Huashan Zhangmen Road

Chapter 110 Written before the shelves

Chapter 110 Written before the shelves
First of all, I would like to inform you that Huashan is going to be on the shelves. After two months of ups and downs, with the company of all Huashan colleagues, Huashan is finally going to be on the shelves.

Thinking about the coming shelves, I was quite uneasy, thinking about staying up late to code words amidst the snoring of my roommates, thinking about plots in the lunch break of my colleagues..., thinking about the hard work these days will come from another It has been verified, I am really quite uneasy...

A wise man once said: I have worked hard, been tired, suffered, and cried, so it is glorious to give up.

In the past 68 days and nights, I have been sweating profusely, I have been burning lamps without sleep, I have not eaten a meal a day, for a chapter, a paragraph, or a scene in the article, I worked hard to conceive, work hard fix...

In the past 68 days and nights, I have worked hard, been tired, and suffered, but I have never cried. I don’t want to cry, because my words have been recognized by everyone, and recognized by the kings who have always supported Huashan. , so there is no need for me to cry...

Now, it is a hurdle for Huashan——to put on the shelves.

Books that can be recognized by most readers at the starting point will be on the shelves, so being able to be on the shelves is in itself affirmation of Huashan and recognition of Huashan. Here, I thank all the gentlemen who have accompanied Huashan along the way, thank you all...

Thank you for the rewards, brother keleiyu, brother Lihuayuliang, Yibiao Qingcheng and so on. Your rewards are the driving force for me to update the text and the greatest pressure for me to update.

When I ran out of words and didn’t want to update, when I saw your rewards and saw the two disciples at the top of the fan list, keleiyu and Lihua Yuliang, I felt quite uneasy in my heart——If I don’t update, how can I face it? A reward to you brothers.It can be said that without the rewards from the brothers, Huashan could not have come to this day with a vigorous and progressive attitude, so I bow again to thank the brothers who rewarded, reminded, and evaluated.

Thanks to all the gentlemen who have been silently voting for Huashan. You have never appeared in the book review area, and I have no way to see your figure. The only thing that can see your existence is the ever-increasing number of clicks and the ever-increasing number of recommendation votes. , Here, I sincerely thank all the gentlemen who silently supported Huashan. On behalf of the only eleven people in Huashan, I would like to thank you. , the glory that can be put on the shelves...

Hongyan is here to sincerely thank you all.

The reason why I say so much thanks is because it is on the shelves. There will definitely be children’s shoes that will leave Huashan due to economic reasons. Sorrow, for those who have left, I only hope that when you are happy, you can come to the starting point, click on the public chapter, vote for recommendation, and even give Huashan a first order. If you can do this, Huashan will be grateful. .

For Huashan, my expectations are not high...

Thousands of VIP readers, as long as there are [-] followers, Jiang Yan will definitely be able to carry forward Huashan. a promise, also a hope. I hope that everyone will contribute to Huashan, and Huashan will be appreciated. Endless...

At noon tomorrow, at twelve o'clock on NO.11, if there is no accident, it will be the time when Huashan will be put on the shelf. Huashan will wait for you at that time, wait for your arrival, and wait for you to be the strength of Huashan. Contribute a force, contribute a powerful source...

The gate of hunting monsters collapsed, and Jiang Yan was trapped in the Yunlan demon world. Should he adapt to local conditions and develop in place, or travel through thousands of worlds, return to Huashan, and rush to the throne of the number one sect in Linqing Prefecture?
The inconspicuous Fangmu who gave birth to the mighty Azure Goumu, the golden Moon Sable who was still sleeping, the misnamed sixth-rank high-level rune soldiers destroyed by Qi-training seven-level practitioners, the dispute between Ning Qian and Zisu's next-generation disciples, The fair, mysterious and powerful Huasheng Temple, the polite little monk Kongse...

All of this will be waiting for you to arrive at noon tomorrow, waiting for you to come and reveal the mystery...

I have worked hard, suffered, and tired, and will continue to struggle and suffer...

Gentlemen, can you give me a reason to continue to fight, to suffer, to be tired...

(End of this chapter)

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