Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 285 Airdrop 1 Big Baby

Chapter 285 Airdropping a Big Baby
A few more days passed, and the day of the auction finally arrived

Before the auction started, there was a grand performance. Karina, the singer of the Golden City, sang on stage, and a large group of beauties danced for her behind her.
Karina's singing is very nice, Nat sat in his private room with his eyes closed while enjoying the fine wine in the glass, while listening to Karina's beautiful singing, suddenly Nat felt that there seemed to be a faint murderous intent locked on He, Nat opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the murderous intent

Bacala stood at the railing on the second floor above the stage, with her right hand wrapped in a bandage, staring fiercely at Nat in the private room on the first floor, and made a gesture of wiping his neck at Nat, Nat just smiled slightly and raised his hand. Raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted to Baccarat from a distance
"That is the devil gentleman?"

Tezolo didn't know when he came behind Bacala. Bacala looked back at Tezolo and said:
"Well, that's him"

"Looks very nice"

"You must not be fooled by his appearance, he didn't hesitate at all when he cut off my finger"

Tezzolo glanced at Baccarat's hand
"Can you connect?"

"I can't connect, my fingers have been chopped off by him"

"Well, I will avenge you after the auction is over."

Bacala was taken aback

"Are you going to kill him? Actually, that's not necessary. I just broke a finger. There's no need to mess with the Fire Dragon Pirates. Their pirates are very strong."

Tezzolo sneered.

"Hmph, I won't let someone who wins my money and hurts me get away alive"

"This, okay"

Tezolo is very happy that she is willing to avenge Bacala for herself, but she has also heard the rumors of the Fire Dragon Pirates. They are a group of lunatics who dare to kill even the general and the Tianlong people. It will be very troublesome to mess with them


Suddenly, Karina's singing stopped, and there was a crisp cracking sound from the surrounding speakers, followed by Karina's scream

"what happened?"

Tezzolo was startled, he and Bacala poked their heads out of the railing to look at the stage below at the same time

I saw Karina squatting on the ground covering her forehead with her hands, bright red blood oozing from between her fingers, her face was in pain, and a fragment of a wine bottle could be seen on the ground beside her

"I'm here to get the Piao Piao fruit, not to listen to the song. The auction is still fucking closed. If I don't open it, I will grab it!"

In the private room on the first floor, a strong man with a bare upper body held a wine bottle in his hand and pointed at Karina on the stage. Obviously, he was the one who threw the wine bottle just now.

Tezzolo looked at the strong man with a frown and asked Bacala
"Who is this?"

"Well, it's Kaido's man"

"It really is true that there are such captains as there are subordinates, a bunch of brainless lunatics."

"Master Tezolo, what should we do?"

"Karina can't sing anymore in that state, tell her to come down"

After finishing speaking, Tezolo walked to the first floor


Bacala immediately took out a phone bug and said a few words to the phone bug. Karina on the stage on the first floor got up from the ground when she received the news from Bacala, bowed while covering her forehead, and hurriedly stepped back. up
After Karina stepped back, Tezolo came up from the backstage. He walked to the microphone and said with a smile:
"It seems that everyone is waiting impatiently, so I won't talk nonsense, the auction has officially started, please see our first auction item"

Tezzolo pointed to the side, the spotlight hit his finger, and a round platform with a crown appeared on the stage
Seeing that the auction item was not Piao Piao fruit, the strong man of the Kaido Pirates wanted to yell again, but he was immediately dragged back to the private room by his partner, urging once was enough, if he was forced too quickly, it would cause injury Tezzolo's face is not in anyone's interest

It is impossible for Tezolo to hold an auction that only auctions the Piao Piao fruit. To put it bluntly, Tezolo has to act like he really wants to hold an auction, so that the uninformed think that the Piao Piao fruit is something he doesn’t need , in fact, it is to not be so embarrassing
People from various forces below also know what Tezolo means. They will bid for Tezolo's auction items symbolically, but they will definitely not ask too much, and they will almost get it. However, there are some useful things that really attract them. interest, the auction seems to be quite lively, like that
After the auction went on for more than an hour, Tezzolo took the microphone and said:

"Next is the last auction item. I think everyone knows what it is. It is the Piao Piao fruit of Golden Lion Shiji!"

The main show finally arrived, and the people in the audience cheered up, staring closely at the fluttering fruit on the stage, Tezuolo pointed to the fluttering fruit and said:

"Piao Piao Fruit, the starting price is 10 billion Baileys, and the auction starts now"

"11 Billion Baileys"

"12 Billion Baileys"

"15 Billion Baileys"

. . .

The auction has already started, and Nat in the private room on the first floor drank the wine in his glass
"It's time to start"

As Nat said, he took out a blue pill and threw it into his mouth. This is the antidote for the kingdom of death. As long as you take it in advance, you don’t have to be afraid of the poison of the kingdom of death.
Immediately afterwards, Nat took out a phone bug and dialed a number. The phone was connected and Nat said:
"let's start"


After hanging up the phone, Nat stood up from his seat, stretched himself out of his private room
"What is he doing?"

Bacala on the second floor has been paying attention to Nat. He did not participate in all the previous auction items. Now that the auction of Piao Piao Fruit has started, he came out of the private room again, which made Bacara very puzzled.

Noticing Bacala's gaze, Nat turned to look at her, smiled and pointed to the sky

"What do you mean?"

Bacara looked up at the sky in doubt. The auction was at night. Although the venue was very bright, the sky was pitch black and she couldn't see anything. Just when she was puzzled, the dark sky changed.
There seemed to be something falling down in the sky, but it was too dark for Bacala to see clearly, but as that thing got closer and closer, Bacala could see it clearly, it was a huge dark The red monster seems to be a slime?

"Master Tezoro, seal the top of the ship!"

Although I don't know what that slime is, but it is definitely not a good thing, Bacala hurriedly shouted at Tezolo on the stage

Tezzolo looked up at Bacala suspiciously

"what happened?"

"Heaven! Heaven!"

Baccarat anxiously pointed to the sky and kept shouting

Tezolo raised his head and saw that his pupils shrank sharply. He raised his hand and was about to seal the roof of the venue with his power.

Nat in the private room on the first floor smiled lightly

The slime smashed into the auditorium fiercely, and the venom splashed everywhere. Anyone who touched the venom slowly began to petrify, and finally turned into a statue completely

"What is this, Tezolo?"

Representatives of various forces participating in the auction questioned Tezolo loudly, Tezolo was also confused, he didn't know what was going on at all
"Lord Tezolo, it's Nat's fault"

At this time Bacala shouted to Tezolo from the second floor

Tezolo was taken aback, then turned to look at Nat's private room, Nat stood at the door of the private room and waved to Tezolo with a smile


At this time, the slime let out a roar. The kingdom of death is Caesar's compressed poisonous gas, fed the poisonous gas with high-tech means, and ate the ability person of the hexagonal salamander, the animal devil fruit salamander. animal instinct, it is roaring and raging in the venue
But this is not its most lethal form.


At this time, another giant candy fell from the sky, and Slime opened his mouth to catch the candy and ate it in one bite

After eating the candy, the slime suddenly froze in place, but the purple candy in its body was getting smaller and smaller
"What's going on? Why didn't you move?"

Everyone in the auction looked at the huge slime. The candy inside the slime gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.


The slime screamed in pain, his eyes suddenly lost their light, and the venom on his body began to slowly drip down, and finally the venom dripped faster and turned into a state of flowing down, and the venom also turned into Purple
The turbulent purple venom kept flowing down, and it continued to change from venom to poisonous gas. Soon, the purple poisonous gas began to spread crazily around. Anyone who touched the poisonous gas froze a little bit, turning into gray and white statues

"What is this? Run!"

The people in the venue hurriedly scattered and fled, but the venue was only so big, and there were not many exits. Soon the poisonous gas spread all over the venue, and most of the people turned into stone sculptures
The Kingdom of Death is a semi-finished product, without the terrifying power of Punk Hazard in the original book. Caesar had already reminded Nat before coming here. He told Nat that some particularly powerful people might not be lost immediately if they were affected by the Kingdom of Death. Ability to move, just a little slower

Therefore, there are still quite a few strong people in the venue who have not turned into stone sculptures. These people are questioning Tezolo. Tezolo also inhaled the poisonous gas, and his health is not feeling well. He pointed to Nat and said:

"He put the poison"

Qi Qi, representatives of various forces, turned their heads and stared at Nat angrily.
"What is the purpose of your Fire Dragon Pirates doing this? Are you trying to grab the Piao Piao fruit? Do you know that there are representatives of all the great powers of the New World here? You are doing this to make enemies of the entire New World"

Nat smiled indifferently.

"We just want to make an enemy of the whole new world, so what?"


Nat's answer made everyone stunned, and then they rushed to Nat angrily to kill Nat

"Whoosh, bang, bang, bang"

Suddenly, three figures fell from the sky and stood in front of Nat. They were the evil king, the big barrel and Urgi
"Hey hey, it's just right."

The big wine barrel said with a drunken smile. At the same time, he grabbed the head of the person in front of him, smashed it hard on the ground, raised his leg and kicked the person's head hard.
At this time, five battleships flew above the venue, and 1000 sky island soldiers, 100 clone warriors, and 20 anti-pacifists also came to the venue, and surrounded the entire venue
Nat pulled out the thunderstorm from his waist and pointed forward


(End of this chapter)

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