Urban Sage System

Chapter 558 Let's Wait For Professionals

Chapter 558 Let's Wait For Professionals
Hearing the girl's words, the old lady almost fainted out of breath.

"Who are you calling the Holy Mother? Your whole family is the Holy Mother! Dare to say my grandma, sisters, beat her!" At this moment, a girl came out from the side, also dressed gorgeously, and behind her, Also standing are three girls.

Without any explanation, he went up and hit the two girls there.

"Let you say my grandma! Let you say my grandma! If the person standing above is your grandfather or your father, would you say the same? Will you teach you how to be a human being?"

This scene stunned the people next to her, and everyone was stunned. Girls nowadays are really not simple, and they start fighting when they disagree.

Yang Ting also looked at it a little dumbfounded.

The two girls resisted at first, but soon begged for mercy, to no avail!
Was kicked to the ground, very embarrassed.

At this moment, the security guard came over.

Seeing that something was wrong, the three girls ran away!

Leave the two girls who were cursing just now on the ground.

"Your granddaughter is so... amazing!" Someone nearby said to the old lady.

"That's right, it would be great if I had a granddaughter like this. I don't think any little brat would dare to call me an old man."

But the old lady was dumbfounded, and said: "She...she is not my granddaughter, I don't know her at all."

What?do not know!
Everyone was stunned for a while, and they dared to believe that the other party was beating someone in the name of the old lady.

Looking at the two girls on the ground, some people looked on coldly, some felt relieved, and some felt a little pitiful.

However, this episode was quickly revealed.Everyone turned their attention to the old man sitting on the top of the building again.

"Why did you jump off the building?" Someone couldn't help but said again.

"Hey, it's not all about money." The old lady said again.

"He and I are old neighbors. Our place was recently demolished. My family chose the demolition house, and his family chose the demolition fund. They said they wanted to buy a satisfactory house.

However, the money has not been spent yet, when I came to this mall to buy things last time, I met two liars!

Say what you want to participate in their activities, there will be a free spree!
However, after those gift bags were brought back, he was called again, saying that there was a bigger gift bag.

But personal information registration is required!And he did!
Finally, someone pulled the card.

However, I was notified this morning that all the 1000 million cash in the bank card was gone!

The old man couldn't think about it for a while, so he wanted to jump off the building! "

The crowd mourned.

"If the 1000 million cash is gone, it means that their home is gone. The old house has been demolished, and the new house has not been bought. From now on, the family can only live on the streets!"

It is estimated that the old man feels that life is hopeless. "

"Why did you jump off the building here?
Someone said with some dissatisfaction.

"When he was participating in an event here, those liars told him that they were employees of the mall, and they had been approved by the mall, and they were on the official front, so they participated, but who would have thought that those people were liars. When the money was gone, they came to recruit the mall. The mall said that those people just rented a store for a short period of time. As for what to sell, they didn't care about it. Therefore, they naturally have no responsibility for this old man.

When the old man heard this, he became even angrier. He couldn't think about it for a while, so he managed to run to the top, ready to jump off the building! "

After listening, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

"There are too many scammers now, and the most annoying thing is that they only target the elderly! Last week, my mother received a call from the Public Security Bureau, saying that I was suspected of money laundering! I was arrested and asked to Pay 20 yuan in legal fees! And it happened that my phone couldn’t get through at that time, so my mother was even more anxious, and was cheated in the end! My mother was so angry that she had a heart attack, and she is still lying in the hospital.”

"Then did you get your money back in the end?" Someone next to him asked.

"Who can I look for? If I make that number again, I can't get through. They call the police and they say that this kind of case cannot be investigated, and there are too many things involved. They can't be investigated at all! I can only admit that I am unlucky!" said the lady.

"My mother also received a call. The man said that I was in a car accident. He is my friend, and now I have to pay the hospitalization fee! But fortunately, my mother has a long-term mind, and quickly called the acquaintance in the hospital to confirm. Avoid being cheated. What's even more arrogant is that after the man was exposed, he even threatened my mother, saying that he is a drug addict, and if I don't pay, he will kill my whole family!"

At this moment, a boy came out of it with tears on his face.

Yang Ting couldn't help being taken aback when he saw it, it turned out to be his student!
Xiang Ming!

Looking at his appearance, he looked sad.

When Yang Ting saw Xiang Ming, Xiang Ming also saw him.

"Teacher Yang, save my grandpa, save my grandpa!" Xiang Ming cried to Yang Ting.

Yang Ting hurried over, supported him, and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, your grandpa will be fine. Your grandpa will be fine."

With Yang Ting's current cultivation level, Xiang Ming's grandfather jumped from the top, and he has the ability to use his own skills to catch him, but that would be too ostentatious, after all, there are so many people here.

At this moment, Ye Wan, who was in the car, also came out and comforted Xiang Ming.

"Don't worry, with your Teacher Yang around, your grandfather will be fine." Ye Wan said the same.

However, the people next to him were a little puzzled.

His grandfather was emotionally unstable on the top, and he might jump off at any time. Instead of begging the firefighters over there, he begged his teacher here. Isn't this... a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

"Young man, don't rush to the doctor because you're sick. You still need professionals to save your grandfather. Your teacher understands that although you can teach in school, it's not everything!" someone said.

"That's right. It takes skill to communicate with others to save people. If you say something wrong and irritate your grandfather, then he will do bad things with good intentions instead." Others persuaded him.

Because Yang Ting joined the dragon group, the information about him on the Internet has been deleted, so even people who have seen him before can no longer recognize him.

Xiang Ming firmly believes that Teacher Yang in front of him can save his grandfather.

On the side, Xiang Ming's parents were also there, looking at Yang Ting.

If it was any other time, I would definitely be grateful to Yang Ting and Ye Wan, because it was them that made my child change so much, become sensible, and become excellent in academic performance.

However, they are not in the mood now.

"Don't worry, the old man will feel at ease." Yang Ting comforted.

"He just can't think about it. Isn't it because the money is gone? We just need to earn more. Even if the family doesn't have a house, we can rent a house to live in. But he just can't think about it."

Beside, said to Ming's father.

Xiang Ming's mother also nodded.

"However, when we went up, he just couldn't think about it and wanted to die."

"I'll go up and have a look." Yang Ting said.

Hearing that Mr. Yang was going up by himself, Xiang Ming's parents looked a little embarrassed, just like the people next to him said.

Now he is at a time when he is emotional. If he goes up now, if he says something wrong and irritates the other party, then it will probably make things worse.

"Mom and Dad, let Teacher Yang go up, Teacher Yang is very powerful." Next to him, Xiang Ming said to Yang Ting almost adoringly.

(End of this chapter)

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