyone saw the island owner flying over the sky alone, looking down at the sea beasts below, with a hint of mockery and sarcasm in the corner of his mouth!

"Is this the island owner?" Someone looked at the position where Yang Ting was standing, and his expression was excited, and they couldn't believe it!What they couldn't believe was that, facing so many sea beasts, after the negotiation just now, the other party didn't back down, they dared to make such a reckless move. Is it because they are confident in themselves or... they are sending them to death!

No one believes that the island owner will die, but is this confidence?
No one knows, just as no one knows how strong the island owner is, because everyone who has tried it is already dead, and now, everything can only be guessed!

However, now, it seems that guessing is meaningless, because immediately I saw the island owner flying out alone, and then, at some point, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand!The long sword shone coldly under the sun, giving people a gloomy and cold feeling!

Afterwards, I saw the long sword gently slashing across an arc in the air!
Yes, it's just an arc, just like a sword practicer who tries his sword casually!
Anyone watching will not regard this as an attack, but as a kind of warm-up, or a habitual action. After all, before using the sword, it is necessary to make a sword flower with the sword in your hand. It is a habit that many people have developed since childhood.

But then, a miraculous scene appeared!That sword flower at hand seemed to open a door, a door of demons!
Silver sword lights flew out from the door, emitting a chilling chill in the sunlight!

The long arc is still there, and sword lights fly out of it, the world trembles, sword lights are everywhere, and sword shadows are everywhere!

The sword shadows flew out, each one was like a wild wolf that was extremely hungry, seeing the sea beasts in the sea, it was like seeing food, and they all rushed away!

Obviously it was a long sword flying out, but it was as shocking as thousands of beasts galloping!
Everyone on the island was stunned!

"This... is this a beast tide?"

Someone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. It was not so much a wave of beasts as a wave of swords!
The sword energy is like a tide, coming from all over the world, all rushing towards those sea beasts!

Whoosh whoosh!
A long sword made a sharp whistle in the air, and then there was a scream. The speed of the sword shadow was so fast that the sea beasts in the sea had no time to dodge, and many of them had already been killed!
(End of this chapter)

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