Chapter 66

Seeing Lu Sanmu walking away, Qiu Yingluo suddenly lost her strength and slumped on the ground.

"Ah~ I can't do it, I can't do it."

Li Nan closed his eyes, rocked the rocking chair, and took two mouthfuls of fruit from time to time, which was very comfortable.

After a while, Lu Sanmu came over with a chair.

Li Nan opened his eyes slightly, but did not make a sound.

Shi Shiran sat down, Lu Sanmu leaned halfway, and said without losing grace: "First of all, let me ask you a question, what is success and how does it count as success!"

It's an old MLM at the beginning.

Li Nan looked at him and said, "I'm not interested, thank you."

"You, you, aren't you interested?"

Lu Sanmu was speechless for a while, why did this person always not play according to the routine?

After being silent for a while, Li Nan sat up suddenly and asked with a smile, "So did you succeed?"

Lu Sanmu beat the paper fan and said vigorously, "Me? Of course it was a success!"

Several people around were also attracted.

Li Nan said firmly: "No, you are not called success. Successful people have developed their potential! And you, you have not fully developed your potential, you have only developed one percent."

Li Nan calmly repeated what Lu Sanmu said to brainwash Qiu Yingluo and the others.

Lu Sanmu laughed angrily, and asked tremblingly, "Why do you say that?"

Li Nan laughed and said: "Based on your family environment, at least you have to be a businessman if you want to be successful, right? Look at you now, you can't even catch my palm. What kind of success are you talking about? There are still young people, listen Said that Liu Tutou is cracking down on pyramid schemes everywhere recently, so be careful."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Is anyone from the Escort here? I'm Liu Changjie."

Li Nan was startled, isn't it, is it so accurate?What does this mean?
Cai Badou, the doorman, dropped two stone pillars and went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Liu Changjie pacing back and forth in front of the escort agency with an anxious expression on his face.

At the same time, there are many policemen running around in various houses on the streets outside.

"Liu Butou, why are you here, come in quickly."

Cai Badou said and invited Liu Changjie to sit in the escort office.

Liu Changjie Yuanyuan's face was covered with sweat, and his expression was also very tired.

"Don't bother me. I'm here to tell you something. Don't go to Dongyunjiang Pier recently."

Li Nan came to the door early, handed him a glass of water, and asked, "Liu Butou, why did you say that?"

After wiping off his sweat, Chief Liu Changjie let out a sigh of relief, and replied, "A monstrous mist has risen over there, and now the entire Dongyun River is shrouded."

Li Nan blurted out: "Is there another demon invading the world?"

At this time, Cai Badou suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help saying: "The head of the family just boarded the boat this afternoon! There will be no danger, Brother Nan, what can I do?"

At this time, everyone from the escort agency also gathered around.

"Mr. Sanmu, how is the strength of the people you brought?" Sheng Qiuyue asked anxiously.

Lu Sanmu was also a little panicked. If his eldest brother died here, he would not be in a good position.

He said with a panicked expression: "All the people I lead are warriors at the peak of their innate ability."

Everyone was speechless immediately, and Bai Jingqi couldn't help asking: "Your Lu family has a great career, so there is no master to go out to protect you?"

"You are a Chinese cabbage as a master, you can see it everywhere?" Lu Sanmu shouted angrily.

Li Nan walked straight to his room, picked up the ink sword and was about to set off.

"Brother Nan, wait for me, let's go together."

As Bai Jingqi said, he was about to go back to get his six-turn musket. He had just taken two steps when his legs softened and he lost his strength.

"Jingqi, are you okay?" Lu Qingcheng quickly helped him up and asked with concern.

"Uncle Gong, I'll go first."

Wen Lianggong took out his pipe and took a long puff of smoke rings.

"I'll be with you, Qingcheng, you stay here as housekeepers."

After saying two steps, he left, and when he came back, the dragon gun on his back appeared on his back.


Li Nan and Uncle Gong transported their internal qi to their legs, and disappeared into the night like an arrow off the string.

Liu Changjie felt much better after taking a sip of tea, and said at this time: "You don't have to worry, Lord Lang has reported the situation here to the imperial court, I believe the imperial court will send someone to deal with it."

But everyone also nodded, but they just looked at Li Nan and Li Nan who were going away, worried in their hearts.

Liu Changjie just came to pass a message, and there are still many families who want to convey the news tonight, so after saying goodbye, people will go to the next house.

It had just rained, and there was a faint earthy smell in the air.

Li Nan and Li Nan's robes were rustling, and their hair was covered with a little dew.

The speed increased again during the attack, and the strong wind brought by the passing through the woods blew off a lot of new tree leaves and muddy water on the ground.

Finally, half an hour later, a huge demonic fog could be seen from a distance covering the pier.

The demon mist is yellow, but its breath has a strong bewitching taste, trying to influence people's minds and demonize human beings.

From time to time, strange silhouettes of basilisks can be seen appearing in the fog.

"Uncle Gong, be careful."


The two each held a long bamboo stick and stepped into the demon mist.

The space distorted for a while, and the two disappeared into the world.

Stepping into the land of demons, Li Nanwei would fall directly into the water, so he and Uncle Gong took a long bamboo.

Although he fell into the water without thinking, the strange thing is that Li Nan doesn't seem to need to breathe now and can walk freely underwater.

Although he wondered why he survived in the water like swimming fish, finding Lu Sanjin was the top priority.

The bottom of the water was very deep, Li Nan looked up and could only see a vague moon.

From time to time, all kinds of weird and deformed fish passed by Li Nan.

There was an ugly fish with a human face, which was as long as a person. It opened its mouth wide and bit at Li Nan's head, and was split into two pieces by Li Nan's sword.

The stinky blood disappeared immediately after it appeared, together with the flesh and blood on the mermaid, as if it had been dissolved by the water.
The hair on Li Nan's back exploded, and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

I want to run ashore quickly.

[Wuxiang Shengong] At this time, he showed his charm again, and quickly stabilized Li Nan's mood.

He took a deep breath, sucked his mouth full of river water, and quickly poohed twice.

Every time Li Nan entered this kind of place, Monk Zhang Er was always puzzled.

I have no idea where I am or where I am going.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and Li Nan thought of [Source Pearl].

Wanting to separate a touch of consciousness and perform two-line operation, only to realize that I don't seem to be using this skill with one mind, so I shook my head helplessly and wanted to give up.

[Recommended secret technique for the host: Linglong Heart: multitasking with one mind]

Li Nan was stunned for a moment, seeing the price, it was only [-] energy points, so he gritted his teeth and bought it.

Just after buying it, Li Nan felt a lot more proficient in manipulating the mind.

Tentatively, a ray of spirit invaded [Original Bead].

In the black mist space, the black mist rolled and surged, and a long figure appeared silently on the high throne.

Without any action, he could feel the strong temptation and depravity from his body.


 I wish you all: all wishes come true!

(End of this chapter)

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