Urban Sage System

Chapter 611 Let's Do It

Chapter 611 Let's Do It
The night was silent, and the noisy city gradually became quieter.

Suddenly, a few black dots appeared in the sky, followed by a violent roar!
Then, one person after another jumped down from the black spot!
Yes, jumping off, like diving, without a safety rope!
Those people landed on the ground steadily, with cold expressions and strange clothes!

And in their hands, they were either holding staffs or long swords!

The most conspicuous one was the one walking in the front, wearing a black robe, with a baby's skull hanging on his chest, and dragging a black sickle behind his back!

He is death!

And behind him are the exorcists, they came to strangle the devil this time!

Chi la la!
The long sickle made a piercing sound on the ground, like a symphony of death, especially loud in this night!

"Find them out, I'll hunt them down!" Death's cold voice sounded, making people shudder!

The exorcists behind them were slightly taken aback when they heard this.

"Whoever has a question, let my sickle answer him." Death said again coldly.

Under the light, the black sickle glowed coldly!

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Then, dispersed towards the surroundings!


Yang Ting, who was checking the map in the hotel, received the call again.

"The exorcist has already attacked you in Luoshan City! Hurry up and lead them to evacuate!" There was a hurried voice on the phone, Yang Ting couldn't tell whose voice it was, but he could tell that it was urgent!
Yang Ting got up!

Immediately dialed Xiang Yu's phone number!
"I'm on the streets of Rovence, and I've been surrounded! There are three exorcists outside, their ranks are not low, I'm going to...!" Xiang Yu said.

"Assemble at the scheduled location! Don't love to fight! Gather immediately!" Yang Ting ordered to Xiang Yu.


"Assemble at the scheduled location!"

"Assemble at the scheduled location!"


Calls were made one by one!

But when he called Qing Chan, he heard the sound of chaotic battles!
The exorcist who has been hiding and moving has made a move!

In the dark night, figures were walking through the streets at an astonishing speed, almost like ghosts!
A kick flew over, and the man who was shuttling at full speed was physically attacked!
It was Qingshan who just had a phone call with Yang Ting!
At this moment, hearing the sound of the wind, he leaned back and settled down steadily!
The moment he landed, those exorcists who had already ambushed here surrounded him in an instant!

call out!
An exorcist wearing a blue cloak waved his staff, and a wind blade flew towards his face!

The wind blade is like a knife, extremely sharp!
Qingshan turned around and avoided the blow!
However, the body has not yet stood still!

On the other side, a woman in a red cloak was also waving a staff in her hand. In the night, a fireball appeared out of thin air and hit Qingshan again!
Qingshan's eyes froze, and he punched out. The silver glove covered his fist, and he hit the fireball!
The fireball was knocked away and hit back. The woman in the red cloak was almost hit!

"Huh! Trash!" A cold snort sounded in the crowd, and then, a figure flashed past, Qing Shan, who had just avoided the fireball and stood still, was beaten and flew out before he could see the figure of the person coming. !
Qing Shan fell heavily to the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth!
powerful!This man is too strong!
"It's really troublesome, we have to catch them one by one!" the God of Death said with impatience in his eyes.

"Take him, wait until they are all caught, and then judge together!"

Qingshan was arrested!
Meanwhile, another street!
Three supernatural beings are chasing Xiang Yu!
The ground seemed to be shaking!

As if an earthquake had occurred, Xiang Yu, who was running, suddenly felt that his feet became extremely heavy!
Looking around again, the originally hard cement stone road has now turned into a swamp, and he himself seems to have fallen into a swamp!

A flash of light strikes over!
It turned out that there were electric sparks flickering!

Xiang Yu, who was stuck in the mud, had no ability to resist in the face of this kind of lightning attack!

When the lightning came, he was completely shocked!
Xiang Yu trembled all over and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xiang Yu fell to the ground, the three of them sneered: "Huaxia Cultivator, a member of the Dragon Group, that's all!"

The three approached and wanted to tie Xiang Yu away on the spot!

However, Xiang Yu, whose eyes were turned white by the electric shock just now, got up again with a bounce!

With a violent shout, it was like a thunderstorm!
"Eat your grandpa's Overlord Punch!"

Xiang Yu drew his bow from left to right and punched out with both fists at the same time!He hit the two mages holding staffs in front of him.

The two mages were instantly sent flying!
The man with red hair holding a golden long sword, seeing this sudden scene, quickly stabbed out the long sword in his hand, attacking Xiang Yu!

Xiang Yu turned sideways and avoided it!
"Western swordsmanship? Today I want to learn it!" Xiang Yu sneered!
Then, he clenched his fists tightly, kicked his feet, and jumped out, running towards the opposite direction of the swordsman!
"Cowardly yellow monkey! Next time I see you, I will kill you!" The swordsman was furious when he saw Xiang Yu running away!
However, Xiang Yu, who was halfway running, stopped again, and shouted to him: "I have my life, otherwise, there is no room for you to be rampant, let's fight again next time!"

Yang Ting gave him an order, don't love to fight, gather quickly!
In a private house, Yang Ting looked at the soldiers gathered here with a guilty look in his eyes.

"I originally thought that after a few days, I would join you again and we would do something big. But these days you just need to rest where you are. But now it seems that the United States will not let us do what we want!" Yang Ting Said.

"We came here to fight against these foreign devils. If they want to fight, we will fight. I'm afraid they won't succeed!" Xiang Yu clenched his fists and said unconvinced.

"That's right, I've been in Europe for 14 years. Werewolves, vampires, the Dark Holy See, and the Crusades, which ones I haven't seen, which ones I haven't fought! I've never been afraid!" Another team member said equally proudly.

These people are the elite of the elite, with countless experiences, so they naturally have the capital and strength to say so!
"Everyone in the world knows about Huaxia 36 Tiangang, but they don't know that 36 Tiangang has always fought alone and never carried out missions together. It's hard to get together this time! Why don't we turn this place upside down!" Another person said equally passionately .

"That's right, motherfucker!" Xiang Yu yelled again!
Yang Ting looked at everyone and looked equally excited!
"Since that's the case, let's do it! On the other side of the ocean, in this foreign country! Tonight we will kill thoroughly and have a good fight! Play the name of our dragon team!"

(End of this chapter)

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