Chapter 73 Arcane Magic
After the exam in the morning, Hermione stood at the door of the Potions classroom early, drove those young wizards who tried to slip away one by one, and drove them back to the secret professor yesterday, and continued to urge them to practice.

But this time, Melda didn't help her, because just yesterday, after teaching Harry and Ron to disarm, he suddenly wanted to see if they could learn the magic from another world.

Of course, it is naturally impossible to teach some difficult magic at the beginning.

After thinking about it all night, Melda decided to teach them the simplest spell.

Arcane Flying Star.

This is a general-purpose spell, whether it is elemental, arcane, necromancy, etc., it can be learned.

Most importantly, it is an instant spell.And no wand required.

If brought into Harry Potter's worldview, this should be a spell cast without a weapon.

"Harry Ron, you two come here."

I have a general direction in my heart.Melda didn't waste time either.He directly pulled the two of them over.

Then he said: "I plan to teach you a spell inherited from the Estes family, a wandless spell."

"Cast without a wand?" Ron said in surprise.His outstanding brothers, of course, knew this skill, and he had even seen Charlie cast a spell.

"But, I mean we are only in the first grade, can we learn it?"

Compared to Ron, Harley seemed a little more ignorant. She didn't understand what casting a spell without a weapon was. However, guessing from the literal meaning, she could roughly understand that this spell should be a spell that could be cast without a wand.

Unlike Ron, Harry seemed a little excited.She has always been optimistic about learning new magic.

"Try it first!" Melda didn't explain too much, after all, you have to try something like this to know whether it is difficult or not.

"First, put away your wands."

After that, Harry and Ron slowly put away their wands together.Then he stared straight at Melda, waiting for his next instruction.

"Okay, sit down then."

Melda sat directly on the ground, holding her chin with her hands, and began to recall the magic in her mind.

"I'll start with the first point. You two listen to me."

"This spell is directly released by controlling the magic power in your body."

"But the problem is that you haven't really experienced magic power, so let's learn the most basic thing first, meditation."

"Meditation, what is that?" Ron sat cross-legged on the ground and asked curiously.

Halle does know the term meditation. Her aunt had studied yoga for a while, and she heard the Indian yoga teacher say this word.

"Meditation is a way of communicating with magic through spiritual power."

"Communicate the magic power in your body, make them resonate, make them more active, and be able to be manipulated by us, and finally form a huge force."

As he spoke, Melda slowly opened his palm, and a colorless cyclone was spinning rapidly in his palm.

"Oh my god, that's amazing!" Ron exclaimed.

"It's very simple, the magic power in your two bodies should still be active, and you can feel it easily."

"Really?" Harry imitated Melda with a little excitement, closed his eyes and quietly felt the magic power contained in his body.

After a while, Harry suddenly opened his eyes.

As her eyes suddenly opened, a slight magic power dissipated from her body, blowing up the surrounding dust.


Harry said a little frustrated.

Originally, she had already controlled a small part of the magic power, but because of the sudden joy, she finally failed to grasp that magic power.

"It doesn't matter. This requires a lot of practice. You can do this for the first time. Harley, you are already very good."

Melda comforted softly.Harry was able to master the art of meditation so quickly.It really surprised him a bit, but after thinking about it, Harley's magical talent is not low, and with the cheats opened by Estes, it is normal to learn it so quickly.

The practice continued, and it was not until lunch that Harry and Ron barely mastered the technique.

But Melda was still not at ease, the magic teaching plan in the afternoon was temporarily cancelled, let's continue practicing after lunch.

After the meal, Melda didn't intend to let Ron Neville and the others go to watch the fourth grade game, but it just hindered Harley from being a member of the Quidditch team, so she should have been present at Wood's game.

So the training at noon had to be cancelled.

But Hermione obviously had an idea with Melda, she didn't go to watch, but pulled Melda back to the abandoned professor.

She plans to use this time at noon to also learn to meditate.

Melda naturally welcomed this.

Let's see, our Hermione students still have a general knowledge, so we should hurry up and study when we know this.

"Relax, don't be so nervous. It's very simple."

The two sat around, and for some reason, Melda always felt that Hermione on the opposite side seemed to be a little out of shape. She looked a little dazed, and her eyes kept turning to other places.

Is it because of nervousness?
"Harry can learn the general idea in the morning. Hermione, you are very smart and work very hard. You must learn faster than Harry." Melda comforted her softly.

Then he slowly revealed the techniques of meditation.

And time slowly disappeared, and Hermione gradually entered a state of meditation.

But seeing the little witch's still tense body, Melda knew that she hadn't relaxed at all.

Melda smiled slightly at this, and then said softly: "Hermione, when meditating, try to relax your body as much as possible, and let your mind calm down."

"Hmm." The little witch timidly hummed in an almost inaudible voice.

For the next half an hour, Melda and Hermione sat on the ground.

Maybe it was because Hermione didn't have the cheats from Estes, or maybe it was some other reason, in short, she still couldn't mobilize her magic power that was not active enough.

As time passed, Melda could clearly feel that the little witch sitting in front of her became more and more irritable.

Hermione frowned anxiously.

She really didn't feel the magical power contained in the body that Melda said at all.

But in the morning, she clearly saw that both Harry and Ron had almost learned this magic.

Is it your own problem?
Hermione became more and more anxious, and even sitting here became a torment.The constant self-doubt made her unable to calm down and feel the magic.

Another 10 minutes passed.

The little witch finally couldn't hold it anymore, she opened her eyes suddenly.The brown eyes were full of mist.His expression was low, as if he was about to cry the next moment.

"Am I stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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