Chapter 18 Login
Deep in the bottom of the sea, members of the Kaido Pirates rescued Jack from the deep sea. Jack started to roar as soon as he got on the boat:

"Bastard, bastard, bastard, ah, I'm going to kill him, set sail, catch up with me"

Glenn temporarily got rid of Jack's pursuit, simply bandaged the wound on his shoulder, and continued on his way
Glenn knew that with Jack's character, after suffering such a big loss, he would never let it go. As long as he was still in the sea, he would still be in danger. Only by reaching the Chambord Islands as soon as possible can he have a chance to escape Jack's pursuit

In fact, Jack's pirate ship is much faster than Glenn. If Jack does not rush out of the pirate ship impulsively, he will catch up with Glenn sooner or later. After Jack rushed out, he helped Glenn. After Jack was shot down in the sea , in order to save Jack, a lot of time was wasted chasing Glenn, allowing Glenn to escape successfully
After several hours of sailing, Glenn finally saw the surface of the sea. The surface of the water was sparkling, and the sun shone through the surface of Glenn’s boat. After seeing the surface of the sea, Glenn heaved a sigh of relief. Find a place to hide from Jack's pursuit

Moreover, the first half of the great route is not the territory of the Four Emperors like the New World. It is completely ruled by the World Government. A big pirate like Jack who comes to the Chambord Islands will definitely attract the attention of the Navy at the first time. It's almost impossible to catch Glenn.

"You! Here! Me! Stand! Hold!"

Seeing that he was about to reach the surface of the sea, Glenn suddenly heard a shout, and looked back to see that Jack's pirate ship had already caught up. Jack's huge body was standing on the front deck, but this time Jack did not rush out of the pirate ship again. In fact, if Jack puts on another layer of bubbles and rushes over this time, Glenn really has nothing to do, because he has already lost all the harpoons.


Glenn silently complained about Jack, looked at the distance from himself to the sea, and at the distance and speed of the chasing ship behind him, estimated that he should be able to land before being overtaken, and immediately felt relieved

Glenn even felt that he could flirt, so he ran to the back deck to transform his arm into a beast. The bright red scales were particularly dazzling under the sunlight. Glenn showed a mean smile at Jack, and stretched out his hand to hook Jack. hook finger


Seeing Glenn's cheap smile and provocative gesture, Jack immediately exploded, roaring, looking around for something to throw to kill Glenn, and finally saw the weapon on his waist, Jack picked up the weapon and threw it hard. throw to glen

The weapon spun crazily under Jack's strange power, turning into a black disc and flying towards Glenn. However, due to the distance this time and Glenn's warning, Glenn was not hit this time.

However, because Jack's weapon is very huge, although he missed Glenn, he cut off the mast on Glenn's ship


The huge mast fell on the deck, making a loud noise. Glenn stared blankly at the fallen mast and said:
"Fuck, play off"

In fact, sailing in the sea depends on the power provided by the sails, but the power of the sea water flow. Now, the mast is broken, the ship loses power, and the speed immediately slows down.

Jack didn't expect this to happen either. He just wanted to throw the knife over and smash Glenn to death. He didn't expect to hit anyone but smashed the boat. Seeing the slowing down of the boat in front of him, Jack laughed happily. laugh
Originally, Glenn could go ashore before Jack caught up with him, but now because the speed of the ship slowed down, the sea that was close at hand now seemed out of reach, and the speed of the pirate ship behind him seemed very fast at this time. quick

In this situation, if Glenn doesn't think of a way, he must be caught up by Jack. Glenn began to think about how to hold Jack and the others on the deck, unless Jack rushed out with bubbles in his mind, and I have a harpoon in my hand
"Wait, Bubbles"

Glenn thought that Jack came out to chase him with the bubble before, and suddenly had an idea. He ran to the cabin, gathered all the shells together, packed them in a big box, pulled out a long fuse and ignited them. I ran out of the cabin, put bubbles on myself, stretched out my paws and made several huge openings on the bubbles on the outer layer of the boat, the bubbles burst as a result, and the sea water instantly submerged the boat
Because Glenn was covered with bubbles, he did not directly touch the sea water, and began to swim towards the surface of the sea with all his strength.

But Glenn's ship fell straight down due to losing Bubble's protection. Below was Jack's pirate ship. Seeing Glenn's ship sinking, Jack quickly ordered the crew to turn the rudder to avoid it.
After the efforts of all the crew members, they finally managed to move more than ten meters to the side, just enough to avoid the sunken ship. Jack and his crew were relieved to see the trajectory of successfully avoiding the sunken ship, but when the pirate ship sank at the same height as them


There was a loud bang, and the cannonball that Glenn ignited in the cabin just exploded at this moment, the whole ship was blown to pieces, and sawdust flew everywhere

Hearing the sound of the explosion, Glenn, who was still swimming, looked back at Jack's pirate ship. The quality of Jack's pirate ship was still very good. The main body of the ship was not damaged in any way, but the bubbles surrounding it were blown up. It's riddled with holes and looks like it's about to fall apart.

Seeing that the bubble was about to burst, Jack hurriedly organized a rescue team. I don’t know what method they used. They finally filled up the holes. Although the bubble shrunk a lot, it still didn’t burst. This made Glenn feel a little pity
However, due to the impact of the explosion, Jack's pirate ship began to move sideways instead of straight up, and the rescue just now took a lot of time. By the time Jack and the others regained control of the pirate ship, Glenn had succeeded. Chambords
Glenn came out of the sea and climbed onto the land, surrounded by green trees, even the ground is green, with a few bubbles popping up from time to time, the scenery is not bad, but Glenn is not in the mood to appreciate it, he has to Run quickly, he knows that the explosion will not delay for too long, now he has to find a place to hide
Sure enough, before Glenn ran 200 meters, the sound of heavy objects breaking through the water came from the sea behind him. Glenn looked back, and Jack's pirate ship had already appeared on the shore. Jack's huge body Standing on the deck, seeing Glenn running in the distance, Jack jumped from the pirate ship to the shore with all his strength, and chased Glenn with a roar
Every time Jack stepped on the ground, Glenn felt the ground tremble slightly. Every time the ground trembled, Glenn's heart twitched violently.

In order to avoid Jack and get the attention of the navy as soon as possible, Glenn ran to places with many people and buildings. Taking advantage of his small size, Glenn hid all the way, and Jack was annoyed

In the end, Jack became so angry that he directly activated his ability to transform into a giant mammoth, and began to destroy the surrounding buildings crazily, so as to reduce the space for Glenn to hide.
However, such wanton destruction finally attracted the attention of the Navy.
(End of this chapter)

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