Urban Sage System

Chapter 564 Say It All

Chapter 564 Say It All
That man was very rampant, looking at Yang Ting, his expression was unscrupulous!
In his eyes, a Yang Ting is not enough to pose a threat, moreover, it has already been discovered by him.

"I don't believe it!" Yang Ting said lightly.

"Don't believe it? Humph! Soon you will believe it!" said the man.

Then, he put the bag on the ground, stretched his arms, kicked his legs, and said to Yang Ting, "It's really not a wise choice for you to come here."

"Yeah." Yang Ting frowned. In the night, he saw that this guy's muscles were slowly tightening. After feeling it again, he felt that there was a lot of power!

"Can you still fight?" Yang Ting asked with a smile.

"I forgot to tell you, before returning to China, I was a mercenary for six years! They called me a cobra!" A sneer flashed across the corner of the man's mouth.

Then he looked at Yang Ting again and said proudly. : "You are very lucky today, fortunate enough to see the power of the cobra!"

Then, the man reached out to wipe his waist, and a short blade appeared in his hand. The short blade was very short, even only a little longer than a finger.If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

However, Yang Ting knows that this kind of thing, if it encounters ordinary police or armed police, is enough to kill instantly, and it is this kind of short-handed soldier who can block the throat with a knife!
"Are you confident?" Yang Ting looked at him and said.

"I have never failed! Otherwise, you wouldn't have this honor!" the man said.

"We are more similar, and I have never missed a shot!" Yang Ting said lightly.

"It seems that this time, one of us will be planted here." The man said.

Then, with a sway of the arm, the short blade appeared in front of Yang Ting. It was really like a deadly cobra, spitting out poisonous light. If it was scratched, it would definitely die. Yang Ting smelled the breath of death from above. !

"Unfortunately, you are facing me!" Yang Ting sneered, and then shot suddenly!

The five fingers spread out, like a pair of big pliers, firmly grasping the man's arm!

Can't move at all!

That person was caught in one blow, and that person's face was rather ugly. As he said, after walking for so many years, he has never suffered such a defeat, and the defeat was so complete!

He saw that his right hand was fixed!

He was terrified in his heart, knowing that he had encountered a master this time, and then, he also attacked with his left hand, and there was also a short blade hidden in that hand!
call out!
Flying through the air, the piercing air is about to burst!
This speed is astonishing. If you go one step further, you may be entering the ranks of cultivators.

It's a pity that neither mercenaries nor cultivators are destined to be Yang Ting's opponents.


Both hands were restrained by Yang Ting, and then Yang Ting stretched out his hand and broke it away!
There was only a crackling sound, and then the man let out a muffled grunt, and both arms were broken.

"It seems that after this time, you won't have the chance to miss in the future! Because, you have no hands!" Yang Ting said coldly.

This person was taken away and handed over to Gao Yu and Tang Yizheng.

"Take a good trial! There are other things about him." Yang Ting said to the two.

"Other things?" The two were taken aback, not knowing what Yang Ting was talking about.Then the interrogation began.

After interrogation, I found out that this person not only organized this gang, but also other gangs, and those gangs did not know each other and even hated each other!
Treat each other as competitors!
Now, this man has been arrested, and he has a network of all criminal evidence in his hands.

After the review was completed, a total of eight scam gangs were investigated and dealt with. They were scattered all over the country, and they all had almost the same routine. They all used the greedy psychology of the elderly to cheat!
All the proceeds were recovered.

Wait until all of these are tracked down.

Yang Ting looked at him again: "What else do you have to say, let's talk about it together."

"I have nothing to say, I have already explained everything." Blood was dripping from the corner of the man's mouth. At the beginning, there was still a kind of sadness of being bullied by dogs. Only when his cultivation was far above his own did he realize that he was not at a loss at this point!
"Don't say?" Yang Ting sneered, and then took out the silver needle again.

"I sincerely hope that you can last longer!" Yang Ting said.

Then, run Taiyi thirteen-needle acupuncture method, and perform acupuncture according to special acupoints!
However, by the time the second needle was inserted, this guy was already in disrepair!
"I say! I say!" The man begged Yang Ting for mercy.

"You let me down!" Yang Ting said coldly.

Afterwards, another needle was inserted, Taiyi thirteen needles, and the third needle was inserted!
Then, the man fainted from the pain.

Yang Ting sneered, and after that, another needle was stabbed out. As if his heart had been ripped out by life, this guy raised his head to the sky and yelled, and woke up again!

"I said! I said! I was wrong! I was wrong!" The man begged Yang Ting for mercy!

"I thought you didn't know!" Yang Ting said through gritted teeth.

Because, just now, after looking at his information, I went to investigate those old people who were deceived by them in the name of Longzu. Up to now, less than half of them are still alive. Even if they are still alive, some of them are already seriously ill. !
The only reason is because of this fraud, he got a serious illness!
Heinous crime, really the greatest evil!
Although they didn't kill anyone, many people died in pain because of what they did!

Therefore, Yang Ting will not be soft on this guy with torture!

"In addition to these, I am also responsible for contacting telecom fraud..." Afterwards, this person confessed another important information!
In addition to these guerrilla scams, he was also in charge of wire fraud!

And their deceit dens are hidden overseas!
"What else! Say it together, so as not to suffer!" Yang Ting said to the man.

"There are really only these, the others are gone, really gone!" The man begged Yang Ting for mercy.

"Then let's continue!" Then, three more silver needles went in!

This guy screamed in pain!
"I said, I said! We are just members of the organization! The specific person in charge is not me. I am only responsible for collecting information on the Pearl generation. I don't know about the rest. I really don't know." The man said to Yang Ting cried.

Yang Ting sneered!

Take out the silver needle again!

"You don't obey the rules, I won't say it, I won't say it! You kill me! You kill me!" said the man.

However, Yang Ting ignored it and served her directly with silver needles!
This time the man lasted for a long time!

"Since the third shot is no good, then the fourth shot!
Anyway, there are still more, thirteen stitches, three stitches are used, not even one-third. "Yang Ting said.

Hearing Yang Ting's words, that man completely collapsed!

I no longer dared to hide the slightest bit, and finally said everything.

(End of this chapter)

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