The Soul of Hogwarts Across Worlds

Chapter 284 Alchemy, start class

Chapter 284 Alchemy, start class

Because of the broom, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, the two headmasters have often looked for the headmaster.After all, whether it is Professor Pomona Sprout or Professor Filius Flitwick, they don't want to see their students lose the game because of the gap between the brooms.

However, the old headmaster has nothing to do. The funds allocated to the school by the board of directors are limited every year.Professor McGonagall personally bought Harry's Nimbus 2000 in the first grade, so the school would have no spare money to buy a broom.

Or Nimbus 2001.

22 Nimbus 2001, the price is above [-] Galleons.

The principal doesn't have that much money.

Sirius' move solved a big problem for Dumbledore.

Of course the principal is embarrassed to continue to suspend his classes.

In short, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class finally started normally, and the little wizards of Gryffindor naturally welcomed it warmly.

Fast forward to Friday.

Melda's first session of ancient alchemy this semester will also officially start.

In fact, everyone knows about the course of alchemy.After all, many magic items on the market are products of alchemy.

Melda believes that in the thousand years of Hogwarts, this course has definitely existed before, and it has only been gradually canceled over time.

However, this is not the choice of a Hogwarts school. In fact, with the deepening of modern magic research, most of ancient alchemy has been diluted by other courses.

Such courses naturally have no meaning of existence.

But advanced alchemy still has many magical mysteries.But this is no longer the magical knowledge that young wizards should master. Those all need professional scholars, at least this is the arrangement of the Ministry of Magic.

Among the magic schools in Europe and North America, only the Beauxbaton School of Magic in France still has this course.The rest of the schools have gradually canceled this alchemy hundreds of years ago.

As for this course, the arrangement of the school is also very interesting.

First of all, it is not divided according to grades and colleges, but is divided into basic classes for grades one to five, and advanced classes for grades six and seven.

In other words, this class is taught by all the little wizards in the whole school.Friday, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] noon, is a basic class for grades [-] to [-].From [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. is the improvement class for grades six and seven.

This arrangement is because, as a course that was only added this year, all young wizards have never been exposed to it. Instead of taking the same course for all grades, it would be better for everyone to take the class together.

And to accommodate so many people, the location of the alchemy course can only be located in the auditorium.

In fact, Melda felt that it would be better to arrange it in the secret room.At least there's no need to move the table around.

In the auditorium, the students sat in order according to their original college positions.

"As expected of an ancient course. Even the textbooks are so novel." Ron, who was sitting next to Ios, pointed to the stone slabs on the long table and said in amazement.

""Darkness of the Secret Law"" Melda looked at the slate in front of her and continued: "An ancient magic book that records the material plane. It is one of the most important books on the origin of alchemy."

"However, if it is alchemy, then the ancient masterpiece "Jade Record" should be more suitable as a textbook!"

As he said that, Melda suddenly remembered that "The Jade Record" was born around the twelfth century AD, and Merlin had been active in Britain since at least the ninth century AD. Perhaps he hadn't read this classic that was born 300 years after him What about the work?

"Is it the age gap?" Hermione on the side also discovered this problem.After all, it's no secret that Merlin is active, but she doesn't know what time period Merlin in that different world is active in.

Just as everyone fell into speculation, suddenly a frivolous voice came from behind them: "No!"

"Brother Merlin, you know everything!"

"I'll go, don't be so surprised!" The sudden appearance of Merlin startled everyone, and they all turned their heads to look at this famous wizard who was not only young, but also very handsome.

In addition to bringing deep doubts and surprises in their eyes, there is also a touch of expectation.The young wizards are also looking forward to the wizard who claims to be Merlin to surprise them like Professor Xia Ti did last year.

Suddenly, Merlin showed Melda a bright smile that looked a bit unbeatable.

"How about your new body?"

Seeing Merlin's humble expression, Melda immediately became furious, but it was impossible for him to bow his head.

He, Melda, even if he is like this all his life, don't want him to bow his head!

"Oh! You are quite stubborn!" The thousand-year-old monster, Merlin saw the stubbornness in Melda's eyes at a glance, and then he continued to say frivolously: "Then you can continue to be like this!"

As he spoke, he held his magic wand and slowly walked towards the rostrum that had been converted into a podium.

There were several professors sitting by the wall.

Is this for class?Melda didn't know.

However, the professors are still very self-cultivated and respect Merlin's class very much, even he didn't get up to stop him from entangled with Melda for so long just now.

"Hello!" Merlin stood on the podium, scanning the students below.

"I am very puzzled and surprised to be able to take up the position of professor. After all, I have never taught any students!"


The freshmen in the front row of Gryffindor raised their hands and said, "Aren't you the teacher of King Arthur? Have you really lived 1000 years? You"

"Oh! This cute little guy, I am not the Merlin of your world. It seems that I need to explain before class."

As he said that, Merlin waved his hand, and suddenly many bubbles appeared in the sky above the auditorium.

"Look, if we regard a bubble as a universe, such as this one." He lightly lit up the nearest bubble, and the water pattern spread slightly, and a real-time image of the auditorium appeared on the surface of the bubble, like Like a camera.


The little wizards in the auditorium suddenly exclaimed, although the magic world also has magic props that can display the current screen, such as double-sided mirrors.

But the production methods of those props have long been lost in the long river of time.

Moreover, the magic that Merlin released afterwards brought even stronger visual impact.

"And the universe is not the only one, it's like your neighbor, and the universe also has neighbors." As he said, Merlin lit up several other bubbles again.

Then the scenery from another world appeared on the bubble.

(End of this chapter)

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