Kobe Bryant through time

Chapter 74 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 74

Christmas is an important holiday, just like our New Year's Eve dinner during the Spring Festival, Americans also pay attention to the whole family gathering under the Christmas tree to have a festive meal together.And every household is decorated with red, green and white colors, red flowers, green trees, and the white and red Santa Claus, and the happiest thing at this time is the children.

Like our Spring Festival, Christmas in the United States is also a holiday. However, there are also some private shops that choose to operate as usual, so as to make a fortune when there are few competitors and many people.

Inside a small bar, it was crowded with people, the dim lighting, the red and green color scheme, and the twinkling lights all showed a festive atmosphere.

"Hey~ Bryant." Brandy raised his glass to Ling Yu and said happily, "Merry Christmas."

Ling Yu smiled, picked up the wine glass, touched it, and said, "Happy Holidays." After speaking, Ling Yu drank it down.Brandy was stunned for a moment, then picked up the wine glass and started to dry.

"Bryant, don't you look very happy! What's wrong?" Brandy stared at Ling Yu with concern, and whispered: "Today is Christmas, don't be like this, be happy."

Ling Yu smiled wryly, ignored Brandi, filled himself a glass of wine, and cleaned it up again.

"Bryant." Brandy called softly.

"Happy holidays." Ling Yu pursed his lips, laughed, and said, "Okay! I'm fine. Oh, by the way, why do you want to watch the game?"

"Um..." Brandy deliberately elongated his tone, and said easily: "I came to see your game. I used to say that I would come, but I didn't have time. I just came today because I had nothing to do. Why? You are not welcome?"

"No, no." Ling Yu hurriedly waved his hand, but Ling Yu vaguely felt that the matter was not so simple. Although Brandy said it very easily, from her eyes, Ling Yu saw the deep sadness, and lonely.

"Come on, have a drink." Brandy picked up the bottle and filled the glass, laughed, and reached out to Ling Yu.Ling Yu hurriedly picked up the wine glass and stretched it over, saying, "Do it!"


Brandy gulped it down, and suddenly burst out laughing, laughing so sadly, then threw herself on the table and burst into tears.

"Why is that?"

How is this going?

Ling Yu was stunned, staring blankly at Brandy, wanting to comfort him, but didn't know what to say, so he stretched out his hand and patted Brandy's body lightly, and said in a low voice with concern: "Brandy .”

This sound broke through the last line of defense in Brandy's heart. She cried louder and her body twitched.

"How can this be? How can it be!"

Maybe let her cry a bit and let her vent.

Ling Yu patted Brandy on the back lightly, and didn't say a word.Just like that, watching quietly and patting gently.

It was so lively and noisy outside, but here, it was so depressing and sad.Ling Yu smiled wryly, and thought to himself: What happened this day?
After a long time, Brandy stopped crying. She raised her head slowly, wiped her tears with both hands, and then smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I'm a little excited."

Ling Yu shook his head, took out a tissue and handed it over, saying, "Use this!"

Brandy smiled and took out the tissue and wiped it.

Seeing that Brandy had slowed down, Ling Yu couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked cautiously: "Brandy, what are you?"

"I..." Brandy paused, forced a smile, and said, "Don't talk about that, today is a happy day, don't talk about those unhappy things."

"Okay! Don't say it!"

Ling Yu smiled wryly, picked up the glass and touched Brandy, and drank.

That night, they just sat like this, drinking wine, and didn't leave until the bar was closed. After a brief goodbye, the two of them disappeared into the night one by one.

Brandy was preoccupied, something must have happened, but Ling Yu didn't know how to ask, so he could only pray for her silently in his heart.

"God bless her all right."

At this moment, the phone rang, Ling Yu quickly took out the phone and answered it.

"Bryant, where are you?"

The voice sounded reproachful and worried.

Ling Yu hurriedly said: "I'm outside, I'll go back later."

"Why don't you call me, I've been waiting for you for a long time." The other end of the phone choked up.

Ling Yu was stunned for a while, and then he remembered that when he went out in the morning, Vanessa called herself and said that they would spend Christmas together. Just now, Brandy appeared and forgot about it. Ling Yu hurriedly said: " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be right back."

With that said, Ling Yu hung up the phone, waved hurriedly, stopped a car, and got into it.

Christmas Eve is always a restless night. Although Ling Yu is not sensitive to Christmas, he does as the Romans do, not to mention that Ling Yu's top is Kobe's body.Not long after getting in the car, another phone call came.

"Hello! I'm Bryant."

"Hi! Bryant, it's Eddie and Merry Christmas."

Eddie?Shouldn't he be recuperating?By the way, I don't know what happened to his foot injury.

So Ling Yu hurriedly asked: "Hey! Eddie, Merry Christmas. By the way, how is your foot injury?"

"Thanks to you, I can already train. Haha!" Eddie paused, and continued: "I won't be long before I can go back and fight with you."

Ling Yu laughed loudly and said, "Haha! I can't wait for you to come back soon."

"I watched tonight's game, and it was really good." There was an admiring voice on the other end of the phone, as if holding a thumb, suddenly, the voice sank, and said: "Derek played really well, it's unimaginable .It seems that my position is not guaranteed."

Hearing Eddie mention Fisher, Ling Yu couldn't help but frowned again, and said Shen Shen: "He played very well, I couldn't even recognize him."

"It seems that I have to train hard, or my starting position will be lost." Eddie said in a joking tone, but he could hear the pressure in his heart.Also, although my foot injury has improved a lot, it will take some time to return to the previous state, and Fisher, who replaced him, seems to be getting better and better, and it is very likely to replace him as the starting lineup. Di also became more and more worried.

"Okay! Bryant, I'll go get high first, let's talk later, bye."


Ling Yu gently put down the phone, stared forward, and remembered that incident again.

"No, I'm going to ask Fisher."

Ling Yu frowned, shouted at the driver, turned around and drove towards home.

However, at this moment, another call came.Ling Yu frowned, hesitated for a moment, pressed the answer button, and said angrily: "Hey, who are you?

A crying voice came out, very desperate and sad.

"Bryant, where are you?"

Brandy, what's going on?Didn't she go back?

Ling Yu was startled, and quickly asked, "Are you taking it?"

"I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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