Chapter 132 The Last Arrogance Before Dying
Even Song Tian was not his opponent before, a weak man like a chicken, for him, it was not a piece of cake.

Hearing this, the members of the Ax Gang looked at him strangely.

You know, Boss Ye's strength is not bad, even Xuanfeng can't survive ten moves in his hands!

The prince probably thinks his life is too long, and he wants to single out Ye Feng!

And their appearance, in the eyes of the prince, is that they are afraid.

His voice sounded again in the yard: "As long as you win, I will hand over the Flying Eagle Gate, but if you lose, I'm sorry, from today onwards, there will be no Ax Gang in Jianghu!"

"How? Dare to fight me?"

The prince looked at Ye Feng provocatively.

I saw Ye Feng looked at him, smiled softly, and spit out a few words: "You are worthy?"

"You have the guts to say it again!" The prince was furious when he heard that, he swung his arm and swung the machete at Ye Feng's face.

For so many years, the prince single-handedly climbed to his current position step by step with his own strength, and founded Feiyingmen. In the southern suburbs, and even the entire Huacheng, his viciousness is notorious.

It is impossible for him to bear Ye Feng's humiliation to him today. He glared at Ye Feng angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, kid, don't think I'm afraid of you. You'd better keep your mouth clean. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Ye Feng turned his head and chuckled, there was no turmoil in his heart, disdain appeared on his plain face, "Am I not right?"

"I think you don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Today I want to see what kind of arrogance you have." The prince suddenly stood up from the chair, quickly took off the clothes on his body, revealing his strong muscles, and his body was full of hair. Tough temperament.

"Hey, this figure is pretty good!" "This is in a kiln, not only women like it, but men, maybe..." Huo Yong and others made jokes unscrupulously, completely ignoring the gloomy prince.

The prince was furious, pointed at Ye Feng and said with a gloomy face: "Ye Feng, let me see how powerful you are." After finishing speaking, he immediately signaled his subordinates to make way for Ye Feng to walk to the center.

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to his words at all, turned around and said to Huo Yong: "Da Fei, come and test the waters with him."

"I think you are cowardly, Ye Feng, you only have this little ability." The prince stared at Ye Feng and shouted.Ye Feng directly chose to ignore it.

"Boss, don't worry, just watch mine." Da Fei was gearing up, unable to hold back the little excitement in his heart, just taking this opportunity to show off, he quickly walked up to the prince, looked at him, and showed his sharpness.

"Da Fei! How the hell did you recognize a bastard as your eldest brother! You actually worked your life for him!"

"Okay! If that's the case, I will let you die a worthy death!"

finished!The prince rushed forward with a vigorous step, and slammed his fist at Huo Yong's face.Da Fei is quick and quick to enter the combat state, his eyes are serious, and he is not like the bastard before, facing Gang head-on.

But although Da Fei's attack was fierce, he was dodged by the prince's sharp dodge!

After a few moves, Da Fei, who was wielding the axe, was out of breath and sweating profusely.

"Hehe! Da Fei, you are a piece of trash! How dare you fucking fight against me!"

Holding the watermelon knife in his hand, the prince mocked with disdain.

Hearing this, Da Fei was furious immediately, raised his big ax and rushed forward screaming!
"Cao Nima! Shut up for me!"

The prince lowered his eyebrows and glanced, sneered disdainfully, aimed at the gap under Da Fei's feet, and swept down with a heavy leg!

With a muffled sound, Da Fei's body that was rushing forward was suddenly shaken, and fell to the ground with a plop, hugging his thigh and screaming in pain!
With a look of contempt on his face, the prince kicked him away with a kick, and it flew a few meters away.

Immediately afterwards, a watermelon knife slashed fiercely towards his forehead!Da Fei was so frightened that his eyes widened in horror!

Between lightning and flint, a figure flashed by quickly, dragging Da Fei's body back quickly!

In the next second, the prince's sword fell between Da Fei's legs, leaving a shocking knife mark on the floor!
Da Fei was stunned, his face pale!
If Ye Feng hadn't pulled him back just now, the knife would have landed on his forehead!
Seeing this scene, everyone in Feiyingmen screamed excitedly!
All of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and their morale was high!

The prince slowly pulled out the machete from the ground, turned his head and looked at Ye Feng viciously, with a contemptuous smile on his face, "Ye Feng, you dare to come to my Feiyingmen place to seek trouble with your strength?"

But Ye Feng's face was still flat, he stopped Da Fei from the ground, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Since you want to die so much, then I will satisfy you mercifully, saving everyone's time." He glanced at Xuanfeng.

Xuanfeng looked indifferent, nodded slowly, and walked forward calmly.

"It's changed, don't be afraid of death!"

The prince clenched his fists and said indifferently, "Why don't you call a few more people to see that you have thin arms and legs. If you accidentally die, don't blame me."

Xuanfeng's indifferent eyes revealed a murderous look, the prince suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body, he noticed the strangeness of the person in front of him, seeing the speed getting faster and closer, the prince quickly turned around to the side , just dodged a blow.

Xuanfeng didn't relax for a second, and launched the next attack. The prince was shocked. He didn't expect Dafei's reaction speed to be so quick, and this time the attack was more fierce than the first time. The prince didn't defend this time, and took Offensive way to fight.The two fists collided vigorously.

In just one second, Xuanfeng's arm turned 180 degrees in an incredible way. The prince obviously didn't react. Xuanfeng seized the opportunity and hit the prince's head with an iron fist!
The violent impact made the prince's brain buzz!Suddenly there was a scream.

Xuanfeng's tense body did not relax for a second. The lessons of blood in the military battlefield told him that the most taboo thing is to be paralyzed before the enemy is completely down.

In the next second, Xuanfeng immediately grabbed the prince's neck and lifted him up in the air, with veins in his arms popping out!

"Ah! Damn it, put me down!"

The crown prince was lifted above his head, and he yelled in panic!
Xuanfeng roared!With a sudden turn of the muscular arms, the prince's huge body was thrown out like a turntable spinning in the air!

With a loud noise, Da Fei smashed into a screen like a cannonball, crackling and shattering the entire glass!

(End of this chapter)

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