Chapter 64
The Fire Rat King pounced on Glenn, and Glenn jumped back. The Fire Rat King's claws slapped a small hole on the ground, then stretched his head forward, biting Glenn, and Glenn took another step back to hide. fire rat king mouth



The Fire Rat King's big tail hit Glenn again, flying him to the wall, but this time Glenn had a warning in his heart and blocked it with an iron block, but he was still sore from the blow

Glenn just fell off the wall when he saw a fireball flying towards him

Glenn's pupils shrank, and it was too late to dodge, so he quickly covered his face with his hands, trying to forcefully carry the fireball

The fireball exploded, and Glenn felt like he was in a sea of ​​flames. The surrounding area was extremely hot, but this feeling came and went quickly, and soon the flames dissipated, revealing Glenn's figure

The fire mouse fur on Glenn's body has been burnt and leaked several holes. It seems that the fur of these little fire mice still has an upper limit, but these furs still saved Glenn's life and prevented him from being burned to death directly.
Seeing that Glenn was not dead, the Fire Rat King opened his mouth to breathe fire again. Glenn didn't want to be beaten by this stinky mouse all the time, waving his paws
Lan Claw
Five blue crescents flew into the mouth of the Fire Mouse King, the flames in the Fire Mouse King's mouth disappeared instantly, and he closed his mouth, with an expression of eating shit, it seemed that he was hit by Lan Claw and flew into his mouth not so good

The Fire Mouse King glared at Glenn, and rushed towards Glenn fiercely. In his anger, the Fire Mouse King was much faster than before, and rushed to Glenn in an instant, and slapped Glenn with his paw.
Although the speed of the Fire Mouse King was faster, it was still within the tolerance range. Glenn quickly jumped back to avoid the Fire Mouse King's claws
In anger, the Fire Mouse King chased Glenn and attacked Glen with his paws and mouth. While dodging, Glenn wondered why the Fire Mouse King didn't whip him with his tail. He looked up and saw that the Fire Mouse King's eyes were full of anger , it is estimated that I was dazzled by anger and forgot to use the tail
This is the best opportunity for Glenn to attack the Fire Rat King at close range since the start of the fight. Of course, Glenn will not miss it. He concentrated all his strength on his right hand to avoid an attack from the Fire Rat King. , like a dagger, stabbed his finger into the chest of the Fire Rat King

The expected piercing didn't happen. Glenn's hand only pierced two knuckles and it was difficult to penetrate. When Glenn was about to push harder, the Fire Rat King finally remembered its tail. draw towards glen


Glenn was sent flying again. Glenn couldn't count the number of times he was whipped by that tail. When the tail of the Fire Rat King waved, he couldn't even see a shadow. can't react

The Fire Rat King chased Glenn again. This time it learned to be smart and knew that only its tail could hurt Glenn, so it feinted with its claws first, and then took the opportunity to slap Glenn with its tail.
Glenn was beaten out of temper. After flying out again, Glenn began to escape along the circular platform. Glenn didn't plan to fight the Fire Rat King until he figured out a way to deal with the tail.

After realizing the difficulty of defeating the Fire Rat King, Glenn actually wanted to escape. Before running away, Glenn was cautious and used his knowledge and arrogance to detect the situation in the four passages. Those little Fire Rats did not run away at all. Instead, they all hid at the corners of the passages, as if they were blocking Glenn.
Glenn believed that as long as he dared to run into the passage, those little fire rats would definitely entertain Glenn with flames immediately. If the fire rat king also sprayed Glenn with flames, then he would be attacked on both sides. The tattered fire mouse skin will definitely be burned to ashes

So no matter what, Glenn has to deal with the Rat King before he can escape.

The Fire Rat King chased Glenn for a few laps, but he couldn't catch up with Glenn. He opened his mouth to gather flames and prepared to spray Glen with flames. Although Glenn had been running, he was always observing the Fire Rat King with his knowledge. Seeing that it is about to breathe fire, immediately turn around and hit the haze claw

When the Fire Mouse King saw the Lan Claw flying over, he immediately closed his mouth. The Lan Claw slashed on the Fire Mouse King's head without even cutting off a single hair, which shows the strong defensive power of the Fire Mouse King's fur

This is not difficult to understand, the Fire Rat King stays in the magma all day long, if the body defense is not strong enough, he would have been crushed to death by the pressure of the magma

From the beginning to the end, Glenn's attack only had an effect on the attack on the Fire Rat King's chest. Although it didn't penetrate too deep, it at least broke the defense. Next, Glenn will use that small wound if he wants to win.
Glenn already had a way in his mind to severely injure the Fire Rat King, but he had to get close to the Fire Rat King, and the long tail of the Fire Rat King obviously wouldn't give him this chance

Although the Fire Rat King's fur has amazing defenses, Glenn's armed claws can still penetrate its skin, but the strength is not enough to penetrate Glenn's claws into the depths of the Fire Rat King's skin
Thinking of this, Glenn suddenly had a solution to the Fire Rat King's tail. He suddenly stopped running away, turned around and remained motionless, staring at the Fire Rat King closely.

Seeing Glenn suddenly stop, the Fire Rat King was puzzled, but he didn't care about that much. In order to avoid any further troubles, he directly slammed his tail on Glenn, and the huge force directly pulled Glenn to the wall in, embedded in
Glenn was embedded in the wall with his eyes closed and motionless. The Rat King looked at Glenn suspiciously. He didn't expect Glenn to faint so easily. The Rat King opened his mouth and was about to spray Glenn with fire when he suddenly remembered What closed its mouth, it decided to use its tail to beat this man to death

"clap clap"

The big tail was slapped on Glenn, and Glenn's slapped body kept moving towards the wall. Even so, Glenn didn't open his eyes. The more the Rat King was slapped, the happier he was.


Suddenly there was a sound of something being pierced, and the Rat King felt severe pain from his tail. The Rat King looked at his tail and saw that Glenn's left arm was nailed to it like a nail. on the tail

Glenn hugged the Fire Rat King's tail with his left hand, and his right hand clawed and slashed at the Fire Mouse King's tail. The tail of the Fire Rat King was quickly caught by Glenn, and Glenn thought it would be like this Cut off the fire rat king's tail
The Fire Rat King also realized Glenn's intentions, it swung its tail and smashed Glenn on the ground and walls
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Glenn's body was constantly being thrown back and forth, but the skin on the tail of the Fire Rat King had been cut by Glenn, and Glenn would be able to cut off its tail after some time. Now it looks like the Fire Rat King's. Was the tail broken first or Glenn was thrown to death by the Fire Rat King first?


Glenn spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and was constantly hit hard. No matter how strong Glenn's body was, he couldn't stand it anymore. Glenn knew that his body was going to be unable to hold on anymore, so he had to speed up and cut off the Fire Rat King's body. tail, so he attacked Fire Rat King's tail even more frantically
The Fire Rat King realized that if this continues, its tail must be broken first. It must find a way. At this time, it aimed at the magma pool in the center. With a way, it controlled its tail and wanted to immerse Glenn into the magma pool.

If he was put into the magma pool, Glenn would really be done. In desperation, Glenn mobilized all the strength of his body and stabbed the Fire Rat King's tail with one claw.
"Break me!"

With Glenn's roar, the Fire Rat King's tail was finally cut off by Glenn, but at this time Glenn was already above the magma pool, and he was about to fall into the magma pool
Glenn's current physical condition is very poor, and he can't even use moon steps. At this extremely critical moment, Glenn pointed his right hand at the magma pool below and sprayed a beam of flames. With the thrust of the flames, he successfully landed. to the shore
(End of this chapter)

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