Urban Sage System

Chapter 568 This piece is messy

Chapter 568 This place is very chaotic

Faced with Monroe's questioning, Yang Ting ignored her.

"I advise you to stay here honestly, otherwise, you will come all the way to die like those people last time!"

Last time, I told them that they were not opponents, but in the end, they didn't listen. How about it in the end?Not all died in it. "

Don't trust the information provided by those so-called informants!They are intelligence dealers, they dare to say anything in order to make money!No wonder the information provided is accurate!
That organization is far stronger and more powerful than you imagined!Don't rush to die! "

"You care too much." Yang Ting said to Monroe.

"Okay, don't worry, if you insist on seeking death, I can't stop you!"

"However, according to the information I have, the people in that organization have all gone out today and are not in town today." Monroe said.

Hearing this, Yang Ting was a little angry.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, and made me wait here for a few days in vain."

"It's not that I didn't tell them earlier, I didn't know they had something to do temporarily." Monroe said innocently.

"Besides, if you stay here a few more days, can't you live a few more days? Why do you have to hurry to die!" Monroe said.

Hearing this, Yang Ting smiled, and then said: "You don't have to worry about my life, just tell me the news about him!"

Then, turn around and walk inside.

Although the conditions are a bit rough, they are still clean!

The room on the left of the second floor is yours, be careful, don't go wrong, otherwise, I don't need you to die, I will let you die! "Monroe said to Yang Ting.

Yang Ting didn't bother to pay attention, and went directly to his room.

After entering the room, he was a little worried, so he made another phone call with Zhong Ying.

"They are indeed outside now, and it is inconvenient to do it. We will do it after they go back." Zhong Ying said to Yang Ting.

Last time, eight brothers were lost because of intelligence issues. This time, of course, we must make sure nothing goes wrong!
"Then I'll just wait." Yang Ting said.

"Is the guide you are looking for reliable?" Yang Ting asked with a smile.

"Although she talks a bit, apart from being greedy for money, she is fine in other aspects. She is really meticulous in everything she does, so there will be no problems." Zhong Ying said to Yang Ting.

Hearing this, Yang Ting knew that it was not the first time they cooperated!

"That's good. I see." Yang Ting said, and then hung up the phone.

Since I had just gotten off the plane and had jet lag, I should have gone to bed, but it was still daytime here, so I couldn't sleep.

Can only go out for a stroll, just go out.

Just happened to bump into Monroe.

"What? Are you bored and want to go out for a stroll? I can show you the way, and I can also be your free translator, but it costs 20 meters per hour!" Monroe said to Yang Ting.

Yang Ting originally thought about going out for a walk by himself, but after thinking about it, forget it. If he goes out by himself, although he can speak those foreign languages, he can't always ask others about everything.

It is better to have a guide. Although it costs 20 meters per hour, it is not bad if you can check it out.

But, in fact, even if Monroe didn't ask, if Yang Ting really asked her to accompany her, he wouldn't treat her badly. After all, it was wasting the other party's time, but now she took the initiative to ask for it, which made Yang Ting unhappy.

"Ten meters per hour, if you want to leave, if you don't want to, I'll ask other people." Yang Ting said.

"Okay, ten is ten!" Monroe readily agreed. In fact, even if she doesn't go out during these hours, she is still idle, so she is happy.

"This area is mainly Chinese territory, but they are all poor people, and there is no organization or discipline, so they have been bullied by others.

This area is the residence of Lao Hei. In this place of the United States, there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Some people are as rich as an enemy, while others are precarious!Most of the old blacks here are the kind of precarious people.Their lives are even worse than those of us foreign Chinese!
Along the way, there were many fights, drug addicts, and in broad daylight, there was just such a thing on the street, it was a mess anyway!

"These local police don't care?" Yang Ting asked.

"Manage? How to manage? There is no oil and water here, and there are mixed fish and dragons, how to manage? Besides, in the eyes of those policemen, these people are pariahs, inferior, and they don't even deserve to live in this world. It's better to die. What about?" Monroe said to Yang Ting.

"They keep talking about freedom, democracy, and equality, but they themselves seriously discriminate against blacks and yellows! Hmph! How can they be better?" Monroe couldn't help complaining when she said this.

"If foreign countries are so bad, why do you still stay here?" Yang Ting asked in confusion.

Monroe didn't speak.

Keep going.

At this moment, suddenly, Yang Ting's mind moved, and he heard a voice calling for help.

On another street a hundred meters away, several strong men were surrounding a girl.

"The people over there are calling for help! Let's go and have a look." Yang Ting said.

"Why are you joining in the fun? There are many people calling for help every day. Don't you see how chaotic this place is? Don't look for trouble? It's easy to cause trouble!" Monroe said to Yang Ting.

"The person calling for help is from Huaxia, and he speaks Chinese!" Yang Ting said with a serious face.

"Why didn't I hear it? Besides, even if there is, what can you do? There are Chinese everywhere here, and many Chinese are bullied every day. Do you have to take care of everything?" Monroe couldn't help Said to Yang Ting.

"If you don't touch it, forget it. If you do, you'll have to take care of it!" Yang Ting said as he ran towards the place where the sound came from.

"Idiot, if you do this, you will get us into trouble!" Monroe said impatiently from behind.

However, Yang Ting ignored it at all and ran directly towards the accident site.

Turning a corner, sure enough, on the side of the street, I saw four strong men surrounding a Chinese girl, with lewd smiles on their faces, but their big hands were touching the girl's body.

"Help! Woohoo! Help!" The girl's voice was already hoarse, and her face was full of tears. Looking at these men, her expression was terrified!
when she was desperate.

A big man with a lewd smile on his face suddenly screamed!
Immediately afterwards, another person also screamed.

The other two were hit directly on the stomach, and they couldn't breathe, they couldn't breathe because of the beating!
Her danger was lifted at once!
Then, she saw a man standing in front of her, a Chinese man!
"Are you okay?" Yang Ting walked up to her and comforted her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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