Chapter 181
"Do you know these primitive people?"

Glenn looked at the subordinates who suddenly appeared in front of him and asked. Unexpectedly, he couldn't find anyone after working all afternoon, but he found someone after eating a barbecue. These people replied:
"Major General, this is a long story, you can follow us first"


"Go to these tribes of primitive people, many of our brothers are there, solo is also there"

"Well then"

Then Glenn and his group followed these primitive people and several subordinates who suddenly appeared deep into the woods. On the way Glenn asked them:

"How did you get to know these primitive people? I think they seem to be afraid of you"

When these people appeared, those primitive people immediately put down their weapons and no longer showed any hostility, so Glenn was very curious, and one person replied:
"Actually, they are not afraid of us, they are afraid of solo"

"Afraid of solo?"

"Yes, that's how it happened..."

Through their narration, Glenn understood what happened. They were actually on the island when they woke up like Glenn, but they were in other places on the island. When they woke up, there were only solo and a dozen of them around. brother
Then they discussed it and started looking for people on the island, but they couldn't find anyone, but they ran into this group of primitive people. Due to the language barrier, these primitive people chatted with them and they couldn't understand them. Humans started attacking them, solo electrocuted a large group of these primitive people with electric discharge
Afterwards, the remaining primitives suddenly knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Solo. According to their guess, these primitives should regard the discharged Solo as a god or something, so they respect Solo very much.
Afterwards, they used these primitive people's knowledge of the jungle to find the remaining brothers, and they had already found quite a few during the day. At night, when they were about to meet the tribe, they suddenly smelled the smell of barbecue. I ran to the place where the smell was like crazy, and Glenn knew everything after that
After listening to his subordinates, Glenn nodded, and then asked:

"How many people did you find?"

"Counting the few of us, there are 40 people in total"

40 plus the dozen or so around Glenn would be more than half. Glenn then asked:
"Did you see Luo?"

"No, but Luo is so strong, nothing should happen, and we already know where he is, and we should be able to find him tomorrow."


Glenn nodded, thinking that there would be no surprises with Yi Luo's strength.

After walking for about [-] minutes, Glenn and his group followed the group of primitive people to a stockade. The stockade was quite large and there were many people in it. However, these people were dressed in primitive clothes, either wearing grass skirts. , or wear animal skins
After entering the stockade, those primitive people dispersed, what to do, they didn't care about Glenn and the others. Several of Glenn's subordinates took Glenn to a big house, and Glenn saw it as soon as he entered the gate. Solo, just seeing Solo's appearance at this time, the corner of Glenn's mouth twitched fiercely
I saw Solo lying comfortably on a huge stone bed, covered with several animal skins, and several primitive beauties wearing grass skirts with only a leaf on their chests surrounded Solo. Give it a massage, and some of them are holding a bamboo basket in their hands. There are all kinds of fruits and food in the basket, and they keep sending it to Solo's mouth.

Solo closed his eyes comfortably, and didn't notice that Glenn and his party came in at all. Glenn walked in front of Solo, and Solo suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and opened his eyes in a daze, and then saw a huge fist "Boom" hit it on the head
"I've been looking for you all over the world, but you are quite comfortable here."

Solo screamed, and after seeing the person in front of him, he immediately sat upright, looked at Glenn with a little embarrassment, then raised his front paw and pointed at the person behind Glenn, meaning
"I'm not lazy, I've let those people find you"

Glenn rolled his eyes, he didn't bother to argue with Solo any more, so he gave Solo a few more punches to relieve his anger
Afterwards, the navy in the stockade heard that Glenn was coming, and they all came to the house. After everyone arrived, everyone exchanged information with each other. Glenn asked a few boatmen:
"From our description, how long do you think it will take to repair the warship?"

"I don't think it's a big problem just by listening to it, but the mast may be a little troublesome, but if there are any other problems, you have to see the warship to know."

"Okay, tomorrow we will split up. You guys go to the warship to see if it can be repaired. If you need anything, go back to the stockade. We will find a way together at that time, and the others will continue to find the rest."

Then Glenn turned his head to look at the subordinate who was talking to him on the road and asked:

"By the way, you said that you probably already know Luo's location, where is he?"

The man thought for a while and replied:

"Today we followed the people in this tribe and have traveled around most of the island, but only found so many people, there is only one place we haven't been to, we suspect that Luo and the rest of the people are there"


"That is another tribe of primitive people on the island, and they are hostile to this tribe. Their leader is a wild boar woman with great strength. She brought people to attack this tribe during the day today. We are not that The wild boar girl's opponent was finally defeated by solo, this is also a reason why people in this tribe respect solo."

Glenn said suspiciously:
"Wild boar girl? What? Fur tribe?"

"No, she should be an ability user, because she can completely turn into a wild boar, and the fur tribe doesn't have this ability"

"Well, then let's go and have a look tomorrow, and you all go to rest today."


Afterwards, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. On the second day, led by a few primitive people who knew the way, Glenn and his party came to the wild boar girl's tribe.

Glenn saw a big stockade from a distance, and when he got to the front of the stockade, a few primitive men who guarded the gate saw Glenn and his party first yelled, and then rushed towards Glenn and his party with strange screams

Glenn's animalized arm pointed at the heads of several primitive people "biubiu" a few fireballs, and accurately hit the eyebrows of several primitive people to kill them all, and then Glenn and his party went all the way into the village

Glenn's ability to control fire scared the primitive people in the village. They pointed at Glenn and his party with stone spears from a distance, but they didn't dare to act rashly. Glenn and his party walked to the center of the village.

In the center of the village, a group of primitive people sat around several fires, seeming to be eating. Seeing Glenn and the others, they picked up their weapons and stood up vigilantly. On the grill, there is an incomplete person roasting on it. You can vaguely see a few fragments of navy uniforms among the burning things in the fire, so the identity of the roasted person is self-evident

The other people behind Glenn were taken aback when they saw this scene, then rushed forward angrily and killed all the primitive people around the fire. After killing these primitive people, Glenn's subordinates asked Glenn with murderous eyes. :
"Major General, what should we do?"

Glenn looked around and said lightly:

"Kill them all, leave no one behind"


Although there are many people in the tribe, no matter how many people there are, Glenn and Solo are useless. Soon all the warriors in the village were killed, leaving only some women, old people and children who have no combat effectiveness.

Then Glenn and his team rescued the remaining surviving navies. The first sentence these navies were rescued was:

"Hurry up and save Luo, he was captured by that wild boar girl."

Glenn was surprised that Luo with such a strong strength would be caught, but he must be rescued. It would be bad if Luo was also eaten, and then everyone rushed to the wild boar with a few rescued marines. In the big house where the woman lives
It's just that they came in a hurry and saw the scene in the room, how weird and weird their expressions were

(End of this chapter)

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