Chapter 46
Glenn and Kulik came down from the top of the huge bean vine after ringing the bell, and came to the temple again
At this time, the courtyard of the temple was full of people, and the Sandia people and the original guards who were imprisoned by Enilo were confronting each other with swords drawn.
Glenn said after seeing this scene:

"Everyone is here, it's very lively"

The two parties in the courtyard heard the sound and turned to look at Glenn and Kulik who were walking step by step.

Kulik felt very uncomfortable being stared at by so many people at the same time, but Glenn seemed unaffected at all. He walked through the two parties, walked to the broken throne, and sat down.
Dashan walked up to Glenn and lowered himself

"God, the chieftain of the Sandians and former god Gamfur has come"

"Oh, I see"

Glenn looked at the two parties in the courtyard and said with a smile:
"I think you should know that Enel has been killed by me, so I am the new god now, do you have any objections?"

Before the chief of Sandia and Ganfort said anything, a god guard suddenly shouted:

"You said that you killed Enil, and you killed him, and even if Enil died, it should be our Lord Gamfur who became a god again. What are you?"


A bullet accurately hit the God Guard's forehead, and the God Guard fell down in response. Glenn was holding a pistol snatched from Gaya Island in his hand, and the gun was still emitting a faint smoke

"Anyone else have questions?"


Although Glenn killed the opponents very decisively, a gun could not have such a strong deterrent effect. Several people who had a good relationship with the God Guard who died just now rushed forward to avenge him
"Wait a moment"

Ganfur saw a few god guards rushing up and stopped him immediately, but it was too late

A huge blue crescent streaked across their bodies, several of them were cut off in half, and the huge blue crescent flew a long distance before dissipating slowly

The rest of the god guards watched the huge crescent moon dissipating in the distance, and swallowed silently
The people in Sandia had seen Glenn's methods before, so they were not too surprised, but they also looked dignified.
"Now we can communicate normally, does anyone have any comments?"

Seeing that no one spoke, Glenn continued:

"First of all, let's talk about the Sandia people. Don't you always want to take back your hometown? Don't take it. I allow you to live in Apayado as you like, but the same is true for other people on Sky Island. They want to live in Apayado. live whatever you want”

Just after Glenn finished speaking, Weipa stepped forward and said:
"This is our hometown, why should we share it with others"

Glenn pointed the pistol at Weipa
"If you don't agree, I'll kill you until you agree. If you don't believe me, come and try."

After hearing this, Weipa rushed forward to fight Glenn to the death, but was stopped by the chief, who said to Glenn:
"God, we can agree with what you said, but we want to know where the bell just now came from"

Originally, after Weipa went back to find the chief, the chief was hesitant about whether to meet the new god. After all, he was very clear about the virtues of the previous gods. However, when the golden bell rang, the chief immediately changed his mind and went to meet this new god
Glenn heard the chief say:

"You mean the golden bell, right? It's on the top of the huge bean vine. You can take it if you want it. Anyway, that thing is yours. You can knock it however you want in the future, but be careful not to break it."

The chief trembled with excitement when he heard Glenn's words.
"Are you serious?"

"Of course, by the way, let me introduce someone to you"

After speaking, he waved to Kulik, and Kulik stepped forward

"This is a descendant of Rolando, there should be records in your clan, Rolando."

The chief said in shock

"Is he really a descendant of Rolando?"

"Of course, it's absolutely true, look at this brain shape, the whole world can't find a second one"

As he spoke, he patted the chestnut on Kulik's head. Kulik patted Glenn's hand away and asked:
"Who are these people?"

"I forgot to tell you, they are the aborigines of the Golden Country. Your ancestor Rolando should have met them when he went to the Golden Country 400 years ago. There should be a record in his diary."

Kulik nodded, walked up to the chief and started talking with the chief
Glenn saw that he had solved the Sandian's problem, and turned to Ganfur:

"Do you have any comments on the question just now?"


In fact, Ganfur has always hoped that the Shandia and the residents of Sky Island can coexist peacefully. Now he has no reason to object, although the god in front of him is a bit cruel.

"It's good that you have no objection. Although I have become a new god, I will not stay here forever, so I want to find someone to manage Sky Island after I leave. I hope you can cooperate with the chief of the Sandia Let’s jointly manage the sky island, I don’t know what you want.”

After Glenn said that, why is Ganfort dissatisfied, and he also knows that if he refuses, he will probably be killed

"I agree"

glen snapped his fingers

"Very good, then the chiefs of Gamfur and Sandia will be the two priests in charge of all the affairs of the Kingdom of God, Dashan, you will still be your commander, and all the troops of Sky Island will be under your control in the future "


Dashan replied that he thought it would be good to survive, but he didn't expect to be able to continue to be the commander of the magic soldier. Dashan was very happy in his heart

After that, things were much simpler. Gamfur and the chief announced new gods and new laws to the residents of the kingdom of gods, and Glenn also showed his face

The Sandia moved back to their hometown - Sandora, and they also moved the golden bell down, which would ring once a day

Perhaps because the ancestors were good friends, Kulik and Weipa became good friends who talked about everything within a few days
And that giant python, the Lord of the Sky, has completely become Kulik's pet. Kulik can do whatever he wants it to do, and has become the protector of the Sandia people. The only drawback is that he eats too much
Dashan combined the Sandian warriors and the original god guards of Sky Island to form a new god guard. Glenn asked Dashan to teach all the god guards Xinwang, and also taught him the six styles and armed color domineering God Guard, it doesn't matter how long it takes to learn Glenn

By the way, there are also the two priests who were stunned by Glenn at the beginning. The bird rider is already dead. The guy who is like a ball has two younger brothers who were killed by Glenn in the battle between Glenn and Enel. Lu was killed by lightning, but he turned his anger on Glenn and wanted to kill Glenn for revenge, but was shot dead by Glenn in the end.

In the days that followed, Glenn temporarily lived on Sky Island, practicing knowledge-colored arrogance every day, teaching God Guards to practice, and trying to enter the invisible state of knowledge-colored arrogance once again when he was fighting with Enel

Glenn gave this state a name, because it was comprehended during the battle with the god Enel, so in memory of Enel, Glenn named it "God Hidden"

The cultivation of Shenyin was not very smooth. Glenn had been practicing on Sky Island for nearly half a year before he fully mastered Shenyin.
The effect is quite obvious. If Glenn stands still in one place, he will not be able to detect him at all. Only when Glenn moves can he feel a little bit. When Glenn attacks others, he will completely disappear. Disappeared, as if appearing out of thin air in the perception of knowledge and domineering

After fully mastering the hidden spirit, Glenn decided to leave Sky Island. He has stayed here for too long, and the one-year trial of the training camp is coming soon. If Glenn does not go back, he may be expelled from the training camp.
So Glenn found Kulik and asked him if he wanted to leave together. Kulik had fulfilled his wish and decided to go back to Qinghai with Glenn.
(End of this chapter)

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