human journey

Chapter 61 Chapter City

Chapter 61
After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement. After all, no matter how crazy these believers are, they wouldn't really want their lives.

Zhang Bangming immediately operated on the tablet and entered the combat request.The Space-Based Laser Cannon Command responded immediately and controlled the five laser cannons hanging in the space above Country B to line up in a line. At the same time, the protective cover was opened, and the muzzles began to gather energy.

After a few seconds, shoot in turn.The powerful orange-red laser hit tens of meters in front of the Destruction Cult crowd, and the huge heat energy radiated by the laser smoked the beards of the believers in the front row.

Immediately after the laser landed, it slashed to one side at a constant speed. Three seconds later, a deep ditch several hundred meters long and several meters wide was left on the ground.

As soon as this laser beam ended, the next laser beam came, and continued to expand far away along the direction of this deep groove.One after another, the five lasers left a deep trench more than 70 meters long in front of 1000 people.

Although the width is only a few meters, most adults can jump over it with a full run-up, but this move to leave a scar on the earth still stunned everyone.

This deep ditch still glows dark red in the dark, and the surrounding low vegetation is ignited by the high temperature.From a distance, it looks like a flame moat.

And the Red Destroyer has already drilled into the ground without a trace.At this time, the members of the God of Destruction Cult were stopped, and it didn't come out. I don't know if it was frightened by the laser attack.

The Destroyer was indeed intimidated by the laser. Originally, it was not afraid of the laser cannon, but the electromagnetic interference bomb that appeared just now sounded the alarm for it.

If the electric current in the body is interrupted by the electromagnetic field and the repulsive force field disappears, the red carapace alone cannot resist the laser attack.It has been hit by five lasers before, so it can be estimated.So it can only be hidden underground now, and then think about countermeasures.

Mulder, who was at the back of the crowd, was also dumbfounded when he saw this, and couldn't hide the fear in his heart.At this time, the enemies on the opposite side were like gods, sending down punishment from heaven.

The length of the deep ditch of more than 1000 meters has completely blocked 70 people, like a dividing line, telling everyone.Don't cross, it's death to come over.Although it can be bypassed, no one dares to do so. Who can withstand such a powerful laser.No one would be so stupid as to be the first bird to test how high the laser temperature is with their own flesh.

"Master, what should we do, should we rush?"

Kahn, who has awakened his clairvoyance ability, asked in a low voice beside him.

After hearing this, Mulder didn't know how to answer. Under the attack of such a powerful weapon, no matter how many people there were, they would just die.Although there are 20 hostages, who knows if the enemy on the opposite side will fight together frantically.Anyway, if it was him, he would attack without hesitation.

The asymmetry of information affected Mulder's judgment. He didn't know that the laser cannon would not be able to fire again within three hours.And just because there are so many hostages, the people of country Z will not attack the crowd with laser cannons.

"Guardian Kahn, can you see if the angel is underground nearby?"

Mulder asked, at this time we can only count on the Destroyer Angel.

Kahn shook his head. He had already tried to use his clairvoyance ability to find the Angel of Destruction, but he couldn't find it.

"What should we do now? If the envoy doesn't show up to lead us. If you charge directly, you may be hit by a laser. It doesn't matter if these people die, don't affect me and kill me too.

It seems that we can only go back to Isborg City first, and then make plans after killing more Prophets and using their souls to summon the Destroyer Angel. "

Mulder thought for a while, and then made a decision to issue an order to the believers of the Destruction God Cult.

The hundreds of thousands of believers of the Destruction God Cult who left the city aggressively returned back dejectedly.The frustration in his heart was extremely strong, and his belief in the God of Destruction seemed to be shaken.They just remembered that human beings can also create such powerful weapons, and they are a bunch of rabble without the God of Destruction.

On the way back to the city, Mulder, who was still majestic, also showed a trace of fatigue. He thought it was a certainty, but it actually failed.

Negative emotions accumulated in his heart, and a pair of eyes with a frightening expression glanced around indiscriminately, as if looking for a way to vent.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"All devout believers, the Destroyer was attacked by those blasphemers just now, and it was hurt, so it can't continue to lead us to a glorious tomorrow.

We are to help God heal and strengthen adults.And the soul of the enemy can do this, we need to catch more stubborn prophets to sacrifice.

As long as God satisfies adults, He will lead us to rush out and spread the brilliance of the God of Destruction to wherever the sun can shine! "

Mulder, who was in the middle of the crowd, stopped, raised his hands and said.

Ranong still conscientiously helped the leader convey these words, and it was the same along the way.Otherwise, it would be very difficult to command tens of thousands of people without communication tools.

As soon as these words came out, the depressed believers of the Destruction God Cult immediately rekindled their blood and shouted in unison.

"Praise the God of Destruction! Praise the Angel of Destruction!"

With a goal in mind, even the speed of returning to the city has become faster.They are destined to have no sleep this night, and they will extend their butcher knives to fellow human beings.

As for the Prophet believers in the city of Isborg, they thought that the people who destroyed the God Sect had left, and the good days have come again.Who knew that what awaited them was a hell of endless darkness, even the souls after death would not be able to live in peace, and would be devoured by the Destroyer.

"Those who destroyed the cult of the gods were really scared back, Lu Yu, you still have a way."

Pang Zhuang looked at the screen on the tablet and said, giving Lu Yu a thumbs up while talking.

"I don't know what they will do when they go back. It's best to go to the city to find out. But the Destroyer should still be there, we can't all go, it's too dangerous. Mu Xiaofei and I should teleport to the junction with Lanong , Yan Luo on him is about to explode, and he will definitely come."

Lu Yu thought for a while and said.

"You bring two electromagnetic interference rockets, just in case. Anyway, you are gone, and we can't use these weapons."

Zhang Bangming nodded and said.

Afterwards, Lu Yu took the equipment and Mu Xiaofei directly teleported to the small building where it was connected.

Ranong took the initiative to ask Ying to capture the followers of the Prophets, and the leader was quite happy after hearing this, and praised him a lot.In fact, he was looking for this reason because Yan Luo was about to have an attack, and he also expected that people from country Z would ask him for questions.

On the way there, he got rid of his subordinates. Anyway, the city of Isborg is dark at night, so it's easy to escape.

Ranong trotted to the joint building, and the two people from country Z were waiting for him here.

"You're smart enough to know we're here."

When Lu Yu saw Ranong coming, he was pleased and praised him.

Lu Yu's words were still translated by the military officer of country B on standby in the communicator.

"The leader was scared by your laser and retreated. I guess you will want to know what we will do after we come back. And the Yama in my body is about to attack, the antidote..."

Ranong replied cautiously.

"We like people like you who are aware of current affairs. I have already brought the antidote, but this time it is not a complete cure for Yama, but a medicine to relieve Yama's attack time."

With that said, Lu Yu took out a small injection from his pocket.

Although he had already guessed this result, Ranong was still a little disappointed.However, he didn't show the slightest expression on his face, instead he showed a grateful look.

Lu Yu was also unambiguous, and directly stepped forward to give Lanong a relieving medicine.Ranong didn't feel any discomfort, and felt a little relieved.

"With this medicine, Yan Luo's onset will be delayed by another seven days."

Lu Yu explained.

"Thank you, I will continue to be an undercover agent, try to win the trust of the leader and the God of Destruction, obtain more information, and disintegrate the Sect of Destruction as soon as possible!"

Ranong said while bowing and patting his chest.

"Okay, okay, tell me what Mulder is going to do when he returns to the city."

Lu Yu hurriedly asked.

"The leader wants to catch a lot of people from the Prophet's sect, then gather and kill them, and sacrifice their souls to the Destroyer God. This will restore the strength of the Destroyer God, and then we will attack the B country's position outside the city."

Rannon replied.

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(End of this chapter)

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