Kobe Bryant through time

Chapter 263 The fight is on

Chapter 263 The fight is on
Ling Yu smiled happily, and suddenly grabbed the hand that Maddie extended.

This is brother!
The game started. O'Neal and Rodman jumped the ball. Rodman touched the ball first and pulled it out, but it fell into Ling Yu's hands. Ling Yu didn't take the ball himself, but handed it to McGrady, and then went Run up the field.

In fact, Ling Yu can take the ball to the front court by himself, but out of trust in his brother, he gave up the idea of ​​owning the ball and chose to hand it over to McGrady for him to control the ball.

From the perspective of outsiders, these things may be nothing and meaningless, but in Ling Yu's view, they are indispensable. In McGrady's view, his passing is a kind of trust, a kind of belief, and therefore, McGrady will clearly feel that Ling Yu is standing beside him, supporting him, which will make him more confident.

And that's the fact. Seeing Ling Yu passing the ball to him, McGrady was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and then his face darkened and he dribbled to the frontcourt.

In this game, McGrady may not be the protagonist, but Ling Yu's words let him find his confidence and momentum. Therefore, when the court is deleted, it is completely impossible to see that he is a rookie. It seems to be much calmer. Although compared to Ling Yu, it still looks jerky, but compared to other rookies, McGrady is good enough.

With what Ling Yu said the night before, McGrady became more determined when playing the ball, so he slowly controlled the ball to the frontcourt, waited for the opponent to run up, and then gave the ball to Ling Yu first, and let Ling Yu organize To attack, he ran to the side, waiting for the opportunity.

Ling Yu took it out at the top of the arc, as expected, it was Jordan who was guarding him, and Jordan didn't seem to relax at all, he was very serious, straddled his steps, and stared at Ling Yu motionlessly.

Ling Yu still remembers Zen Master Jackson once said that when Kobe was defending, he would always use some tricks or tricks to help him complete the defense, while Jordan used his strong body to stick to the offensive players, Don't let them have good offensive opportunities, force them to make mistakes, so as to achieve the role of defense.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu couldn't help laughing, saying that Jordan relied on his strong body to defend, and Ling Yu didn't make much sense. At that time, if he said that Kobe defended with a trick, Ling Yu couldn't sit still. If you use tricks to defend, how could you enter the league's first defensive team for several years in a row? Could it be that those commentators are idiots, or blind?
Jackson, tonight I'll let you see if Kobe's defense is all about gimmicks.

Ling Yu frowned, and slowly dribbled the ball, while Jordan kept his arms open, stuck on Ling Yu's route.I have to say that Jordan's wingspan is also very wide. From the point of view of a shooting guard, Jordan's wingspan is one of the best. This may be the reason why he can grab a few balls every game.

After a cross step and several changes of direction, Ling Yu couldn't get rid of Jordan's defense. Ling Yu had to take a step back, observe Jordan's position, and think about the next attack strategy.

"Bryant, here." O'Neal got in position on the inside and stretched out his hand to ask Ling Yu, while Rodman behind him kept staring at him, preventing O'Neal from receiving the ball easily.

However, although Rodman is strong, it seems impossible to push O'Neal out completely. Therefore, he had to change his strategy and choose to interfere with Ling Yu's pass and try not to let O'Neal receive the ball. will affect the "ok" connection.

Ling Yu originally wanted to hand the ball to O'Neill, but when he saw Rodman's five claws stretched out, he couldn't help frowning and rethinking how to attack.

At this time, Ling Yu saw McGrady running from the bottom corner on the right, and was demanding for him. Ling Yu passed the ball to McGrady without hesitation, while he still stood there.

It was agreed before, Ling Yu organized, and then McGrady came to catch the ball, pretended to attack, and attracted the defense. If the Bulls did not use double-team tactics, McGrady would sit and play inside by himself. If the Bulls double-teamed, he would pass the ball Come out to Ling Yu, tell him to attack, sum up.

For the first offense, the Bulls players didn't seem to expect that McGrady would play, so they didn't make any preparations, and McGrady passed the Bulls point guard with a big stride, and then stared at Rodman's supplementary defense Force a layup and score the ball.

"Good shot." Ling Yu yelled, ran over quickly, and followed O'Neill to pull McGrady up.

"It's just going to be like this." Ling Yu didn't hide his excitement. He had been waiting for such a McGrady for a long time, and it was time for this guy to explode.

"Yes, we're going to fight like this." O'Neill waved his arms.

In fact, their celebration was very speechless. They just started playing and scored the first goal. They were so excited. If they continue to take the lead or win the game, wouldn’t they be crazy?

Of course, their celebration didn't last long, because the Bulls had already kicked the ball out, and they quickly calmed down and ran to their backcourt.

The Bulls' offensive ball was naturally handed over to Jordan first to handle it, then Pippen stood at a 45-degree angle on the left, and Rodman stood near the free throw line.

After Jordan looked at the positions of his teammates, he glanced at Ling Yu again, frowned, and then he was about to go to the bottom of the basket at an accelerated speed. Naturally, Rodman would pull up the screen at a high position at this time, and Pippen took the opportunity to counterattack. Run, kill to the basket.

Ling Yu has also watched the Bulls game, and he has watched this kind of running position countless times. If his guess is correct, Pippen and Rodman are both disguises, and Jordan is the one who really wants to attack.

As expected by Ling Yu, Jordan did not pass the ball, but used Pippen to run back to attract the defense, and after Rodman's pick-and-roll, an emergency stop mid-range shot was sacrificed, and the ball hit the net.

Such a ball is easy to see in Jordan's games, so everyone is used to it, and there is nothing to cheer about.However, it was the first time Ling Yu saw Jordan making this shot, and he was still shocked. Jordan really jumped high, and he leaned back so much that it was impossible to cover his ball.

Since you can't cover the ball, you don't need to cover it. Just give him Battier's most commonly used blindfold method, which may affect him.

In fact, Ling Yu himself knows very well that it is impossible to completely defend Jordan. You must know that Jordan is full of fake moves. I remember who once said that Jordan has more than 200 fake moves. From this, it can be seen that defending Jordan As difficult as it is, it is even more difficult to completely restrict him.

However, Ling Yu didn't intend to restrict him, but used his own ability to interfere with his shooting, not letting him shoot so easily, making him awkward as much as possible, forcing him to hit the basket, and this was the task completed.

Looking back, the Lakers attacked and the ball was handed over to Ling Yu. This time, Ling Yu didn't pass the ball to McGrady, but faced Jordan and broke through.

And at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Ling Yu dribbled the ball very loosely, handed the ball to his right hand, and then made a classic change of direction made by Iverson. Jordan didn't seem to expect Ling Yu to do this move, and then took a fake move, but it was just It was just a moment, and then he returned to the defensive position. Seeing that Ling Yu was about to break through to the right, Jordan hurried to follow.

To be honest, Jordan's control ability is really good. For an ordinary person who lost his defensive position so much by Ling Yu, he would have fainted a long time ago, and how could he be able to get back.However, a god is a god. He did what others couldn't do, and he dared to return to the defensive position. However, he still staggered a little. , It's strange if you don't stagger, if you don't fall, it's considered top-notch.

However, just as Jordan retracted, Ling Yu suddenly stopped his footsteps, stepped back with his left foot, swiped the ball behind him with his right hand, and took a step back to sacrifice.At this time, the ball is usually caught and shot, and Ling Yu didn't do much. Taking advantage of Jordan's slowing down, a mid-range shot with a retreating step was made, and the ball went into the net in response.

Jordan was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't help looking at Ling Yu curiously. He stared at Ling Yu for a long time, frowned, then stretched his brows, relaxed for a while, and walked towards Ling Yu.

"Bryant?" Jordan approached Ling Yu and asked curiously in a low voice.

Ling Yu nodded and said with a smile: "I have been waiting for this match for a long time, I will definitely play well, and I hope you will too."

"I will." Jordan frowned: "The ball was played well just now, and it swayed me away. This is your skill, but it will not be so easy later."

When others say this, it may be intimidating, but what Ling Yu hears from Jordan's mouth is solemnity and majesty.

"I'll wait." Ling Yu wasn't afraid either. Jordan was like this. He would never give up easily. He would always get a ball back. Therefore, the next attack must be played by himself, and he would not hand the ball over. For teammates.

The Bulls' offense, after halftime, continued to hand the ball to Jordan, but Jordan did not look around this time, but stared at Ling Yu, and slowly dribbled the ball.

Rodman brought it up again, and it seemed that he was going to pick and roll again. This time, Pippen ran back from the corner to attract the defense.

"No, I'll do it myself." Jordan waved his hand at Rodman, motioning him to walk away without cover.

Rodman froze for a moment, stared at Ling Yu, and frowned. He knew Jordan's temper. This guy must have gotten into a fight with this kid. Forget it, let them fight by themselves.

Rodman sighed, then ran to the basket.Offense may not be what Rodman is good at, but defense, rebound protection and fighting are all his most important things to do, so what he has to do now is to go to the basket and wait.

(End of this chapter)

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