Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 160 Jack is Dead

Chapter 160 Jack is Dead

Glenn and Jack came out of the ruins, neither of them suffered serious injuries, but the rest of the castle, including Jack's men, had all been buried in the ruins

After rushing out of the ruins, Jack transformed into a mammoth and rushed towards Glenn immediately. Jack, who was already huge, became even bigger after turning into a mammoth. trembling

Seeing Jack rushing over, Glenn immediately flapped his wings and pulled himself up high, but before flying high, Jack swung his elephant trunk around Glenn's ankles, and then smashed Glenn hard. above the ruins


The ruins were directly smashed into a big pit, and Glenn lay in it. Jack, who had turned into a mammoth, was so powerful that Glenn was in pain all over his body, and his head was a little dizzy from the fall

"With a half-baked devil fruit like you, how could you be my opponent? Go to hell!"

Jack yelled, raised his front foot and stepped on Glenn in the pit. Glenn's body hadn't fully recovered from the heavy blow just now, and he couldn't dodge it. He could only block his arms in front of him to resist Jack's attack.

Jack's big foot stepped firmly on Glenn's body. Glenn first felt a huge force from his arm, and then the huge force spread to his body, and Glenn couldn't breathe under the pressure.

Just when Glenn was about to be trampled flat by Jack, Glenn suddenly felt that his back was empty, and then his body fell down. The downward trend of Glenn's back stopped after touching something.

Glenn lay on the ground and looked around, and found himself lying in a space supported by broken stones and broken wood. Glenn thought that maybe the fallen stones and broken wood when the castle collapsed happened to support such a space. Space, also just under Glenn's body

But it was this hole that saved Glenn, otherwise Glenn really wouldn't have a good way to escape from Jack's feet
Glenn fell into the hole, and Jack's foot was also missed. He staggered forward and almost fell down. When he lifted his foot and saw the hole in the ground, he immediately stepped on it again, trying to crush Glenn to death. in the hole

But this time, when Glenn saw Jack's foot stepping down, he condensed a flaming spear in his hand, and pierced towards the sole of Jack's foot.

The flaming lance successfully plunged into Jack's feet, and Glenn immediately detonated the flaming lance


A big hole was blown out of Jack's foot. Looking at the hole in Jack's foot, Glenn thought it was a pity that he couldn't blow off Jack's foot directly, because Jack's body was too strong

Jack uttered a scream, and lifted his injured foot up. His foot was no longer daring to touch the ground. If he had only three feet, he would be inconvenient to move. So Jack slowly transformed into a human form, and stopped when he was half-animal and half-human

At this time, Jack was covered with thick long hair, his head was the head of a mammoth, with a long nose and two long teeth, and his feet were the feet of a mammoth, but his hands were human hands. There was a big hole in the left hand at this time, and it was bleeding continuously
When Jack transformed, Glenn's body had already recovered and flew out of the hole. Jack saw Glenn and angrily swung his fist at Glenn. Glenn also swung his fist and collided with Jack.


Layers of shock waves emanated from the place where the two fought again, shaking the entire ruins continuously. Many holes in the ruins were filled under this vibration, and the ruins sank as a whole.

Suddenly, Jack waved his nose again and wanted to wrap Glenn around him. This time, when Glenn saw Jack's nose move, he didn't want to fight at all, and immediately flew up, narrowly dodging Jack's nose
Glenn kept improving his height. He wanted to use his long-range ability to attack Jack in the air. After fighting for so long, Glenn found that Jack didn't seem to have the ability to stay in the air.
After flying to a height that Glenn thought was about the same, Glenn raised his hand, and a dozen flaming spears appeared beside him, and then Glenn controlled a dozen flaming lances to fly towards Jack on the ground.

Jack was well aware of the power of these spears after being bombed by the flame lances. He grabbed the rubble from the ruins and threw them towards the flame spears in the air. All exploded, none of them flew to Jack's side
After smashing all the flame spears, Jack didn't stop. Just as Glenn thought, Jack is not good at air combat. If he wants to hit Glenn in the air, he can only throw things. , but fortunately in the ruins, there are not many other things, but there are many stones
No matter how hard Jack throws a pile of stones, it will not be able to threaten Glenn. Glenn punches in the air and smashes all the gravel flying towards him, and raises his hand to gather the flame spear again to attack Jack.
But at this time, Glenn saw Jack jumping towards him from the ground, and stretched out two hands to grab him. How could Glenn let Jack do what he wanted, and immediately flew to the side, avoiding Jack

Just when Glenn thought he was dodging Jack, Jack stepped on a boulder floating in the air and rushed towards Glenn with his strength. Glenn flew away again, and Jack immediately stepped on another stone and rushed towards Glenn

Don't look at Jack's huge size, but it doesn't affect his sensitivity at all. Glenn was quickly caught up by Jack. Jack waved his fist and punched Glenn, smashing Glenn from the air to the ground.

When he was about to touch the ground, Glenn opened his palms and sprayed flames from his palms. With the thrust of the flames, he stopped the falling trend, and then stood on the ground smoothly, but the wings behind Glenn disappeared. Yes, because the effect of the blue wave ball for 3 minutes has expired
At this time Jack also fell to the ground, standing not far from Glenn, saw Glenn's wings disappear, and taunted:

"Why are the wings gone? Sure enough, he is a half-capable user, and he can't even maintain his abilities."

Jack didn't know that Glenn had the medicine Rumble Ball. He only thought that Glenn's wings would disappear because he was exhausted and unable to maintain his own abilities. So he rushed to Glenn very excitedly, wanting to borrow Glenn Kill Glenn when he's out of stamina


Glenn watched as Jack charged forward, his hand ignited with flames, and slowly turned into a fist bigger than Jack's size, and then Glenn swung his fist to hit the forward Jack

Jack didn't expect that Glenn still had the strength to use this kind of trick. He was hit directly by the fire fist and took several steps back.
Then Glenn manipulated the Fire Fist into a dragon head, biting towards Jack's injured hand


Jack's hand was blown out with a big hole, and its defense was not as good as before. Now it was bitten by the dragon's head, and it was directly bitten off by the dragon's head

Jack screamed in pain, Glenn manipulated the faucet back, caught Jack's severed hand, waved it at Jack with the severed hand, and then burned Jack's severed hand to ashes
"Who do you say is a half-capable user, big fool"


Jack shouted angrily. He always felt that the artificial devil fruit ability users were a group of half-baked ability users. Although Kaido wanted an army of artificial devil fruit ability users very much, Jack actually looked down on the artificial devil fruit ability users. The half-baked guy in his heart is beaten like this, Jack's anger can be imagined

With a roar, Jack transformed into a mammoth. Dazed by his anger, he completely ignored the injury to his left hand and rushed towards Glenn with three legs, trying to trample Glenn to death.
In Jack's current state, Glenn is not afraid at all. No matter how strong a wild beast is, it is not a threat. Glenn rushed towards Jack. Jack saw that Glenn was standing on two hind legs , stepped on Glenn with the only good front foot

Glenn turned slightly to avoid Jack's foot, came to Jack's broken foot, stabbed his claws into Jack's broken foot, and released the flame with all his strength


With a muffled sound, another part of Jack's injured leg was blown off. Jack staggered and fell to the ground. After falling to the ground, Jack still hadn't given up attacking Glenn. He swung his nose and wanted to slap Glenn.
Glenn condensed a long flaming knife and stabbed at Jack's nose. Jack's nose was instantly cut off by Glenn, and blood spurted out

Jack screamed again, and it wasn't over yet. Glenn grabbed Jack's two tusks, snapped them hard, broke his two tusks, and then stabbed the tusks into him under Jack's angry eyes. in the eyes


The eyes were stabbed blind, and the severe pain made Jack howl crazily, and the transformation state was cancelled, turning into a human form, but even so, Jack was still waving his hands to fight back against Glenn.
Glenn looked at Jack's appearance, raised his hand, and a dozen flaming spears appeared beside him. Then Glenn waved his hand, and the flaming spears whizzed and pierced Jack into a hedgehog.

Glenn turned around, raised his hand and snapped his fingers



(End of this chapter)

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