Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 311 The Arrival of the Yellow Ape

Chapter 311 The Arrival of the Yellow Ape
"What is that?"

Smoker stood on the deck of the warship, staring blankly at the fire dragon flying in the sky in the distance

At this time, the fire dragon suddenly spewed flames towards the ground, and the violent flames instantly engulfed half of the island. Even Smoker, who was so far away, felt waves of heat, and then spewed out another burst of flames from the island , stalemate in the air with the flames sprayed by the fire dragon


Smoker swallowed, looking at the pillar of fire that pierced the sky and the earth in the distance, his face was covered with sweat, his body trembled slightly, and there was a look of fear on his face, not only because of the terrifying pillar of fire, but also because of Kaido and Glenn. Overlord color is domineering, after the transformation of the two, the overlord color has added a kind of savage animality on top of the tyrannical atmosphere, which is even more frightening


A violent explosion came from the pillar of fire that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the flames produced by the explosion seemed to fill the entire sky and the earth, Smoker only had a dazzling flame in front of his eyes
Fortunately, Smog's warship was far away from the flames, but the shock wave of the explosion still reached here. The sea water rolled violently under the impact of the explosion, and the warship also began to bump.

Smoker gripped the railing tightly to prevent himself from falling, and stared straight ahead. This earth-shattering scene shocked him deeply. He only got this feeling from Whitebeard when he was on the top of the war. felt
A few minutes later, the tumbling of the sea gradually stopped, and the warship also stopped bumping. Smoker was lucky that the warship didn't turn over during the bumps just now
"Damn it, it's all fog, I can't see it at all, what happened?"

Smoker wiped the sweat off his face, picked up the binoculars on the ground and looked in the direction of Punk Hazard, but the sea was covered in fog, so he couldn't see anything

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this time, there were several loud and dull sounds from the fog, as if someone was smashing something hard on the ground


Then there was another sound of something collapsing, but Smoker still couldn't see what was going on inside
A few minutes later, the fog gradually dissipated, and Smoker was finally able to see the situation there clearly, but when he saw the situation inside, Smoker was shocked again

"Punk Hazard, sunk?!"

The island of Punk Hazard is sinking into the sea bit by bit at this time, and it has sunk more than half. Only some upside-down land and stones can be seen on the sea surface. After a few minutes, Punk Hazard completely sank into the bottom of the sea.
"Are you kidding, is this something humans can do?"

Smoker dropped the binoculars and took a few steps back. The scene in front of him has completely overturned his three views. He now wishes he was dreaming, but he knows that all this happened for real
"By the way! What about those two guys, didn't they sink into the sea with the island?"

Smoker suddenly remembered the two culprits that caused all this, and picked up the telescope again to look for Glenn and Kaido on the sea, but after searching around for a long time, they couldn't find them, Smoker frowned
"Where did it go?"

He absolutely did not believe that the two who possessed the power to cause everything in front of him would sink into the sea together with Punk Hazard, so he continued to search on the sea surface

Suddenly, a huge object hit the sea from the air, making a loud noise

Smoker hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, and when he saw the thing clearly, his expression was a little weird


The thing that suddenly hit the sea was a ship with a golden dragon's head on its prow. It was the same ship that Nat and Luo sent to watch Glenn and Kaido fight.

"How did the ship fall from the sky? Could it be..."

Thinking of a possibility, Smoker hurriedly raised the telescope and looked towards the sky. Among the high clouds, Smoker vaguely saw two black shadows moving around constantly. After adjusting the viewing distance of the telescope, I finally got a little clear view of the situation above the clouds

"What kind of monsters are those two people?"

The shock and fear on Smoker's face couldn't be concealed. Originally, he thought about coming to Glenn for revenge this time, but let alone revenge now. Looking at the two monsters fighting in the sky, he didn't even have any fighting spirit at all. He couldn't bring it up, he felt ashamed when he said it, he actually wanted to run away for a moment
"Ah, my head hurts, what's wrong with me?"

At this time, a female voice came from behind Smoker. Hearing the voice, Smoker turned his head and saw Da Siqi, who had collapsed on the ground and fainted, sitting on the ground and covering his head in pain.
Because Glenn and Kaido moved the battlefield to the air, and the height they are now at is very high, the warship is now out of the influence range of the domineering color of the two, and Dashiqi's strength is not bad, so it is already slowly waking up
Da Siqi shook her head, the feeling of headache gradually subsided. She opened her eyes and saw the fainted navy companion on the first deck.

"Wake up, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

"They're fine, they just fainted, and you fainted just now."

Smoker's voice sounded, Dashiqi followed the sound and glanced at Smoker. After seeing Smoker, she felt a little more at ease. She checked the breath of her companions and was relieved when she found that they were all alive.
"Lieutenant General Smoker, what's going on? How did we faint?"

Da Siqi asked suspiciously, Smoker took out his cigar, lit it, took a puff, and exhaled a puff of smoke. After taking a puff of smoke, his heart calmed down a little.

"You are stunned by Kaido and Glenn's domineering look"

"Domineering and domineering? So Kaido and Glenn are really fighting each other in Punk Hazard?"


"Where are they?"

Dashiqi threw herself on the railing of the deck, trying to see where the two were, but she only saw a vast sea, and Dashiqi looked back at Smoker suspiciously.

"Lieutenant General Smokey, have we left Punk Hazard yet?"

Did not see Punk Hazard Island, Dashiqi thought that the warship had left the waters near Punk Hazard, Smoker smoked a cigar
"No, we are still in the waters near Punk Hazard"

"Huh? What about Punk Hazard?"

Da Siqi scratched his head in confusion, there was obviously only sea water near the warship, and there were no traces of any islands at all.

Smoggy replied lightly

"Huh? What?"

Dashiqi didn't understand what Smoker meant, Smoker repeated it again

"Punk Hazard, sunk, sunk in the sea"

"Sink?! Lieutenant General Smoker, can you stop joking, how could such a large island sink?"

Dashiqi's first reaction was that Smoker was joking, but the expression on Smoker's face was more serious than ever, the kind of seriousness that Dashiqi had never seen before, Dashiqi swallowed
"Are you serious?"

Smoker nodded silently, Dashiqi was a little flustered holding his head

"How could it sink?"

Smoker took a puff of cigarette and explained what happened to Da Siqi, and Da Siqi was shocked after hearing it.
"You mean Glenn and Kaido's fight sank Punk Hazard?"


"This, how is this possible? I don't believe it. What about the two of them?"

Dashiqi still couldn't believe it, Smoker glanced at her

"What am I lying to you for? If you don't believe me, see for yourself"

Talking Smoker threw the telescope in his hand to Dashiqi, and pointed to the sky

Dashiqi hurriedly caught the binoculars thrown by Smoker, adjusted the glasses, put the binoculars in front of the glasses and looked into the sky, slowly turned his head, looking for the figures of Glenn and Kaido

Suddenly, Da Siqi threw the telescope and sat down on the ground as if frightened by something, pointing at the sky with trembling hands
"Then, what is that?"

"Oh, see? Do you believe it now?"

Da Siqi desperately nodded her head, she couldn't help but believe in the fact that those two terrifying monsters in the sky, even if they said they destroyed the world, Da Siqi would probably believe it

"Lieutenant General Smoker, what shall we do now?"

After calming down a bit, Dashiqi asked Smoker, Smoker leaned on the railing of the deck and smoked a cigar

"I don't know either, let's just watch it first, heh, maybe I should listen to you and wait for General Huang Yuan to arrive before acting."


Dashiqi obediently responded, she felt that Smoker seemed a little depressed, but she didn't know how to comfort Smoker, so she could only obediently accompany Smoker to look up at the sky
If you don't use binoculars from the warship, you can only vaguely see the two black shadows colliding non-stop, and you can't see the battle situation at all. You can't tell who is in the upper hand and who is in the disadvantage, but Smoker and Dashiqi are still very focused looking at

The battle situation in the sky seemed to have changed. A fire suddenly lit up in the clouds, accompanied by a roar, and then the roar continued, and the fire in the clouds began to flicker.

Suddenly, a long beam of fire spewed out from the clouds, straight to the sea surface, and the source of the flame seemed to be deflected by some attack, and the fire beam quickly passed across the sea surface

The high temperature of the fire beam instantly evaporated all the sea water it came into contact with, and drew a bottomless ravine thousands of meters long on the sea surface. The surrounding sea water flowed into the ravine, and the calm sea surface surged again. It also affected the warship and began to shake. Smoker and Dashiqi supported the deck to stabilize their bodies, and their faces couldn't hide their shock.

"Lieutenant General Smoker, heaven!"

The two finally stabilized their bodies, Dashiqi suddenly pointed at the sky and roared, Smoker looked in the direction of Dashiqi's finger, and saw a lot of fireballs flying out of the sky, each of which was bigger than a warship. It was still big, and it kept hitting the sea, and one of them happened to hit the warship
Dashiqi's small face turned pale with fright, and looked at Smoker as if asking for help, but unfortunately Smoker couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't block a fireball of this size


Suddenly, a beam of laser light was shot from a distance, hitting the fireball and detonating it high in the air, lifting the crisis of the warship
(End of this chapter)

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