Pirate: Sword Fairy

Chapter 273 Return to Murloc Island

Chapter 273 Return to Murloc Island

The Whitebeard Pirates, on the Moby Dick.That night, a grand banquet was held here.

Ace sat with Yamato and Wanze. Yamato has been listening to the adventures of Ace and Wanze since they left Wano Country last time.

The two went to challenge the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, but the result was inevitable, and they were defeated by Whitebeard.

Then not long after, Ace chose to join the Whitebeard Pirates because he was moved by the family friendship in the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Wanze chose to leave. Compared with fighting with the world's number one pirate group in the new world, Wanze's adventure is still more complicated, whether it is to get pure gold or win over the golden emperor Gilder Tezolo.Or help the Revolutionary Legion and rebel against a country.

After that, it was his trip to hunt down traitors with Ace, but the exposure of Ace's identity became the target of the navy's pursuit.

Since then, the war on the top has come. Although this war has completely launched the name of the number one pirate group in the world, with the fall of Whitebeard, the pirate group of Whitebeard has gradually gone downhill.

But now, the alliance between the two of them is enough to challenge other emperors!The strength of each captain has been greatly improved.

And Ace has tempered the rare natural fruit to the point of awakening.In addition, Wan Ze's explosive power is no less than or even higher than that of the Four Emperors.

The current Whitebeard Pirates are really not afraid of the attacks of the other emperors or the navy.

"Yamato, are you really not going to join the Whitebeard Pirates?" Ace asked casually after taking a sip of his wine.

"Haha, no, since I promised Wanze to join the Sword Immortal Pirates, I won't go back on my word."

"Hehe." Wan Ze squinted his eyes, "I remember you didn't seem to say that at the beginning, isn't your ultimate goal the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Um, isn't it still a while, if you make me like your pirate group, why don't I just leave!"

Wanze was speechless, he didn't have much fun here, it's better to send Yamato to the Straw Hat Pirates as soon as possible.

While the Whitebeard Pirates were happily having a banquet, the Beasts Pirates were extremely gloomy.Beast Kaido sat on the main seat without saying a word, and the three big kanbans in front of him also did not dare to touch Kaido.

"The matter about the kidnapping of Master Yamato. It must be because the enemy is too cunning! They sneaked into the ghost island while the three of us were away."

Plague Quinn was holding a cigar in his mouth, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and said cautiously.

"I'll send someone out right away and bring Master Yamato back immediately!"

"Hmph!" Kaido stopped drinking, and threw the wine gourd in his hand to the ground. "That idiot son, I've been thinking about handing over the post of general of Wano country to him after a while!"

"Leave him alone, let him fend for himself outside, what matters now is what that guy Doflamingo said, and the preparations to snatch ancient weapons! Our ultimate goal is to take over this world! !"

Kaido stood up slowly, and under the puzzled gazes of the three billboards, he gradually transformed into Jackie Chan and left the island of ghosts.

And Kaido's destination is an empty island in the new world.And his goal is also very simple, just want to jump off from above, nothing more.

When the banquet of the Whitebeard Pirates ended, Ace and the captains bid farewell to Yamato.Although she is Kaido's child, when she finished talking about her relationship with Kozuki Oden, they have already agreed with this little Oden fan who is not young and mentally ill.

"Wanze! Where shall we go next?"

After leaving the Whitebeard Pirates, Yamato remained excited all the time, as if he had inexhaustible strength, and was full of curiosity about everything outside.

"Who knows? My pirate group has never had a certain place to go, basically they just follow the trend, or wherever they want to go."

"Eh? Then! I can go wherever I want."

Originally thought that Yamato would be bored, and thus lost interest in their pirate group, but I didn't expect to see Yamato's appearance, as if he was happier.

"In this case, let me designate the destination!" Yamato patted his chest, and then fell into thinking, as if he was really thinking about where to go next.

Yamato took out Kozuki Oden's logbook again, and after looking through it carefully for a while, he suddenly said to Wanze.

"The first goal is to be on Murloc Island! I'm really curious about what it looks like there. It's said to be 1 meters below the seabed. Isn't it pitch black there?"

"Well, they have their own light source, so even if they are on the bottom of the sea, it's not dark for me, but, what about Murloc Island?"

Thinking about it carefully, Wan Ze did not visit the Fishman Island seriously, after all he was afraid that his identity would be exposed because of that prophet.But now there is nothing to worry about, the entire Murloc Island is under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And as the biggest ally of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is almost on the same line with them, and he was the one who went to the last negotiation between Murloc Island and BIGMOM Pirates.

In other words, it was too late for Fishman Island to thank Wan Ze, and how could Wan Ze's information be exposed.

Thinking of this, Wan Ze also nodded, and then said to Yamato: "Alright then, let's go to Fishman Island."

"Yeah!" Yamato nodded, and then said with fingers: "Enter the Fishman Island from the New World, and then go to the first half of the great route. I also want to see what the Chambord Islands look like. Finally, I also want to go to the East China Sea. , see the legendary Luoge Town!"

"That is the place where One Piece goes to sea and travels. It is known as the place of beginning and end!"


Wan Ze helped his forehead, "Okay, okay, then let's go to Murloc Island first. Remember to be honest when you dive, and don't run around when you get to Murloc Island. I remember you are a devil fruit capable user, don't you?" Don't fall into the water."


There is a substance inside Noah that can make soap bubbles. When Wanze and the others approached the Red Earth Continent, they immediately chose to dive.

"Target Murloc Island, sprint in a straight line!" Seeing that the entire ship has sunk into the sea, Yamato shouted in surprise.

"Yamato, in this sea, the truth that the straight line is the farthest is not necessarily true. If we go straight to the Fishman Island now, it will probably take more time."

"Eh? Why?" Yamato asked suspiciously while walking around on the deck.

"If you want to move forward in a straight line, it is easy to encounter currents in the ocean, as well as submarine mountains and submarine volcanoes. It is not easy to hide from those things."

"And there are huge currents in the deep sea that are invisible to the naked eye. And in the dark unknown currents, no one knows what's inside."

Yamato nodded half understanding, "I'm getting more and more excited! This is unknown to me."

In the sea, the huge downward current is like a waterfall in the sea, rushing the sea water down continuously. This is a miracle of nature!

Following the huge current, Noah instantly transformed into an underwater vessel similar to a submarine, and quickly moved towards the bottom of the sea.

As long as they can pass through this special ocean current that connects up and down, they can truly reach the deep ocean layer from the shallow sea layer.After reaching the deep sea layer, and below that, is the legendary fishman island.

"Hey! Yamato, you stay there for me, we are going to speed up, Noah!"

As Wan Ze's voice fell, a huge sense of weightlessness came, and they were descending at an extremely fast acceleration.

In just a few minutes, it has passed through the kilometer-deep sea current and directly arrived at the pitch-black deep sea area.

Looking at the strange fish in the deep sea area, Yamato also gradually lost interest, and now she puts all her heart and soul on Murloc Island.

Down, down again!It was clearly in the sea water, but Yamato felt a feeling like a free fall.

As several people clung to the deck, Yamato only felt a white light flash in front of his eyes, and unconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands, when he opened them again.

What he saw was different from the darkness in the deep sea area just now, but the light from the huge soap bubble in the distance.As Noah slowed down, the ship quickly came to the soap bubble, and then rushed in directly.

When Noah entered the huge soap bubble, the soap bubble outside the hull also burst, followed by the sound of the boat entering the water.

"Phew! Yamato, this is the coral hill in the southeast of Murloc Island, where a large number of mermaids usually gather."

As the ship stabilized, Yamato also stood up slowly, and what came into view was a large group of mermaids looking at this side.

"Yeah, it's kind of scary. Those are pirates, right?"

"Yes, yes, look at them, they are still flying the pirate flag! Are they illegal immigrants again, go and inform everyone!"

Looking at the group of mermaids with weird expressions, Yamato also had doubts on his face. "They seem to be very afraid of us."

Wan Ze nodded and said, "Of course. After all, mermaids have been bullied by humans all the time. There are not many murlocs who can truly believe in and treat humans as equals in Murloc Island."

Yamato turned his head, "I remember Murloc Island, it is under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates, right?"

At this moment, the group of murlocs suddenly approached, with pairs of big agile eyes, some were staring at the pirate flag on the ship, and some were staring at Wan Ze himself.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Seeing that the group of murlocs were suddenly not afraid of him, Wan Ze was a little puzzled at first, but he slapped his forehead.

"Hello, my name is Wan Ze, the captain of the Sword Immortal Pirates. I am also an ally of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Saying that, Wan Ze pointed to a flag hanging high in the distance, which was the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!
After hearing Wan Ze's words, the group of mermaids also gradually returned to normal, and some waved to him.

"Sure enough, I've heard of you, human pirate. I heard that you saved our Murloc Island!"

Seeing the mermaids approaching, Yamato also jumped out of the boat curiously, landed on the coral block, and looked at the murlocs carefully.

"It's amazing, this is the first time I've seen a mermaid!"

"Haha, this sister is also very beautiful, do you want to go into the water and play together for a while?" Seeing that it was the person next to Wanze, the mermaids did not have the slightest fear.

"Uh, forget it, I'm a landlubber and can't swim." Yamato waved his hand helplessly, after all, this is the pain of all devil fruit users.

At this moment, among the mermaids below, one of the mermaids with light green short hair suddenly shouted: "Mr. Wan Ze, you are Luffy's brother, right? I am your brother's friend!"

Hearing the voice, Wan Ze also looked over there. Sure enough, the mermaid who spoke was Kaimi, who had a good relationship with Luffy and the others, and it was the reason why Luffy beat Tianlongren.

"Oh? You are the mermaid Cammy that Luffy mentioned, right?"

"Yeah, it's me! By the way, what's the matter with you guys coming to Murloc Island?" Kemi jumped onto the boat directly along a pipeline leading to high altitude.

"It's just for a visit, and there is nothing important."

"Kami, our working time is coming, let's go back first, and pull these guests back by the way!" A blond mermaid also jumped up, took Wan Ze's arm and pulled it down.

"Well, I'll just go by myself." Seeing the two mermaids sticking to him, one on the left and one on the right, Wan Ze felt a little uncomfortable.

Coral Hill, Murloc Street, Yamato looked around curiously, and ran over to take a closer look from time to time.If Wanze hadn't pulled her, I was really afraid that she wouldn't know where she was going.Several people are following a large group of mermaids ahead, preparing to go to the murloc cafe where they work.

"It's here!" The mermaids stopped one after another, turned their heads and introduced to the three of Wanze. "This is the Mermaid Cafe!"

"Are you hungry? There are also things to eat there, such as cakes, fruits from the sea, and shellfish."

"Eh? What about the other meat?" Yamato asked suspiciously.

Kemi shook his head, "We mermaids don't eat fish and meat, so we can only eat shellfish at most."

Is that right? Yamato lowered her head, she also wants to eat big fish and meat.

Entering the mermaid cafe, Wanze saw the huge mermaid at first sight.And Kaimi also ran over to introduce, "This is the owner of the Mermaid Cafe, the great prophet of our Fishman Island, Mrs. Xia Li!"

"Really! Prophet, can you help me see?" Yamato asked excitedly when he heard that he could predict.

"Girl, prophecy is a troublesome thing, and I am no longer prophesying." After Xia Li finished speaking, she also urged the mermaids to start working.

"Really." Yamato showed a regretful expression, but he returned to normal in an instant.

After drinking a cup of Murloc Island's special coffee here, Wan Ze glanced at Mrs. Xia Li again. Coincidentally, Xia Li also looked at Wan Ze, and she also glanced at the crystal ball beside her. .

Under Wan Ze's spiritual detection, none of the opponent's movements could escape Wan Ze's eyes.

"It seems that she really discovered something?" Just as Wanze was about to get up, he suddenly heard commotion outside the Mermaid Cafe.

Wan Ze raised his eyebrows, "Did you get the news so soon? Neptune."

(End of this chapter)

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