The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 Ron's Enlightenment

Chapter 143 Ron's Enlightenment

"I think my chess skills might not work..."

Ron's voice trembled slightly, pointing to the ground not far away, and said, "Look, what is that?"

Harry and Hermione stared intently, and there was an indistinct pool of blood on a certain square on the chessboard.

"It must be that Quirrell was injured when passing this level..." Hermione whispered, her expression was a little worried,
"His strength can be injured and bleed, we..."

They suddenly felt the ground under their feet shaking slightly.Ron and Hermione exchanged a look of horror and confusion.

"We have no choice, do we?"

With firm eyes, Harry walked up to a black knight and reached out to touch the knight's horse.Immediately, the stone came to life, the horse pawed the dirt, and the knight turned his helmeted head to look at Ron.

"Do we have to go with you?" Harry asked.

The black knight nodded.Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione.

"Ron, don't put too much pressure on us. We trust you." After a moment of silence, Harry said.

"Need to think about it..." Ron took a deep breath, "I'm afraid we have to replace the three black pawns here."

"Just tell us what to do," Harry said in a low voice, and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Okay... Harry, you take the place of the bishop. Hermione, you go there and take the place of the castle. I'll be a knight."

Ron observed the chessboard and said for a long time.The chess pieces seemed to be listening to them. As soon as he finished speaking, a knight, bishop and castle turned around and walked out of the chessboard with their backs to the white pieces, leaving three empty places for Harry, Ron and Hercules. Sensitive.

"The rule of chess is that white goes first." Ron said, looking across the board.

A white pawn moves two squares forward.

Ron began to direct the black chess to fight, and Harry and Hermione silently followed his orders.Now, they can only pin their hopes on Ron's chess skills.

They were truly terrified when another of their knights was eaten.The White Queen violently knocked the knight down on the floor and dragged him off the board.The knight lay face down, motionless.

"There's no way, it's the only way."

Ron said, his legs trembling on horseback, "So you can eat that bishop. Go, Hermione."

Hermione moved, the chess piece pulled out the staff, and knocked the opposite bishop off the chessboard.

Every time their pieces were captured, the white pieces appeared ruthless and merciless.Soon, a large pile of lifeless black chess pieces fell in disorder beside the wall.

Twice, Ron saw Harry and Hermione in time to be in danger and managed to get them out.He himself charged across the board, taking out as many enemies as they lost pawns.

"It's almost there, let me think..." Ron murmured suddenly.

The White Queen pointed her featureless face at Ron.

Ron was as white as the White Queen's pieces.He bit his lip and said:
"This is the only way... I must be eaten."

"No!" Harry and Hermione yelled at the same time, shocked.

"It's chess!" snapped Ron. "There's always some sacrifice to be made! I make a move and she'll eat me - and you can checkmate the king, Harry!"


"Do you want to stop Quirrell! If you don't hurry up, he will have already got the Philosopher's Stone."

The ground shook violently and violently, as if an earthquake had occurred in the castle.Although Harry didn't know what was going on outside, he didn't hesitate anymore.

"Ready?" cried Ron, pale but resolute. "I'm going—be careful, act as soon as you win, and don't delay here."

He took a step forward, and Queen White rushed over immediately.She raised her stone arm and slammed it down on Ron's head so hard that Ron fell to the ground as if knocked out.

Harry watched Ron tremblingly as he was dragged off the board by the white queen, who took three steps to the left.

King Bai took off the crown on his head and threw it at Harry's feet, a smile appeared on his face without facial features.The white chess pieces bowed and retreated one after another, making way for a path leading directly to the door.

Harry and Hermione gave Ron one last sad look back before rushing through the door and down the next corridor.

"Will he—"

"He'll be fine," said Harry calmly, as if he were making himself believe it. "What do you think is going to happen next?"

"We've got past Professor Sprout's trap, that devil's net - it must have been Professor Flitwick who cast the spell on those keys...Professor McGonagall transfigured the pieces and brought them to life, said To be honest, I didn't expect Transfiguration to be so magical. Snape's magic is left..."

They came to another door and pushed it open.A disgusting stench filled their nostrils, and Harry and Hermione had to cover their noses with their hospital robes.

The eyes of the two were also smoked with tears. They saw a giant monster through the blurred eyes.The troll was even bigger than the one they had fought the last time, lying motionless on the floor in front, unconscious, with a large, bloody mass on its head.

"Great, we don't have to fight this thing again," whispered Harry, stepping cautiously over the troll's thick legs,

"It's a pity that Ron is not here, otherwise he is also good at dealing with trolls... let's go, I can't breathe."

He opened the next door, and for a moment, the two of them could hardly see what awaited them next—but there was nothing scary here, just a table with seven bottles of various shapes lined up on it.

On the other side, Norin quickly ran to the fourth floor, greeted Lu Wei, and jumped down from the hole.The devil's net can't hinder him, and getting the key is easy.

When Nolin came to the chessboard room, he immediately saw Ron lying unconscious by the wall.

"Professor McGonagall is really serious..."

Noreen muttered, white light surged from the tip of the wand, surrounding Ron.Soon, Ron's expression gradually stabilized, and he even snored.

He walked across the troll-smelling room to the last door.The door was open, and Hermione was alone, looking anxious, with worried eyes, caught between the purple and black flames.

"Water and fire do not invade!"

Norlin's wand pointed towards him, and the purple flame at the door retreated automatically when it met him.He walked up to Hermione and said:
"Harry went in?"

"Oh, where did you go, and how did you... Yes, you went in."

Hermione's face brightened, she had many questions in her mind, but she also knew what the most urgent thing was, so she answered quickly.

Norin's eyes were fixed, and he stepped into the black flame.

(End of this chapter)

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