Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 439 The Finale

Chapter 439 The Finale
Above the boundless realm of the gods, the blazing blood of the gods permeates this huge void.

The eyes of the last god king were red, like a wild beast.

"Lord of the Starry Sky! You will regret it!"

"The Three Realms...it is impossible to merge together again!!!"

"Jie hee hee..."

The always holy God King seemed to have foreseen the fate of the person opposite, and made a laughing sound that had never been seen in the endless years of his life.

Then, before Lu Fei could make a move, the body of the God King froze for an instant!
The blood in the whole body began to surge crazily. Although he was only about the same size as Luffy, from the outburst of blood, there was a terrifying loud noise like a stormy wave, pouring down like a galaxy pouring down!

"This! You asked for it yourself!!!"

boom! ! ! ! !
With a roar that resounded through the sky, an incomparably mighty terrifying power surged out in an instant, filling the entire God Realm!

Seeing the God King's sudden reversal of energy and committing suicide, Lu Fei inexplicably felt a chill, horrified, as if he had really stabbed something big.

at this time!

With the fall of the God King, the barriers controlling the God Realm also began to completely disappear.

Beyond the sky, a huge ripple suddenly appeared.

Luffy knew that it was the Three Realms, which were beginning to merge.

If he guessed correctly, King Ling should be looking at the broken barrier and giggling.

He has been trapped for an unknown number of years, but he has been looking forward to the coming of this day!
As for Luffy, he just because, in the merged universe, the space barrier will be weaker, which is convenient for his rule and...adventure!
This is something that Luffy just discovered not long ago, about 1000 years ago.

Outside of the cosmic space he was in, there was another layer of land!
Luffy doesn't know what it is, he can only feel that under the layers of barriers, his power can't break the boundaries of the upper world at all.

That's why he supported the Spirit King so much and took the initiative to crusade against God's Domain.

The purpose is to make the space barrier of this world thinner as the volume increases after the fusion of the three realms.


A sweet cry suddenly sounded from the distant horizon.

Robin, who retreated from the distant battlefield, directly flapped two pairs of huge arms, and threw himself on Luffy at once, hugging him like a little girl in love.

Lu Fei gently stroked the hair of the person in his arms, and stepped forward with the other hand, took Robin's slender waist, hugged him lightly, and under the loving kiss on his forehead, he asked:

"Is Sauron over there too?"


Like a hamster, Robin kept surging in Luffy's arms, and the turbulent waves kept touching and rubbing against Luffy.

Because the scope of Xingkong's management is really huge now, the two often don't see each other for several years, or even decades.

So Robin cherished every opportunity to meet Luffy, and rushed over immediately after cleaning up the generals.

Sauron and the others also deliberately slowed down their pace, leaving this precious opportunity for the two of them to be alone.


Will everything really go so smoothly?



Just when Sauron and his party hid in the distance and peeked at Lu Fei's young couple, a strange and mysterious wave suddenly swept over everyone.

The world has been suspended!

gas, liquid, solid.

Human Race, Orc Race, Plant Race.

Spiritual energy, matter, divine power...

Everything, like a movie being played, was completely stopped!

Luffy and Robin looked at each other for an instant, seeing the confusion and doubt in each other's eyes.

This feeling is no stranger to Luffy!
Every time he cooperates with Joey Boy, he is in this state!
That is to say...

The time in this world has been stopped by someone! ! !
Zoro and his party also flew over quickly one after another, surrounded by Luffy.

Although the sound can no longer be transmitted, the spiritual power of the people is still able to keep them communicating.

"What... what's going on!?"

Usopp exudes spirit directly, expressing doubts for everyone.

Luffy, who was holding Robin's palm, turned around slowly, looked at Joey Boy, nodded together and said:
"It should be that the time of this world has been suspended!"

For some reason, Luffy suddenly remembered what the system had said to him a long time ago, the day the system was officially opened for all staff.

"Strength has no limit."

Luffy whispered softly.


Above the heads of Lu Fei and the others, a terrifying big eye suddenly opened!

Eyeballs rolled up and down, as if looking for something.

Obviously the big eyes are directly above Luffy, but he feels that what this eyes see is the whole world! ! !
"It turned out to be here..."

The sound like thunder resounded throughout the whole world, and the eyes with big eyes instantly focused on Lu Fei, and they froze slightly, which immediately made Lu Fei feel a burst of heart palpitations.

And with the sound of thunder rolling down, a huge palm came from nowhere, and grabbed directly in the direction of Lu Fei and the others.

"This, what the hell is this!!!"

"Everyone run!!!!"

Feeling the terrifying power from different time and space, Luffy did not pause at all, directly mobilized all his spiritual power, and shouted into everyone's minds!
call! ! !
A howling air wave suddenly rose from Lu Fei's body, and went in all directions, pushing everyone in the starry sky to the distance!
He could feel that the owner of this giant palm was targeting himself!
The existence of being able to stop the world time at will is beyond Luffy's imagination!
This is not a dimensional power at all!

However, if he can't beat him, it doesn't mean he will obediently catch him without a fight!

Fire is born from the heart, and the mighty flame suddenly dances in this world!

Void Swallowing Flame, Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Three Thousand Flame Fire, Bone Spirit Cold Fire...

For thousands of years, the eighteen horrible flames, large and small, purchased by Luffy from the system, suddenly soared into the sky like a flame demon, and gradually merged in mid-air to form a huge flame dragon!

The mysterious flame wave accompanied the Shenlong's body, like a wave brought out of the water by a dragon. Even if the time of the world was suspended, the heat of the flame still swept half of the universe!

As if possessing intelligence, the agile dragons danced in the sky for a while, and then flew towards the huge palm with extremely blazing flames from all directions!


Lu Fei frowned, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he concentrated his whole body to aim at the giant palm in the sky!


Like a breeze blowing out a burning match, Luffy's flame was easily extinguished by the strong wind brought by the giant palm.

But the giant palm only paused slightly, and grabbed Luffy again in less than a second!
"What... what!!?"

Such an unbelievable scene just appeared in front of Luffy.

In the different space, the sound of thunder came again.

"Little thing, don't resist."

"Your existence will destroy this world, so it's better for you to disappear into this void."

The thunder exploded, but the deafening thunder was full of coldness and ruthlessness, just like the cruelty of a true god to mortals.

That icy voice fell on Lu Fei's body, but it made his blood freeze instantly.

In an instant, the giant palm suddenly slapped down, grabbing a handful of dirt from God's Domain, and Luffy who was surrounded by the dirt.

【Ding!Remind the host that the host is facing the threat from the origin of the world, if he does not escape from this world as soon as possible, the host will face the danger of being permanently exiled to the void! 】

"get away……"

In the darkness, Lu Fei felt the supreme power imprisoned around him, and silently closed his eyes.

In fact, he could have escaped.

Although the time of the world is suspended, the space barrier of the world has indeed been exposed to many weak points.

If at the very beginning, before the big eyes found him, if Luffy ran away directly, presumably the giant palm would not be able to chase him.

It's just that, in that way, my partners don't know what they will face.

Luffy, he still has his own backhand!
As long as he is taken out of this world by the giant palm, Luffy is sure to die with him at the cost of his life!

The will of the world, he has come to this day, it is not that he has not thought about it at all!

It's just that all of this came too suddenly!
Leave him unprepared at all!

fair enough……

At least in the future, his partners can continue to be their masters of the starry sky and kings of the world.

Luffy always felt that he was ashamed of his friends.

They left everything behind to help themselves so much, and this is the only thing they can do for them!
A world without enemies!

This is a present from the captain.

The breath of different time and space is getting closer.

As long as you cross that layer of space barriers, that's when Luffy really explodes!
Luffy suddenly realized that maybe he had expected this a long time ago.

And such a result is actually one's own choice!

"Swastika!!! The final slash!!!"

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Luffy, who was holding his breath and concentrating, suddenly felt a shaking in the space!

The giant palm seemed to be in pain, but it suddenly opened the palm and released Luffy from the high altitude.

"Luffy, I, the deputy captain, don't allow you to be taken away like this!"

I saw Sauron standing on the void, wearing a light and deadly domineering outfit, with a dark green satin around his waist, floating in the void.

"That's right! That's right! Luffy, you are too much, you don't even tell us anything, you just make your own claims!"

The lovely Meili took over the fall from a high altitude to Luffy, and said coquettishly to him dissatisfied.

However, in her hand, a golden divine light suddenly disappeared!
"What are you doing!? Mellie!!!"

A golden rope suddenly entangled Luffy.

Bind fairy rope!
This is a gift from Luffy to Meili 2000 years ago!
But Mei Li is now trapping herself with it.

"Luffy, don't struggle anymore! Although you are powerful, the fairy rope can trap you for a minute at least!"

Usopp, who did not know when he appeared, stood behind Luffy with a smile on his face, and patted him on the shoulder lightly, just like the appearance of a successful prank when he was living on the Merry.

It's just that in his eyes, there is a moist flash.

boom! ! ! !

Another soaring chill rose up, and Brook, who was incarnated as the soul emperor, resisted in front of Luffy with the power of the myriad cold abyss.

"Yohohoho~ It's okay, I'll protect you once, Mr. Luffy..."

A fiery demon suddenly appeared, and Sanji manipulated the flames around him, gradually condensing them, and smiled slightly at Luffy:

"It's a pity that I can't cook another delicacy for you at the end. Speaking of which, we haven't held a banquet for nearly a hundred years..."

The brilliance of evolution flashed, and the ultimate ancient lazy beast Chopper also floated in front of Luffy:

"I'm so happy to be a monster in the starry sky!"

"Wait, Chopper, Sanji, Brook! What are you going to do... woo..."

Purple flames, beautiful petals.

Robin suddenly transformed in front of Luffy, leaned over and kissed Luffy passionately, the tears on his face couldn't stop flowing, falling on Luffy's cheek.

For a moment, lips parted.

"Is this the last time? Really, what a pity..."

"The king's parting doesn't need tears, Miss Robin!"

The crimson Susanoo rose up, and Joyboy whizzed his giant wings, flying in the void, and stared at Robin with some envy.

"That's right, that's right! Sister Robin is really too much!!!"

Nami turned into a sky dragon and descended from the sky. In the world that stopped at this moment, there was still a turbulent wave of air!

That is, the wave of magic! ! !

"The girls in the starry sky are really as strong as ever!"

For thousands of years, Franky, who has not changed a bit, drives the Super Demon God Dragon God that has entered the realm of gods.

On the side, Kebi, who turned into a twelve-winged angel, smiled comfortably.

Xing Kong, it's been a long time since we chatted together like this.


Labu, who turned into a roc, showed his supernatural power of swallowing a giant kun, and his name resounded throughout the world!


Wu Tian still looked calm, sitting on top of Rab's head, as if he was waiting for something, he exhorted lightly.

The end of the fairy rope stretched directly upwards, completely sealing Luffy's mouth.

Sauron slowly raised the Blade of Zhanpour in his hand, looking at his magic eyes from the reflection of the blade, and whispered softly:
"Luffy, do you still remember your dream? That, the dream we have never been able to understand!"


"I think we should have understood today!"

The giant palm in the sky continued to grab Luffy.

A blazing light suddenly hit the sky.

"One-knife technique. The lion sings!!!"

Sauron's slash was like an order, and everyone in the starry sky immediately launched a violent attack against the giant palm!
Although the strength is not great, but the strange and regular abilities of the Star Pirates are temporarily entangled with the giant palms and cannot fall at all!
In an instant.

The sky pressed down again!

Next to the big eyes, there is another giant eye again, as if a person is looking through something, looking here.

A large ripple appeared, and another huge palm stretched out to where Luffy was.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

The restrained Luffy couldn't move at all, and could only let Mei Li lead the fairy rope and float in mid-air.

However, after seeing the appearance of the giant palm, everyone in the starry sky suddenly smiled, as if their goal had been achieved.

"Joy Boy!"

Sauron roared suddenly.


Two blood lines gushed out from the eternal kaleidoscope in an instant.

Joey Boy gathered all his pupil power and burst out the last time stop!


The space was suddenly silent.

But those giant palms just became dull, and were not completely controlled by the rules of time!

Still, that's enough! ! !


Wu Tian, ​​who was already ready, got up instantly!

Opening the door, closing the door, living the door, hurting the door, Dumen, Jingmen, Jingmen...

And the last one - the gate of death! ! !
The formation of the Eight Door Dunjia condensed in an instant, violent energy spewed out from Wu Tian's small body!

Sauron and the others were stunned for a while!

This... This is the absolute forbidden technique that Luffy said...

A red lightning shot up suddenly, using Rab's huge body as a pedal, Wu Tian soared into the air, grabbing the imprisoned Luffy!




At this moment, the tears of the crowd couldn't be held back any longer, they burst out wildly, and shouted in unison:
"It's great to meet you!!!"

Usopp opened his arms, and a red lotus bow instantly transformed into his hands. His eyes were filled with blood-red divine light. He stared at a weak spot in space, and silently said in his heart:
"Luffy! This time, it's our turn to protect your dreams!!!"

呲! ! !
A red lotus arrow flew out suddenly, turning into a laser lightning, and instantly struck a ripple in the void!
Crack la la...

There was a sudden sound like glass breaking!

Under Usopp's divine power, the space barrier covering the entire world suddenly burst a small hole!
Wu Tian took Luffy's body and flew towards the small hole at high speed!
"No! If you do this, you will destroy the two worlds!!!"

Above the sky, the owner of the giant palm seemed not expecting that the Star Pirates would do such a thing, and suddenly broke free from the shackles of Joey Boy's time ability.

As if crossing dimensions, a giant palm suddenly blocked the small hole in an instant.

But Wu Tian didn't care about it, and the aura on his body exploded again!

Wu Tian actually directly penetrated the giant palm that even Luffy's full blow could not hurt, and continued to fly forward.

"How...how is it possible!!?"

The people from different time and space seemed to be in disbelief, and they were stunned for a while.

And Wu Tian, ​​whose body began to melt gradually, finally reached the final step, raised his arms, lifted Luffy up, and threw Luffy into the more In the upper void.

"Do not!!!"

The power of binding the fairy rope finally lost its effect, and Lu Fei suddenly turned around, wanting to find his partners.


But he could only see through the barrier that divided the dimensions, the figures of his partners who tried their best and fell one after another.


In the unknown space, there was only a sad roar and tears after losing his voice.

But right now.

A strong suction suddenly sucked Luffy, as if he didn't want him to stay here for a long time because of his noise, the huge force instantly lifted him up and threw him into a channel of time and space.




Time, at this moment, lost its role.

Luffy didn't know how long it had passed, he only knew that the pain in his heart would never be healed.

In this way, Luffy seemed to lose consciousness, letting his body freely and automatically in the flow of time and space.

His physical body gradually disappeared.

His soul lost its protection.

But at the moment when he was about to be disintegrated by the power of time and space, a strange force suddenly dispatched, turning Luffy's soul into a small ball exuding clear blue light and shadow, completely protecting it.

Time and space continue to change.



Huaguo, Qingcheng.

Third Hospital, Ward 3602.

A gleam of light in the early morning suddenly shot into the ward along with the sunlight.

A tired teenager was lying on the edge of the hospital bed, breathing evenly and falling asleep.

But at this moment, the person on the hospital bed moved his finger slightly.

Although it was extremely weak, the resting teenager suddenly woke up, his eyes widened, and he stared closely at the hospital bed, as if he was thinking about whether the feeling just now was real or a dream.

But under the young man's attention, the unconscious person on the hospital bed moved his arm again!
In an instant, the boy stood up suddenly and ran out quickly, ignoring the chair he brought down.

"Doctor!!! Doctor!!!"

"Hurry up!!!! My brother!!! My brother woke up!!!!"

Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes, staring at the snow-white ceiling in his sight.

The familiar cry of his younger brother, spanning thousands of years, reached his ears again.

But tears gushed out from his eyes crazily, soaking the pillow in an instant.



And at this time, in the outer space of the earth where no one can see.


A crack in space suddenly appeared.

From the crack, a crimson arm suddenly protruded, with slender and sharp bright white nails growing on it.

"Is this... the main world?"

rumbling rumbling...

Space cracks appeared one after another.

And one after another, the strange figures also came out one after another.

A breeze from the universe blows across the beautiful blue planet.

And people on the earth are still running around for their daily work.

They don't know.

The world, just like that, has been changed...

(End of this chapter)

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