Chapter 370 Mirror
"Good morning, Mr. Shanks"

Nat came out of his room, came to the deck and saw Shanks smiled and said hello

Shanks glances at Nat

"Good morning? It's already 11 o'clock"

Nat looked up at the sky

"It seems to be true, the sun is so big"

"You are so relaxed"

Nat went to the edge of the deck and stretched
"Of course it's leisurely. Mr. Shanks guards against me like he guards against thieves. Even my room is next to Mr. Shanks's. The phone bug has also been confiscated. Now I don't even know where we are."

Shanks and Nat have set off from their territory for three days. In order to prevent Nat from committing any tricks, Shanks put Nat under house arrest on his pirate ship and cut him off from all contact with the outside world.

And Nat was not angry. Every day on Shanks’ pirate ship was like a vacation. He didn’t get up until noon every day. After getting up, he didn’t do anything serious. The chef of Shanks wants delicious food, or read a book quietly in the room, in short, he looks harmless to humans and animals
"In another hour we will reach the target sea area"

Nat said with some surprise:

"So it's already here, does Mr. Shanks have any battle plan?"

"I heard that the war between your pirate group and Kaido and Big Mom is a battle plan made by you, I want to hear your opinion"

"Mr. Shanks actually wants to hear my opinion? I said you wouldn't take it, would you?"

"Whether you talk or not is your business, and whether you listen or not is my business"

nat shrugged
"Well, my opinion is to fight directly. With the leadership of a strong man like Mr. Shanks, the coalition forces of the world government will definitely collapse at a touch."

Shanks smiled
"Good idea, actually I thought so too, how about you bring someone to lead us?"

Nat smiled too
"Of course, as long as Mr. Shanks can trust me"

Shanks put away the smile on his face. Of course he can’t trust Nat. In fact, Shanks doesn’t intend to let Nat participate in this war. He intends to keep Nat under house arrest until the end of the war. He sent it back to Glenn to trade Beckman back

Seeing that the smile on Shanks' face disappeared, Nat suddenly said to Shanks solemnly:
"Mr. Shanks, in fact, you don't have to be so guarded against me. This war is about the survival of the pirates in the whole new world. If we lose, our pirate group will be no good. I will try my best to help you."

Although what Nat said was very sincere, Shanks remembered that Beckman told him to be careful of Nat before he left, no matter what he said, he could not believe it, so Shanks shook his head
"No need, as long as you stay here obediently"

Nat spread his hands
"All right"

"But I want to borrow those ships from your pirate group."

"Of course, you are free, they will definitely be very obedient"

"Ah That's good"

Shanks actually didn't want to use the things of the Fire Dragon Pirates at all, but those flying pirate ships were too useful for the war, and Shanks couldn't refuse

"By the way, Mr. Shanks, since you want to borrow the ship of our pirate group, can I also make a small request?"

Shanks frowned

"any request?"

"May I have a mirror"

Shanks looked at Nat warily.
"Why do you need a mirror?"

Nat said helplessly:
"Mr. Shanks, can you not always think that I have a conspiracy, I just want a mirror to organize my clothes, in fact, you can also see that I pay more attention to personal image, so every morning I will Arranging my appearance in front of the mirror, but there is not even a reflective thing in the room you gave me."

Shanks looked Nat up and down. Nat was wearing a neat suit, his leather shoes were polished shiny, and his hair was neatly arranged.

Shanks looked down at himself again, he was wearing slippers, printed cropped trousers, a white shirt that was only half buttoned, and a black cape casually draped over his body
The corner of Shanks’ mouth twitched. He usually stays with his crew. Those guys don’t pay much attention to their personal image, so Shanks didn’t feel anything, but compared with Nat today, Shanks felt hurt yourself
"Mr. Shanks, it doesn't matter how you want me to be under house arrest, but how can we say that we are still allies now? Even under house arrest, there must be some human rights. If you are really worried, you can put me in Hailoushi handcuffs."

Shanks thought about it carefully, what kind of conspiracy can a mirror have, and just like what Nat said, Shanks can handcuff Nat with Shanghai Stone handcuffs when he goes to fight, so Nat can't find anything storm

"Okay, I'll have a mirror installed in your room in a moment"

Nat thanked happily:

"Thank you, Mr. Shanks, then I'll go back and wait."


Then Nat returned to his room happily. After a while, several pirates brought a mirror to Nat's room. Nat immediately arranged his clothes happily in front of the mirror.
That night, Shanks dispatched a ship of the Fire Dragon Pirates to covertly explore the situation on the island where the world government coalition forces led by Aokiji were stationed.

Early the next morning, Shanks led his men to launch a tentative attack from the sea, this time the attack undoubtedly failed

Because after entering the range of the marines, Aokiji shot immediately to freeze the entire sea, and all the pirate ships stopped in place and could not move. The pirates could only get off the ship and walk along the ice to attack the island.

But there was no cover on the ice, and the pirates were completely exposed to the naval artillery fire, and more than half of them were killed by the artillery fire before they rushed to the shore, so Shanks' first tentative attack ended in annihilation.
Fortunately, this time they didn't send too many people, and the loss of the Pirate Alliance was not too great.

The sea attack didn't work, Shanks decided to try it from the sky, so Shanks sent the Dragon Pirates' ship to try to attack from the air that night, but it still failed
This time it was Fujitora's hand. Fujitora's gravity fruit can even pull down meteorites, not to mention a few ships.

But Shanks also quickly came up with a countermeasure. Since Fujitora can shoot down the spaceship, let him shoot it down. Shanks emptied all the cabins of the spaceship and filled them with explosives, leaving only one pilot

After Fujitora shot down the spaceship again this time, all the spaceships exploded, causing great losses to the navy, but when Shanks wanted to use this trick again, the navy hid in the dug In the burrow, this strategy also quickly failed.

Later, someone on the pirate side came up with a way to deal with Aokiji’s freezing, broke off the extra swords, and put them on the soles to make simple skate shoes. Aokiji’s freezing let him freeze, and the pirates just discarded it. The pirate ship uses ice skates to drive the road, so that the speed is faster than that of the pirate ship, and it also greatly reduces the number of pirates destroyed by artillery fire on the ice, and can fight with the navy.

Fighting with short soldiers against pirates is completely worthy of the navy. Although there are few people, they have the four emperors Shanks on their side. If Shanks is allowed to wreak havoc on the battlefield, the navy side will be defeated soon. To live in Shanks, Aokiji, Fujitora, and Garp have to mobilize at least two people, so the other cadres of the red-haired pirates are not fuel-efficient, so although the pirates do not have the upper hand, they still compete with the navy hard fight

The navy and the pirates saw each other's tricks, and they fought fiercely. In the farther sea area, Shanks' main ship was parked here, and Nat was still under house arrest on board, and he was also handcuffed with sea stones.
There are people watching Nat on the pirate ship all the time, but Nat has been performing very well these days, and the people watching him have gradually relaxed their vigilance. In the middle of the night, Nat walked to the mirror in the room according to the specific rules. Rhythm Knock Knock

After a while, the picture in the mirror began to change, turning into a world of grids, the walls were full of mirrors, and then Bree's face appeared in the mirror
Nat asked after seeing Bree:
"How's the battle going on Shanks' side?"

Bree thought for a while and answered:
"He and the navy have seen each other, and now it has completely turned into head-to-head, but Shanks has some advantages. If there is no accident, he should win."

Nat nodded
"It's about the same as I thought, the high-end combat power of the red-haired pirates is too dominant, what about the other two places?"

"There is no big movement on Ace's side. It is said that Luo thought of a way. They surrounded the world government coalition forces who came to support them, and they wanted to draw the navy out of the island. They are currently waiting. Glenn's side has been there constant attack"

Nat frowned and said to himself:
"This guy Luo, is he really soft-hearted? Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway."

Then Nat asked Bree
"How's Katakuri and Cracker going?"

"They are ready, but are they really not in danger?"

"Be obedient and there is no danger"

Bree asked with some concern:

"Will you really let us go afterwards?"

"Yes, why do I have to lie to you, stop talking nonsense, did you bring the master key I asked you to bring?"

Bree nodded, and threw a key to Nat from the mirror world, and Nat took it and inserted it into Hailoushi handcuffs

After seeing that it was indeed useful, Nat handed the key to Bree, handcuffed the handcuffs again, and then said to Bree:

"Tomorrow, I will stay in my room and read a book. Tomorrow, as long as Shanks goes to attack the navy, you will tell Grid to start the operation, and then bring the key and come to me."

"Understood, don't you need to inform Luo?"

"No need, let him play by himself"

"Okay, I'll go then"


Then the mirror returned to its original shape, and Nat went to bed and began to rest

The next day, after preparing for a while, Shanks started to attack the navy again, and this time Shanks brought all the troops, and planned to fight the navy. After the battle started, the pirates and the navy started a fierce battle

During the battle, Garp and Fujitora dealt with Shanks alone like a few days ago. During the fierce battle between the three, the fat Lagilu suddenly ran to Shanks and said to him:

"Shanks, Nat is missing"

(End of this chapter)

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