Urban Sage System

Chapter 1274 Kill

Chapter 1274 Kill
Outside General Chilie's mansion, there was gloom and gloom, but inside General's mansion, there was joy.Not only is the housekeeper earning a lot of money, but even the servants who are responsible for spreading the word are also earning a lot of money!

As for those races who wanted to take refuge in the General's Mansion again, it was already impossible without paying a huge price!Outside the general's mansion, there was a tense expression as if he was facing an enemy. He was really frightened by that hateful human being!

The Xiong family was exterminated, the Chilie family was exterminated, the Lumi family was exterminated, the iqianhu family was exterminated... news came one after another, there was no hope, especially the killing order!It even forced all the families to the Jedi!

Anyone who is not of my race, who hurts my race, will be killed!
Originally on the sidelines, even, in the bottom of my heart, I still had some illusions, thinking that the race that could escape the catastrophe, at this moment, also ran away completely scared!

The human race is food, a slave, and a plaything that can be discarded at will. Which race has not killed a few people, and even some families killed people immediately when they heard a human riot for the first time to wipe out future troubles. Things are often done before!

The human race is too weak and often brings plagues. The best way to prevent being infected by the plague is to kill them early!

Anyway, there are so many human races, and they can't be killed in a short time!Besides, there is a huge slave market to choose from!However, this time, no race has been able to escape so far for those who have done this kind of thing!As for the Bear Clan who enslaved people into human slave meatloaf, the whole clan was photographed as meatloaf!
It's not that there is no racial resistance, but the result of the resistance... is the genocide without any suspense!Faced with this situation, how could those races not be alarmed, how could they not be afraid!Facing the human beings who may attack at any time, how could they not back down!
"I beg the general to kill this slave!" Some races kept pleading outside the general's mansion. They had been chased homeless, and many of them had already given all the things they could move out to the general's mansion.But even if they are distressed, they still have hope. After all, as long as this slave is killed, even if they can't immediately own the huge family business like before, at least they won't worry about their own lives. as now!

"What's the hurry! The general naturally has his own considerations! If you dare to make any noise again, you will be expelled from the general's mansion a hundred feet away!" The old housekeeper of the general's mansion, an old fox, wagged his tail and yelled angrily at these races.

The patriarchs of these races would not dare to be too rude to this old fox who is the old housekeeper of the general's mansion, let alone they are under the eaves now.Even though everyone knew the thoughts of General Chilie in the General's Mansion, but at this time, no one dared to openly challenge him, and could only guard silently!

Three days later, the expression on the old butler's face became visibly worse, because these fleeing races became more and more shabby, and some even directly sacrificed family members in front of him to contribute their magic energy!

There really is no better gift!It made him extremely angry.However, some families are more sensible!He promised that as long as he helped his family get through this situation, when he returned to his family, he would definitely bring out the treasures in the Ksitigarbha as offerings!Yes, many races fled in a hurry this time, so much so that they didn't even have time to arrange their own escape!
"Ksitigarbha? Not bad!" The old fox smiled, his face full of pride!

When that human race is completely strangled, I'm afraid I will still have a lot of income and filial piety! "No more?" After General Chilie heard the old housekeeper's report, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his cunning eyes.

It's not easy to have such an opportunity, only these extra gains are still a bit too little!But after hearing what the old housekeeper said about Ksitigarbha's promise, he didn't look and smile again!Tell them that after the Ksitigarbha is broken, [-]% of the treasures will be collected! "

Chi Lie shook his tail, and the lion said with a big mouth.Hearing this, even the old butler's heart trembled, but after that, he immediately nodded with a smile!

Don't say [-]%, now, even if you say [-]% to those races, many races will agree, because now they have no room to bargain!

"From this perspective, that hateful human being doesn't seem so hateful!" Chilie said with a sneer.Afterwards, the momentum of the whole body changed suddenly, and the steel-like tail instantly became extremely hard, and Gululu's eyes, which were constantly rolling just now, also settled down now, exuding a strong and cold breath!

Half a day later, outside the General's Mansion, those races who had been waiting all heard a deafening sound, like thunder rolling down, falling on everyone's hearts!Then, slowly opened the huge door like a hill, and then saw a group of monsters like demon gods in battle armor walking out of the Chilie family!

Red Army!
Everyone held their breath and didn't even dare to move. The momentum of this army is really too strong!All of them are wearing red armor and holding long spears, and every red armor is the strength of a demon armor!This is simply appalling, and these Red Armored Army can also line up to meet the enemy!When the top three form an formation, it is not simply the superposition of three red armors, but the combat power of the unknown red armors!
At that time, it was by relying on this army that General Chilie won a place on the general platform!
Those races outside the general's mansion saw this, and at the same time they were envious, but also deeply jealous. If...if they also have this amazingly powerful red armor army, why worry about big things being uncertain, how can those people Slaves are rampant!
"As a general of the Litu tribe! I will have the responsibility to kill all variables!" Then, he waved his spear in his hand and pointed it into the distance!

As his voice fell, there was an earth-shattering sound!




Every time the sound of killing fell, the faces of the races other than the General's Mansion cheered up!
"it is good!"

"This kind of red armor army should be used to kill those slaves who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!"

"General, don't attack too hard and kill them all. Then, who should we turn to to vent our anger?"

The faces of all races are already full of expectations and surprises!
Such an army goes out to fight, why worry about the immortality of the slaves!

"I also want to see what the scene will be like when these slaves are strangled by the Red Armored Army!" A member of the orc clan followed behind the Red Armored Army, and it must be the land of China!

As the first creature follows the red armor army, the other creatures are not far behind!
(End of this chapter)

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