The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 123 Hagrid's Baby

Chapter 123 Hagrid's Baby
At noon after Christmas, Norling and the others were walking on the road leading to Hagrid's cabin.

"Norlin, what is the meaning of the "Occlumency" you gave me last time? I can't understand it, and I can't learn it at all."

Harry tugged Noreen's sleeve and asked puzzled.Noreen's Christmas gift to Harry was a piece of advice: practice Occlumency well.

No way, Norlin is not good at giving gifts. Most of the Christmas gifts for friends are the same, and most of them are re-gifting last year's Christmas gifts...

"If you don't understand, you can ask me, it will be very useful to you." Norin said.

"When will Norlin teach me some more spells? Professor Flitwick won't let us touch more powerful spells at all."

The Crushing Curse that defeated the troll last time gave Ron a taste of the sweetness, he asked expectantly, and at the same time secretly glanced at the senior sister next to Norin.

During breakfast, Norin mentioned to Elena that he was going to come to Hagrid's cabin, and Elena was very interested, so Norin brought him along.

After seeing the three-headed dog Lu Wei at Hagrid's place last semester, George and Fred decided that they would never set foot again if it was not necessary.

Back then Zhang Qiu also vowed to say the same thing as them, but she didn't know why, but today she also followed.

Norin knew that Lu Wei was currently guarding the door in the corridor of the restricted area on the fourth floor, but Zhang Qiu didn't know.

"Teaching you charms is not for showing off."

Norlin smiled. He really didn't dare to teach Ron the powerful spell anymore. The troll was easier to deal with last time. Who knows if Ron would be stupid if he encountered a magical creature like a basilisk He rushed up to give it a smash.

If he did rush up, Noreen would be ashamed to see the Weasleys.

"You can ask Hagrid about your pet Lolo, I think he will be very interested."


Elena raised her eyebrows and said, "Luoluo stays in the black lake all day, so I don't need to worry about it. Also, Luoluo is not my pet."

The group chatted casually, and soon came to Hagrid's cabin.What was different from the past was that the chimney above the roof was steaming, and it was unknown what Hagrid was cooking again.

Noreen knocked on the door, and Hagrid showed his big sweaty face and said with a smile:

"Here we come. Come in."

As soon as they entered the house, they immediately found that the curtains in the room were drawn tightly.The snow stopped today, and the weather was still clear, but the fire was still raging in the fireplace, and the heat in the cabin was almost suffocating.

As soon as Noreen walked in, he glanced at the burning coals under the fireplace.He had guessed that Hagrid had heated the room to such a high temperature, apparently to hatch dragons.

Sure enough, a large black egg was lying on the red-hot charcoal, with an empty kettle hanging on top of it.

"Hagrid, you're not going to hatch this egg for Lu Wei to eat, are you?"

Zhang Qiu once again had an ominous premonition, and asked with a tingly scalp.

Hagrid was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized, he waved his hand and said, "No. Lu Wei has been sent to the fourth floor by Dumbledore..."

In the middle of speaking, he quickly covered his mouth, glanced at Elena, and quickly changed the subject:

"Hey, did you bring a new classmate?"

Hagrid usually doesn't have much contact with Elena, or the Slytherin people, and it's normal not to know each other.

"Eileen Selwyn from the second grade. My good friend." Noreen introduced with a smile, and Elena greeted Hagrid playfully.

"Don't change the subject."

Harry stared at him suspiciously, and asked, "What is Lu Wei? Are you talking about the restricted corridor on the fourth floor?"

Zhang Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, rolled his eyeballs, and suddenly said: "No wonder Dumbledore doesn't let people get close to it. If I knew there was a three-headed dog there, I would definitely..."

She suddenly realized that it was not good to slander Lu Wei in front of Hagrid, so she changed her words bluntly: "I must go to see it from time to time..."

Nuolin picked up a few books on the table and glanced at the cover, "Nine Things to Consider When Raising a Dragon", "Dragon Language: From Beginning to Burying into the Earth", "Newcomers from Zero Foundation to Master of How to Train Dragons"...

"Hagrid, what are you doing making the house so hot?"

Ron kept taking out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat and complained.

"Hey, in order for my big baby to be born smoothly, bear with it."

Hagrid smiled, and took out a pile of rock cakes and jerky, "Are you hungry? Eat something first."

He didn't meet up with a girl he didn't know just because a girl he didn't know came, and he could still trust the person Norlin brought.

Zhang Qiu's fingers trembled, and he said in a trembling voice, "Big baby?"

Norin handed her several dragon raising guides, walked to the fireplace, frowned and said:

"Is this what a dragon egg looks like? It looks... kind of ugly."

Everyone was taken aback.Ron jumped up directly, squatted in front of the dragon egg, and said excitedly:

"Where did you get it, Hagrid? It must have cost a lot of money?"

"Win it." Hagrid said with a smile. "I was drinking in the village yesterday and playing cards with a stranger. To be honest, that person seemed to want to lose to me directly."

"Perhaps he also knows that raising a fire dragon privately is going to enter Azkaban?"

Eileen looked at this dragon egg, and suddenly said.

Hagrid's smile stagnated, and he said in a muffled voice, "That's why I asked you to come over to discuss where it will live when it grows up. I'm afraid it will burn down the Forbidden Forest."

"I say, just ship it to Romania and let Charlie look at it!"

Ron's eyes lit up and he said loudly.What a coincidence that Charlie went to Romania.

"Oh, no—I still want to watch it be born and grow up..." Hagrid shook his head. "It hasn't seen me yet."

"After it hatches, shall I take care of it with you?"

Norin touched his chin and said suddenly, "Looking at the egg pattern, it should be a Norwegian Ridgeback."

Hagrid was taken aback, and said in disbelief, "Norlin, do you still see...egg patterns?"

You know, he had read all kinds of books about fire dragons before he judged that it was a Norwegian Ridgeback.

I know a snakeskin... Norin said silently in his heart, he has never seen the potion ingredients on a dragon, and he intends to get some wool from this fire dragon.

"In this case, I will notify you as soon as it is born."

Nolin told the type of dragon eggs in one word, which greatly boosted Hagrid's confidence, and he said excitedly.

Harry, Ron, and Zhang Qiu just stared dumbfounded at the two discussing various knowledge and skills of raising dragons, without any sense of existence.

Eileen smiled and didn't interrupt, when her eyes glanced over the dragon egg, her brows suddenly frowned indiscernibly.Quietly, she drew her wand and muttered a spell silently.

A wisp of black air that only she could see fluttered over the dragon egg.Her cold face gradually became serious, and her eyes were cold.

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(End of this chapter)

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