Chapter 295 Allies
After Luo finished speaking, everyone listened attentively to his next explanation. Luo organized the language and said:

"The difference between the BIG MOM Pirates and other Four Emperors is that the other Four Emperors' territories are composed of many, many countries, but BIG MOM's territory is different. There are 34 islands in her territory, plus Whitebeard The pirates snatched at least 45 islands, but there is only one country in such a large territory, and that is her Ten Thousand Kingdoms"

"Isn't this great? If you defeat the BIG MOM Pirates, wouldn't it be easier to manage with only one country?"

Someone raised a question, and Luo explained:

"You may not know about BIG MOM. Her pirate group is not so much a pirate group as her own family. BIG MOM has more than 40 husbands and more than 100 children. These people form the BIG MOM sea. The main force of the bandits"

"More than 40 husbands?"

"More than 100 children?"

"Pigs can't give birth like that, can they?"

Everyone's eyes widened after hearing Luo's words, and their faces were shocked. The number of husbands and children of BIG MOM really made them a little ashamed
Luo continued:
"All the islands in Wan Guo do not have their own armed forces. The army is led by the children of BIG MOM. The management personnel of each island are also her children, and her children are very loyal to her and basically will not betray her. her"

Nat understood Luo's meaning, frowned and said:
"That is to say, if we go to attack Wan Guo, we must eliminate all the children of Big Mom and the army they lead."

Luo nodded
"That's right, but, in that case, even if we conquered the nations, we would only get a bunch of islands without armed forces. For a long time, we would have to send our own troops to guard these islands. It is really unrealistic to have many islands, and other forces in the new world, such as Kaido or Shanks, they will never let go of this good opportunity to attack us, and it is very likely that we will have to surrender before we occupy the territory of BIG MOM. give it up to someone else"

Everyone nodded, and after talking about the disadvantages of attacking Big Mom, Luo began to talk about the advantages of attacking Kaido

"But Kaido's power is different. Most of the reason why his pirate group joined him is because Kaido's name is very famous. It is very convenient to move in the new world with Kaido's name. If Kaido is dead, I believe those pirate groups will be very willing to join us, with their help, it shouldn’t be too difficult for us to hold the territory.”

Luo paused for a while to give everyone some time to digest and continued:
"And Kaido's three strongest confidantes, Drought Jack in the Three Plagues, has been killed by Glenn, but the signature four generals of the BIG MOM Pirates are all there, so deal with them in the top combat power except the captain. Kaido's side is also easier"

After Luo finished speaking, basically everyone was convinced by him.

The facts are indeed as Luo said, the countries in Kaido’s territory manage their own countries, Kaido only provides them with shelter, and these countries regularly donate money or other valuable things to Kaido, in fact, it is not only Kaido, Shanks and the former Whitebeard Pirates did this, but Whitebeard and Shanks managed it better than Kaido

The only special case among the Four Emperors is BIG MOM. Her dream is to create a fantasy country that includes all races, so there is only one country in her territory, Wan Guo. She is the queen herself, and her children are responsible for managing all the islands. The army is also in their hands
Therefore, if the territory of the BIG MOM Pirates is taken down, it will be very difficult not only to manage it, but also to prevent other forces from attacking it.

After Luo introduced the situation of the two pirate groups, Glenn gave everyone some time to think, and then asked:

"You should all have decided, vote now, agree to attack Kaido's hand"


Everyone raised their hands, and Glenn looked at the crowd below and smiled.
"Okay, then I don't need to ask Big Mom anymore, it's decided, our next plan is to attack Kaido's territory"

But even though it was decided, it is impossible for Glenn to set off to attack Kaido immediately. Before that, he must have a perfect battle plan, and this burden falls to Nat and Luo and some priests with better minds. on the head

Nat and Luo were not in a hurry to formulate a battle plan. Although Luo gave a lot of information about the Beast Pirates, the information was very general. There are still many things to know if you want to really attack Kaido's territory

For example, the information of all the pirate groups under Kaido, the places where these pirate groups are stationed, the information of all the islands in Kaido’s territory, as well as the remaining two disasters of Kaido’s important signs of the three disasters and the places where Quinn is stationed. places, and where the main force of the Kaido Pirates is stationed, etc., etc., in short, there are a lot of information to be collected

So in order to collect information, Nat personally took people to the new world, inquired about the Beast Pirates, and even sneaked into Kaido's territory to collect information. With his extraordinary hypnotic ability, Nat got a lot of information. useful information

Moreover, Nat also has the intelligence channel "Timonis". With the help of Tianlong's identity, "Timonis" has obtained a lot of confidential information obtained by the world government through the CP organization, because Timonis's behavior style has always been It has always been very unpredictable, so it didn't arouse anyone's suspicion

With the information brought back by Nat, the battle plan was quickly formulated. After the plan was completed, Nat and Luo found Glenn as representatives and reported the battle plan to him.
Nat, Luo and Glenn sat around a table in the room where they usually discussed things. Luo took out a large map and unfolded it on the table.
"This is a detailed map of Kaido's territory. It is drawn bit by bit based on the information brought back by Nat. It is 100% accurate"

"what is this?"

Glenn pointed to a bear paw print on the map and asked, Luo's expression was a little embarrassed

"Ahem, what, this map was drawn by Bebo, he is the best navigator here, but he is a fur tribe, so he accidentally printed a few handprints on it."

"Oh, so, I thought it was an island."

Nat and Ro rolled their eyes, silently complaining about Glenn's imagination
Then Nat pointed to the largest island in the center of the map and said:
"This is Kaido's base camp, the main force of his pirate group is here, and he usually spends the most time here"

Glenn nodded, this seemed to be the place where he was forced to eat the man-made devil fruit, and then Nat pointed to the three larger islands
"The geographical location of these three islands is quite special. Between the outermost periphery of the entire Kaido territory and the base camp, no matter which direction the enemy comes, the people on these three islands can arrive at the fastest speed, and Kaido The base camp is in the center of the triangle formed by these three islands, and these three islands are where Kaido’s big signboard, the Three Disasters, is stationed.”

"Three disasters? Isn't Jack all dead? Where did the three disasters come from? Isn't there only two left?"

Glenn said strangely, Nat rolled his eyes
"It's true that there are only two left, but the three disasters are easy to say, don't care about those details"

"oh oh"

Glenn nodded, and Nat continued:
"Because Jack was killed by you, the island where Jack was originally stationed has become the station of another confidant of Kaido, but that person is not as strong as Jack."

glen nods

"Well, you continue to talk"

Nat pointed to several other islands
"The pirate groups stationed on these islands are more loyal to Kaido. Even if we win, they are unlikely to follow us. Therefore, Luo and I agree that these pirate groups must be eliminated."

"Okay, then what?"

Glenn listened intently, and Nat pointed to two circled places on the map and continued:

"This direction is the territory of the red-haired Shanks. Although he seems to have nothing against us, I think we should be careful. This direction is the territory of Big Mom. We robbed Big Mom's Murloc Island and killed her. As long as we start a war with Kaido, BIG MOM will definitely take advantage of the fire, so I think we need to put some people here to guard.”

"Well, what about here, whose territory is here?"

Glenn noticed that besides the two directions mentioned by Nat, there was another direction circled in red, so he asked, and Nat smiled.

"I was just about to say, this is the direction of the territory of the remnant of Whitebeard. I think Ace should not be so shameless to take advantage of the fire. How can we be regarded as his saviors?"

Glenn nodded, based on what he knew about Ace, he would definitely not take advantage of the war between Glenn and Kaido to take advantage of the fire
"Actually, I have a plan that can prevent the BIG MOM pirates from taking advantage of us, but I have to use Ace and the others."

Nat said suddenly, and Glenn asked suspiciously:

"What plan?"

"Actually, the junction of Kaido's territory and Big Mom's territory is where Whitebeard used to be, so I want to use these territories to win over Ace to help us resist Big Mom. Afterwards, we will return these islands to Ace and the others. It is a conspiracy Well, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely not reject the affectionate character of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Glenn touched his chin and thought for a while, looked at Nat and Luo and asked:
"What do you two think?"

Nat spread his hands
"Both Luo and I tend to use them. After all, we actually have quite a lot of enemies in the New World. This can also attract an ally for us. To be honest, our troops are limited and we can't occupy so many islands."

"Okay, then you go talk to Ace about this."

Nat scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Well, I think it's better for you to talk to him personally about this, because you also know that I hypnotized Ace when I was imprisoned in Advance City and made him make a fool of himself, so he actually hated me all the time. I think if I go and say [-]% I'm going to screw it up"

Glenn thought about it, it seems that there is such a thing, Ace really doesn't like Nat very much, so Glenn nodded
"Okay, I'll call him and explain the situation"

(End of this chapter)

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