Chapter 33
Magic Valley Town is the only town on Gaya Island, but it is an illegal place, where many pirates gather
If Jason went to Gaya Island and wanted to replenish supplies, he would definitely come to Magic Valley Town, so Glenn chose to ambush Jason here, but Glenn was not sure if Jason had already been to Gaya Island, after all he wasted some time on the road

In order to find out the news, Glenn decided to visit the tavern in the town
But now there is a problem, that is, he is now wearing a navy uniform, if he just walks into the town like this, he will definitely attract the attention of others, since it is an ambush, he should not attract too much attention

But he didn't have any clothes to change, and the clothes fell into the sea. After thinking about it, Glenn finally took off his navy uniform and burned it, and walked into the town of Magic Valley naked.

Walking into the town of Magic Valley, there are people fighting and fighting everywhere on the street, and you can even vaguely see corpses surrounded by flies in some dark alley corners
Glenn thought this was even more chaotic than Area 17 when he was working in the Chambord Islands.
Then Glenn looked around, and finally found a relatively large bar in the center of the town, and he could hear the noisy sound of the bar from outside the door


Glenn pushed open the door and walked into the bar. Hearing the sound of the door opening, all the people in the bar looked towards the door, and the bar was completely silent.

Glenn ignored the gazes of these pirates, walked to the table in front of the bar and sat down

The bartender glanced at Glenn and asked with a smile:

"Come on something?"

The bartender is wearing a white shirt and glasses. He looks refined and looks out of place among a group of vicious pirates in the bar.
After running for so long, Glenn was a little thirsty, so he said:
“All you need for a drink”

"OK, wait"

Then the bartender picked up the mixing glass and began to mix drinks for Glenn. At this time, Glenn wanted to ask the bartender about Jason, but before he opened his mouth, a disgusting voice behind him said:

"Little white face, look at you, can you drink?"

Glenn turned the chair and looked at the person who spoke just now. It was an ugly pirate with multiple scars on his face.
The Scar Pirate saw Glenn turn around, and continued:
"Hey, looking at this little girl, I thought she was a bitch, hahaha"

The other pirates in the bar also laughed, and the noise in the bar resumed again.
Glenn put his hand on his forehead helplessly. This is the second time today that he has been ridiculed because of his appearance.

To be honest, Glenn also hates his current appearance. Every time he wants to show a scary smile when he kills, it will turn into a very gentle smile in the end. This face seems to be unable to show any horror or fierce expression at all.
Seeing Glenn covering his forehead, the Scar Pirate thought that Glenn was too afraid to look at him, so he became even more presumptuous, stood up and walked towards Glenn

"Why don't you talk, maybe she's really a bitch, look at this tender skin, come, let me appraise it"

After speaking, he actually smiled slyly and touched Glenn's chest with his bare upper body

However, as soon as he stretched his hand halfway, he could no longer stretch it forward an inch, because his entire arm had been cut off from the shoulder by Glenn, and blood spurted from the cut.

The scar pirate wailed in pain, covering the wound on his shoulder with his hands
Glenn stretched out his right index finger to Scar Pirate's chest
finger gun
Glenn's fingers stabbed into Scar Pirate's chest continuously like a machine gun, and soon Scar Pirate's chest was in a mess, with countless blood holes dripping blood
When the Scar Pirate lost consciousness and was about to fall to the ground, Glenn sat on a chair and kicked the Scar Pirate
A blue crescent streaked across the body of Scar Pirate, passed through the wall of the bar, and dissipated on the street

The Scar Pirate's body slowly fell from the wound in the middle to both sides, and the intestines and viscera flowed all over the floor

The laughter in the bar stopped, and everyone looked at Glenn and the mess on the ground dumbfounded.

Glenn looked at the quiet pirates and said with a smile:
"Laugh, why don't you laugh anymore, didn't you laugh happily just now?"

At this time, Glenn's smile looked like a devil's smile to the pirates in the bar, even if this smile was really kind

Suddenly, a pirate slapped the table and took out a pistol and pointed it at Glenn.
"Boy, don't be too arrogant, it's just killing a trash, believe it or not, let me shoot..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that Glenn disappeared on the chair, and only the chair was slowly turning there. Then the pirate felt pain in his wrist, and he looked down at his wrist. His right hand has disappeared along with the pistol, leaving only a wound that is gushing blood

"Ah! my hand, my hand"

The pirate grabbed his wrist and kept screaming. Glenn was standing beside him, holding his severed hand and gun in his hand.
Glenn yanks the gun from his severed hand and plays with the pistol
The gun in One Piece World Glenn has only played with the navy's standard long gun, and has never played with a pistol. This pistol is quite beautiful, with a lot of gems inlaid on it.

Glenn pointed his gun at the howling pirate and pulled the trigger


The wailing stopped abruptly, and the pirate fell to the ground
“It’s quite powerful”


Then he shot and killed a pirate next to him.

"It went off, sorry sorry"


Another pirate fell to the ground. No matter how stupid the pirates were, they could tell that Glenn was not going to let them go, so they rushed towards Glenn to kill him.

1 minutes later

Glenn walked to the chair in front of the bar and sat down. The bartender stood there blankly, still holding a mixing glass in his hand. Glenn grabbed the mixing glass from the bartender's hand and drank it down.
The bartender stood there not daring to move. Glenn stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes. The bartender suddenly covered his head and shouted:
"Don't kill me, don't kill me"

"Hey, stop shouting, I won't kill you"

But Glenn's voice didn't work, the bartender was still shouting, Glenn helplessly stretched out his hand and slapped the bartender in the face

The bartender finally fell silent, standing there trembling and watching Glenn
"Can I ask you a question?"

bartender nodding frantically

"Has Jason ever been to this island?"

"Which Jason?"

The bartender asked weakly, and Glenn said impatiently:

"The captain of the Jason Pirates, the murderer Jason, has a reward of 3 million Baileys."

The bartender thought about it carefully
"never come"

Knowing that Jason hadn't been here yet, Glenn was relieved, he finally didn't come in vain

"Thank you"

Speaking of which, Glenn wanted to get up and leave, but just halfway up, Glenn sat down again, and stretched out his hand to touch the bartender's shirt.
“The clothes are nice”

The bartender looked at Glenn who was shirtless. He was quick-witted and immediately understood what Glenn meant. He quickly took off his shirt and put it neatly folded in front of Glenn.
"Give it to you"

Glenn took the clothes and put them on, not to mention, they fit pretty well
"Thank you, bye"

Said Glenn walked out of the bar in a white shirt
As soon as Glenn left, the bartender sat down on the ground, panting heavily. He swore that this was the closest he was to death in his life.


At this time, there was another sound of opening the door. The bartender thought it was Glenn who came back, so he quickly stood up to check. It was not Glenn who came in, but a town resident and a frequent visitor to their bar.
No sooner had the man opened the bar door than he shouted:
"Why is it so quiet today, where are people going to die, vomit..."

Before he finished speaking, he began to vomit continuously, because the scene in the bar at this time was really horrible
Countless stumps and broken arms are everywhere, and most of the original white walls in the bar have turned red, and there is an eyeball of some unlucky person under his feet.
(End of this chapter)

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