Chapter 275
In the North Sea, on a certain nameless island, a group of armed people hid in the bushes on the shore and watched the surrounding sea. This is where the Po lead mine is located. After the lead mine, the Revolutionary Army placed an elite unit here to guard secretly, and anyone who landed on the island rashly would be killed to prevent the secrets here from being leaked out.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a ship slowly appeared on the sea in the distance. When the ship approached, the watchman in the bush relaxed his vigilance and walked out of the bush. The ship of lead is one of our own
After the ship docked, the person in charge of the ship directed the crew to transport the living supplies and moved them to the camp on the island, and at the same time transported the lead ore mined in the camp these days to the ship
The crew responsible for the handling came and went between the camp and the ship, but one person was stunned for a while after seeing the lead mine
"Move quickly, don't be lazy"

"Yes Yes Yes"

The man lowered his head and repeatedly agreed, lifted the amber lead on the ground and walked towards the shore
This person is Luo in disguise. After arriving in Beihai, he immediately began to investigate the matter of Po lead, but the revolutionary army's news about the location of the lead mine was too tightly blocked, and Luo got nothing for a long time.

After repeated investigations to no avail, Luo changed his mind. He wanted to pretend to be a buyer of ammonium lead products to obtain some information, but the embarrassing thing was that no one sold it to Luo. No matter how much money Luo paid, it was useless. Later, Luo Knowing that this seller only sells to people who can be trusted, or large-scale pirate groups and gangsters, in short, people who are absolutely opposed to the world government

After Luo learned the news, he reluctantly revealed his identity, and bought lead products in the black market in the name of the Fire Dragon Pirates. This time, someone finally sold them to him, and the price was discounted, which made Luo sigh. sometimes it's good to be a villain
Through the sellers of ammonium lead products, Luo followed up one by one, and finally found a factory that secretly manufactures ammonium lead products. This factory is a food processing factory on the surface, but in fact, ammonium lead products are being produced in the most hidden factory building. processing
Now that the factory has been found, there must be a ship responsible for transporting materials. However, this food processing factory transports products to various countries in the North Sea every day. It is difficult for Luo to determine which ship is responsible for transporting lead.

Later, Luo bought a guard at the factory wharf and got the sailing route list of all the ships in the factory. Luo studied it carefully and marked all the ships with remote routes, remote routes and obviously different sailing times from other ships, and checked them one by one. Finally confirmed the ship

Afterwards, Luo killed one of the crew members who was similar in stature to him, and used the fruit of the surgery to make himself easy, and successfully mixed into the ship, and finally followed the ship to find the location of the Po lead mine.
Luo's purpose is to destroy this lead mine. Destroying a mine is very simple. Just blow it up with explosives. The reason why Luo didn't do it is that he hasn't figured out the location of the mine and the strength of this place. How about it, are there other strong men guarding here?
After careful observation, Luo quietly left the team carrying the lead, and began to explore slowly on the island, and finally found a suspicious cave on a mountain, with several guards guarding the door
"It should be here"

Luo said to himself, he has already checked carefully, there is no strong person guarding this island except those soldiers, so Luo doesn't need to hide anymore, he is going to force his way directly to blow up the mine


Just when Luo was about to stand up, suddenly there was a violent explosion sound from where their boat was docked. Luo raised his head and saw billowing black smoke coming out from that direction. Luo was stunned.
"How is this going?"

At this time, several guards at the entrance of the cave received the news, and one of them put down the phone bug and said to his companions:
"Come on, let's rush to support, block the entrance of the cave, the navy is coming"

Speaking of which, a few of them moved a big rock to block the entrance of the cave, and put a pile of weeds as a cover, just when the guards finished their work and went to help


A yellow laser beam suddenly shot at several guards


The instant the laser hit several people, a violent explosion occurred, killing all the guards, and blasting open the blocked hole
After that, a piece of light particles flew over from the distant air, and slowly turned into a person wearing a navy coat at the entrance of the cave

Luo was startled when he saw the person coming, he never thought that he would meet the yellow ape here

"Is this the mine of the Po lead mine? It's so dark, it's really scary."

Huang Yuan stood at the entrance of the cave and looked inside. Although he said he was afraid, his face did not show any fear. At this time, several miners heard the explosion outside and wanted to come out to check the situation. Huang Yuan Shoot them mercilessly with lasers

Then the yellow ape stretched out his fingers and continuously released laser light into the cave.

"Boom, boom, boom"

There are constant explosions in the cave

Immediately afterwards, the entire mountain began to shake under the violent explosion, and the center of the mountain began to sag downwards. The entrance of the cave was blocked by falling rocks, and the underground mine cave also collapsed, and all the miners were crushed to death inside.
"It's terrible, the whole mountain has collapsed."

Huang Yuan sighed again, and then took steps to leave
"General Huang Yuan, you should wait for us."

It was not until the yellow ape destroyed all the mines that his subordinates came late
"It's because you are too slow, have the revolutionary army been resolved?"

"It's solved, they've all been killed, not a single one was left alive"

"That's good, search the island again, don't let anyone go"


The adjutant of the yellow ape responded, and led the people to search for live victims on the island.
"Revolutionary Army? So these are all made by the Revolutionary Army?"

Although Luo found out the location of the Po lead mine, he never knew which force behind the scenes was doing all of this. Only now he heard the conversation between Huang Yuan and the adjutant did he know that all of this was done by the revolutionary army
But now Luo doesn't have time to think more, the mine has been destroyed by the yellow ape, and the location here is also exposed, the revolutionary army basically won't come here to mine again, Luo's goal has also been achieved

The most important thing now is how to get away from the island. Luo is not confident that he can single-handedly beat the yellow ape, and in order to sneak into the island, he didn't even bring a saber. But it will drop a lot

"If I had known the Navy would intervene, I would not have come"

Luo is a bit regretful now. If he had known that the navy would send someone, he would not have come. Now it is difficult to get out like this.

The navy's search was not very strict. Luo relied on his fruit ability to quietly reach the shore. There was only one warship left. The ship he was on when he came was completely destroyed.

Now if you want to leave the island, you can only rely on the warship of the yellow ape, but the yellow ape is standing beside the warship, it is basically impossible to bypass the yellow ape and sneak into the warship, Luo can only wait quietly for the opportunity
"General Huang Yuan, what should we do with the mined lead ore?"

At this time, the adjutant came over suddenly and asked Huang Yuan, who pointed to the warship behind him
"Since it has been mined, it can't be wasted. Move it to the warship. There is a Tianlong who likes this thing very much. Let me take it back for him."


The adjutant began to direct the navy to transport the mined ammonium lead to the warship. Seeing the navy transport boxes of ammonium lead to the warship, Luo's eyes burst into anger. He didn't expect the navy to beat these amber lead lead idea

Suddenly, Huang Yuan looked at Luo
"not good"

Luo was startled, he was inadvertently angry just now and showed a murderous look, which was keenly noticed by Huang Yuan
Huang Yuan stretched out his finger and shot a laser in Luo's direction


Luo hurriedly used his ability to dodge the attack of the yellow ape

Yellow Ape's laser exploded at the place where Luo was just now, but at this time there was no sign of Luo there.

"Oh? It's really here. It seems that Kuzan did not guess wrong."

The "room" that Luo releases when he uses his ability is very familiar to him. Aokiji once reminded him that Luo is likely to go to Beihai to participate in this matter, so let him pay more attention. right

And it seems that there is only Luo on the island, and there are no other members of the Fire Dragon Pirates. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to eliminate Luo

Huang Yuan smiled happily. Although Luo has run far away now, the island is so big, and the only way to leave the island is to take his warship. He is not worried that Luo will escape. He turned his head and said to the adjutant:

"You stay and guard the boat, I'll go after him"


The adjutant responded, and the yellow ape immediately turned into a flash of light and disappeared on the shore
In the jungle, Luo found another place to hide after he left the shore. The island is so big that he can't run far at all, and the speed compared with the yellow ape is simply a joke. No matter how fast you are, you can go faster Light?

So Luo chose to find a place to hide, trying to deceive the yellow monkey, and then seized the warship and escaped while the yellow monkey was looking for him at the other end of the island

But Luo didn't hide for a long time, a laser shot at him, Luo quickly used his ability to dodge
"I found you"

The yellow ape stood on a tree near Luo's hiding place, looked at Luo with a smile and said

Luo sucked the knife from a corpse of a revolutionary soldier beside him into his hand, and looked at the yellow ape on the tree with a solemn expression. Since he was discovered, he could only beat him.

"One knife style, Iai"

A light blue sword glow flew towards the yellow ape on the tree, and the yellow ape turned into a cloud of light particles to avoid Luo's attack and appeared beside Luo
"Light Speed ​​Kick"


Luo was kicked directly and flew out, smashed countless trees and stopped
(End of this chapter)

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