The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 Night Tour

Chapter 112 Night Tour
"I just overheard your conversation."

Hermione with long brown fluffy hair came over and said with a little warning:

"You must not wander around the school at night. Think about it, if you are caught, how many points will be deducted from Gryffindor! Harry, don't you think that the points deducted by Professor Snape are not enough?"

"But, this matter has nothing to do with you?"

Harry blinked twice and asked strangely.

"Perhaps she thinks our going out at night will interfere with her studies in the common room, doesn't she, Miss Know-it-All?"

Ron said sarcastically.Miss Know-It-All was a nickname Snape had casually given to Hermione, and Ron liked it.

"You—you are so selfish."

Hermione blushed with anger, "Anyway, I'm also from Gryffindor, and I can't just sit and watch you drag the academy down!"

"So? You want to come together tonight?"

Harry shook his head incomprehensibly.Ron said with a smirk, waved to Noreen, and left with Harry.

Hermione watched their leaving backs, stomped her feet angrily, and vented all her anger on Noreen, who was watching the show with a smile on her side:
"Hey, you should have seen it too? Why didn't you stop them?"

"Why should I stop them?"

Nolin asked strangely.

"They are violating school rules! You are the first in grade, shouldn't you be like me..."

Hermione said anxiously, but her voice gradually lowered in the middle of the speech.

Noreen laughed. Hermione, who has just entered school, still has a well-behaved and good student mindset. In the future, you will break no less school rules than them.

"There are tens of thousands of school rules, and the first one is not to be caught."

Noreen gave her a word of experience, finished the last piece of steak on the plate, and walked towards the long Slytherin table, leaving Hermione to grit her teeth alone.

Elena was chatting quietly with her roommate Ruth Ryan, and Noreen sat next to her without notice, and said with a smile:

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

"I was talking about you, so you came over."

Before Elena opened her mouth, Ruth Ryan answered, her bright eyes scanned Norin up and down, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

Noreen didn't understand what she was laughing at, but he didn't ask.Intuition told him that it was better not to ask about things between girls.

"Then I'll go first."

Ruth Ryan clung to Elena's ear and whispered to her.

Elena gave her a blank look and didn't say much.After Luth walked away, Norin asked:
"Why have you been there recently? It seems that I rarely see you."

Elena raised her eyes and said without sincerity: "Learn."

Noreen choked, "No wonder Snape likes you so much recently."

Elena's tall nose wrinkled, and after realizing what he was saying, she said angrily:
"My Lolo was discovered by him. He asked me for some potion ingredients on Lolo, but I gave it to him as I had no choice."

Speaking of this, there was still a little anger on her face.

"Lolo...what is it?" Norin frowned and asked suspiciously.

Elena looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Didn't you meet a big snake by the Black Lake last semester?"

Norin quickly recalled, his eyes widened, full of disbelief, "You mean, that thing is your pet?"

The big snake in the form of a horse-shaped water monster scared him a lot at that time. If Dumbledore hadn't appeared in time, Norlin probably would have had a close contact with it.

"It's called Lolo, and it's a friend of our family."

Elena glared at him dissatisfied.

Norlin had been to Snape's potion laboratory, and the various precious potion ingredients in it almost dazzled Norlin's eyes.He didn't know until then that despite the low salary of the professor, he was really rich in private.

It turned out that it was all the result of Snape picking up the wool bit by bit.

"No, then it was you who ordered it to come to me?"

Norin suddenly reacted and squinted at Elena.

"It ran out by itself, it has nothing to do with me."

Elena felt guilty for a moment, and said in a low voice.

"So it's also responsible for the weird noises in the Slytherin common room?"

Nuoling patted his head, combined with the weird talk last semester, he felt that he had seen through the truth of the matter.

"That's not true." Elena shook her head, with the same confusion on her face, "You don't need to ask me about this, I don't know."

Norin was too concerned.That was something Snape should have had a headache about.


At night, the weather is slightly cool, even in the castle can feel some coolness.

Autumn has come unknowingly.

Outside the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor, three small figures walked furtively.

The fat lady in the portrait also disappeared, and she probably went out to visit late at night.

"I can't believe that you guys are actually going to that stupid duel appointment."

Hermione grumbled under her breath, "Maybe Malfoy is playing tricks on you—"

"Then why did you come out?"

Ron interrupted impatiently, Hermione babbling just like his mother.

"I don't want to be deducted from all the points I won with the Alahoo hole in Charms class!"

Hermione stared and said, in fact, she thought so too, and she wanted to try her best to avoid being deducted points.

"Then you have to learn from Norling. Listen to George and Fred say that he won more points for Ravenclaw last year than half of the people combined."

Ron said teasingly.

"I almost told your brother, Patsy—he's a prefect, and he'll stop this."

Harry couldn't believe there were such nosy people.

"Then why don't you go?"

Ron squinted at her.Hermione snorted, but didn't answer.

After she went back and thought about it, she found that what Norlin said actually made a little sense.As long as you don't get discovered, it's still not a small risk to tell Percy.

"Listen well, I don't have any confidence that I can escape Filch's search..."

Hermione said weakly.She also heard a lot of rumors about the castle administrator.

"Since you're coming too, put this on."

Ron took a closer look at her and took out a small bottle, "George and Fred made this after a long time of research, and it's specially used to deal with Falch's cat."

"It's not hard to fool Filch, but it's his cat, Mrs. Norris. It's been a long time since I've asked them to give it to me. Save it."

Hermione poured a little on her hand, and applied the liquid medicine on her clothes suspiciously.The medicinal liquid is pale white and has no peculiar smell.

They walked briskly along the corridor, and the moonlight poured in from the window sill, spreading the floor one by one, like a strange magic carpet.

 Ask for a ticket ()
(End of this chapter)

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