300 Lei Ying
Over the island of the Beast Pirates headquarters, a small island slowly flew forward under the control of Satie. Four Jailor Beasts stood on the edge of the island, and Satie sat on the shoulder of one of them, looking down. looking around

The Jailor Beast carrying Sati suddenly pointed at the bottom of the island and made a sound
"What's wrong, Taunos"

Satie asked suspiciously, Taunos pointed down again, Satie looked in the direction of his finger, and saw two people standing on the shore, one of them seemed to be looking up at them. direction

"Has it been discovered?"

Satie muttered, stretched out his hand and pointed at a stone on one side, the stone slowly floated up, and then Satie waved lightly to the two figures below

The stone slashed through the air and brought a piercing sound of wind, flying towards the two of them.


The stone hit the two of them straight, knocking them unconscious, and one of them was crushed under the stone
After knocking the two unconscious, Satie continued to control the flight of the island. Under the cover of night, he quickly came to the top of Kai's base camp. After stopping the island, Satie kicked the jailer beast below him.

"Taunos, phone"

Taunos twitched the snot hanging on his nose, took out a phone bug, put it in his hand and held it in front of Satie. Satie picked up the receiver and said to the person on the other side of the phone:

"Here we go, let's start"


The person on the phone answered and hung up.

The Shenlong was parked in the center of the island. In the cab of the Shenlong, a man who looked like a small captain put down the phone in his hand and shouted to the people in the cab:

Following his order, the people in the cab began to busy operate various things


At the same time, many pitch-black cylinders protruded from the sides and top of the Shenlong that was parked on the island, and then black smoke was sprayed from the cylinders, converging on the top of the Shenlong to form a huge thundercloud
More and more black smoke was ejected from the Shenlong, and the thunderclouds became bigger and bigger, eventually covering the entire sky above the island slowly, but the pirates on the island below were happy Playing around, no one notices the change in the sky
Solo stood on the deck of the Shenlong, looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky, and thought that it should be almost the same

Dazzling lightning flashed on Solo's body, a bolt of lightning struck backwards from Solo's body towards the thundercloud in the sky, the lightning disappeared instantly when it entered the thundercloud
There was no response for a long time after the lightning struck the thundercloud. Satie looked up with a puzzled expression, controlled her body to float up, and flew to the deck of the Shenlong. Apart from solo, Weipa and a large group of Sky Island fighters were on the deck. , Weipa greeted after seeing Satie
"Miss Sadie"

Satie pointed to the thundercloud on her finger and asked:

"Why no response, failed?"

"Probably not, didn't they all succeed at the Navy Headquarters last time?"

Wei Pa said with some uncertainty, Solo turned his head and glared at the two of them, dare not believe it


A burst of thunder came from the thick clouds, and at the same time several bolts of lightning flashed through the clouds
A sudden thunderclap startled Satie

"Hey, this looks much scarier than last time"

The huge thunder also attracted the attention of many pirates on the island below
"What's the matter, is it going to rain?"

"What a disappointment, I've only been drinking for a while"

The pirates below didn't pay much attention to the thunder. Although the thunderclouds had covered the entire sky, they were not afraid of the weather in a ghostly place like the New World.


Another burst of thunder came from the clouds

"NMD, what a fart, a kind of lightning strikes me to death"

A drunk pirate stood up, pointed at the sky and cursed, the people around him pointed at him and laughed


A thick bolt of lightning tore through the night and landed on the pirate

The pirates around felt their eyes suddenly brighten up, and the glaring light made them close their eyes unconsciously. When they recovered, they saw the pirate pointing at the sky and cursing just now, keeping the posture of pointing at the sky, his whole body Burnt black, bursts of burnt smell came from him


Immediately afterwards, the pirate fell straight down.
"what happened?"

"Damn from God?"

The pirates around are a little confused, and the wine is half awake at the same time

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

A panicked voice sounded, and the pirates followed the voice, only to see a guy covered in mud running towards the camp quickly, shouting loudly as he ran.

All the pirates looked at the shouting guy suspiciously, and a leading pirate stood up and questioned loudly

"Where is the enemy?"

"Heaven, heaven"

The pirate pointed to the sky with both hands and kept shouting, but his two hands did not hold the pants, and the pants slipped down, revealing two hairy thighs and a certain place between the two legs. strip

All the pirates laughed at him loudly when they saw his funny appearance, he lifted his pants with a blushing face, and shouted anxiously
"There is really an enemy attack, it's in the sky"

The leader-like pirate walked up to him and slapped him on the head
"The enemy's fart, a few mines will scare you like this, let's see how promising you are"

"No, captain, there are really enemies coming, and I was beaten."

The captain was a little annoyed, and when he was about to raise his hand to fight again, there was another thunderclap from the sky

The thunder this time was much louder than before, the captain looked up and looked puzzled.
"Why are there so many thunders today? There are only thunders but no rain."

"Hey? Do you see that cloud in the middle is falling?"

At this time, a pirate suddenly pointed to the sky and said, and the others took a closer look.

"It seems like hey, why does that cloud look like a ball?"

Hearing the voice of his subordinates, the captain also frowned and stared at the sky tightly for one second, two seconds. . .Five seconds later, the captain suddenly widened his eyes, turned around and shouted to the pirates on the island:
"Run! Run to the cave!"


All the pirates were stunned, but the captain had already run towards a cave first, and then all the pirates also realized that something was wrong, and ran towards a nearby cave
The spherical thundercloud in the sky engulfed countless thunderbolts and slowly descended towards Kaido's base camp, and small thunderbolts flashed continuously on the surface

As the thundercloud approached little by little, the pirates on the ground finally saw how big the spherical thundercloud was. The entire thundercloud had completely covered the sky over the island, and the flickering lights on the surface of the thundercloud The small thunderbolts are not small at all, each one is as thick as a bucket
A pirate stood on the ground and looked up at the approaching thundercloud, muttering to himself
"Is this the end of the world?"

"Run, don't look"

A pirate beside him tugged him and shouted anxiously, he turned his head and looked at his companion who was pulling him, his eyes were blank
"Where are you going?"

The companion was caught by his question and didn't know how to answer. At this time, the thunder cloud had almost fallen to the ground, and the companion had to leave him and run away, but he slowly raised his hand. After a few seconds, he hand touches the thundercloud


An earth-shattering sound came from the thundercloud, and the entire spherical thundercloud suddenly brightened, and violent thunder and lightning spread to the surroundings, and the blue-white lightning illuminated the entire sea area as bright as day

On the deck of the Shenlong, several people poked their heads and looked down
The island below is completely invisible at this time, only a dazzling light can be seen, so piercing that people can't even open their eyes

Weipa swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with an unbelievable expression on his face
"This, is this Lei Ying? This is almost comparable to the main gun."

Almost everyone else has the same expression, only Solo has a smug face, looking at the miserable situation below, constantly feeling embarrassed
Lei Ying's lightning did not gradually dissipate until a few minutes later. Everyone on the Shenlong looked at the dark island below and didn't know what to say. At this time, Sati licked his lips and said with a smile:
"It's time for us to play, Nat said that he would never leave a living."

Saying that, Sati jumped down from the air with four Jailor Beasts
After Satie jumped, Weipa muttered

"Is there any chance of life down here?"

Their original plan was that solo would use Lei Ying to clean Kaido's base camp, and then Weipa and Sati would lead the soldiers down to kill all the survivors, but Lei Ying's power was beyond Weipa's imagination. He now seriously doubts whether there are any survivors down here

But no matter how doubtful, the task to be done is still to be done, Weipa shouted to the soldiers behind him:

"Set off"


Weipa brought 1000 sky island warriors and 500 clone warriors. Under the leadership of Weipa, these people jumped off the deck of the Shenlong and the islands in the air, and launched the jet wind on their bodies when they were about to touch the ground. Bei, slow down the landing speed and land on the ground smoothly

After falling to the ground, Weipa found that there are really many people alive here, at least 3000 people are still alive, but their condition is not so good, and their bodies are a little burnt

How to say here is also Kaido's base camp, the pirates stationed here are not weak, so although Lei Ying's strength is very strong, there are still many people hiding in caves or other places, and the damage they receive is not that great

Sati had already led four Jailor Beasts to kill all the remaining pirates. Naturally, Weipa couldn't just watch. He took out the cannon behind his back and fired a cannon at the crowded place, and then shot at the The soldiers behind him shouted:


Following Weipa's order, 1000 sky island soldiers screamed and fought with the remaining pirates, and 500 clone warriors ate the enhanced version of the evil drug ES and rushed towards the pirates like mad dogs. The battle officially begins


On the deck of the Shenlong, Solo opened his mouth and yelled, and jumped off the deck of the Shenlong covered in lightning, and landed on the place with the largest number of people, transforming into a huge Thunder Leopard, killing all the enemies around him with one claw
(End of this chapter)

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