Chapter 154


Outside Dongmu City, the huge bell on the top of Dongmu Mountain rang.

On Dongmu Mountain, on the original Xihe Jianzong's main hall, there were two rows, and all the sect heads, large and small, from the Dongmu District were sitting.

Xie Wenyuan, the Sect Master of Jinyan in Linqing Prefecture, was sitting at the front. Xie Wenyuan was sitting next to Zhuge Shang, the sect master of Dixijianmen in Dongqing Prefecture, and sitting opposite Xie Wenyuan was Pingqing Temple, the third-rank sect of Luoze Prefecture. The presiding monk Daozhi, and opposite Zhuge Shang, sat Yun Tiannan, the suzerain of the Luoyan Sect of the third-rank sect in Nanping Prefecture.

All the masters of the four major prefectures in Dongmu District and the four major third-rank sects have arrived. Among all the people present, Xie Wenyuan who sits at the top is the highest in the late foundation establishment period, and the other three are in the middle foundation establishment stage and close to the foundation establishment stage. later stage.

On the high platform behind the four people, in front of the throne of the leader of the Xihe Jian Sect, there are two tables on the left and right. Behind one table sits the young monk Kongse from Huasheng Temple, while the other one sits on the high platform. An old cultivator with gray hair and beard.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Monk Kongse stood with one palm in front of the gray-bearded old man as a salute, and said softly, "Master Wen, it's almost time, it's time to start."

The old man with gray hair and beard came from Wen Ting of Tiannan Jianzong, the only fifth-rank sect in Tianyue Realm. When he heard the words of monk Kong Se, the old man opened his slightly squinted eyes and glanced at the people who had already been seated. The suzerain of the third-rank sect, with a hint of disappointment in the corner of his eyes, said with some doubts, "Hasn't Huashan not arrived yet, master, starting so early is disrespect to the head of Huashan Jiangyan."

Monk Kongse smiled slightly, and said with a gentle smile on his face, "To tell you the truth, Layman Jiang has already arrived at Dongmu City, but he didn't come to Dongmu Mountain first, and the eldest disciple he sat down has already arrived."

A look of longing flashed across Wen's face when he stopped, and he said with a little urgency, "Since Master Jiang has arrived, why hasn't he shown up yet? How is his senior disciple's state?"

Monk Kongse said calmly, "Master Wen, the young man behind you is Ning Qian, the second generation disciple of Huashan."

Wen Tingshi hurriedly turned around, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he looked at Ning Qian in white who was standing behind him.

Ning Qian, who was standing quietly, only felt an imperceptible ray of light sweep over him, and with a movement of his mind, the power of Ning Qian's first-grade consciousness gushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, but seeing the gentle smile of Monk Kong Se on the opposite side, Ning Qian's body trembled. With a slight retreat, the consciousness that gushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness like mercury pouring down the ground was withdrawn in an instant.

Wen Tingshi used the method of detecting the realm of the cultivator to see Ning Qian's realm, a trace of surprise flashed in his heart, and he said with a look of surprise on his face, "Brother is young, and he has already established a foundation..."

The coercion of the divine consciousness rising from Ning Qian's body instantly suppressed Wen Tingshi's words back into his throat. Wen Tingshi's beard and eyebrows raised, and the strength of the great foundation establishment quickly formed a faint circle of spiritual power around his body , preventing Ning Qian's consciousness from invading half a foot around his body, and when Ning Qian's consciousness retreated, Wen Tingshi's eyes flickered with shock, "You are a first-grade talisman master!"

Tiannan Sword Sect itself has several first-rank talisman masters, and there are many talisman masters at the peak of the first rank. The distinction between the realms of talisman masters was very clear at the time of Wen Ting. The first judgment when stopping is that this kid is also a first-grade talisman master at worst.

Because of Wen Ting's exclamation, under the high platform, a group of sitting sect masters, standing disciples, and elders all looked towards the high platform.

When Wen stopped, he coughed, and his spiritual power was concentrated in his voice, and he said solemnly, "I called everyone here today because the number of places for the fourth-rank sect in Dongmu District has not yet been determined, but because of After some accidents, the choice of the fourth-rank sect has finally been decided. Whether it is in terms of potential or the overall strength of the sect, that sect is enough to overwhelm everyone present, so this time I summoned everyone to come here The purpose of this is to let everyone see the fourth-rank sect to which they will belong in the future—Mount Hua."

"I disagree!"

A sharp cry suddenly sounded from the audience.

Behind Xie Wenyuan, Xie Beilun with a ferocious face yelled loudly, "My Jin Yanzong is the fourth-rank sect. In terms of masters, my father is a master in the late stage of foundation establishment. In terms of numbers, my Jin Yanzong still has Xu Shishu, Bai Wulin, etc. According to the other two masters of foundation building, what is the newly promoted Huashan? No one wants people, no money, no money, and the whole sect is poor.

When the text stopped, the white beard curled up, and he said very displeasedly, "Boy, are you questioning the old man's decision? A son of the little patriarch of the third-rank sect who is not a shit, dare to be arrogant and arrogant in front of me, really! What kind of peerless master am I!"

Monk Kongse also lowered his head, clasped his palms together, and said the Buddha's name on the ground, "Amitabha."


A verdant cyan vine was planted on the hard ground in front of Xie Wenyuan.

"Second-grade upper-rank spiritual weapon Qingmuvine!"

The four suzerains who were sitting took a breath of air. The second-grade green wood vine is not an easy-to-refine spirit weapon, and it is an upper-level spirit weapon. Several major sects want to ask for a spirit weapon, but they can't get it. Huashan came out A second-generation disciple, the spirit weapons in his hands are all second-rank and upper-rank.

Ning Qian glanced at the crowd around him, his eyes flashed a cold color, and he spoke coldly.

"Following the order of my family teacher, Qianqian came to Dongmu Mountain first, not daring to weaken my reputation of Huashan Mountain. I am here to show you a little trick for everyone to see."

Ning Qian's eyes were fixed, his left hand was behind his back, his right hand was slightly opened in front of him, his five fingers were spread out, and he slowly closed his palm facing the ivy in the distance.

As Jiang Yan slowly grasped the palm of his hand, a thin bud on the distant ivy slowly sprang up, and then formed a flower bud, opened a beautiful flower, and then the petals fell, the flower faded, and finally returned to the garden again. A tiny sprout.

"Tch, blindfold." Xie Beilun stood behind Xie Wenyuan and said with a sneer.

"Shut up." Xie Wenyuan said suddenly, reprimanding his son coldly.Beside Xie Beilun, Xu Mingyuan kept his eyes on his nose, his nose on his heart, and remained motionless.

Yun Tiannan of Luoyan Sect glanced at Xie Wenyuan, with a playful look on his face. Xie Wenyuan was a hero, but he didn't expect to give birth to a son who had no city and no knowledge. However, Yun Tiannan was also surprised by the spiritual skills of the young man on the stage and smiled. He said with a smile, "My brother has great skills. The flowers of Tiangang's 36 skills bloomed instantly. My brother has big arms. Guizong has such profound strength."

Monk Daozhi of Pingqing Temple clasped his palms together, bowed his head slightly and said, "Amitabha, the flowers bloom in an instant, the little benefactor is very capable."

Xie Wenyuan sneered, "Ning Qian, you are the chief disciple of Mount Hua. With this skill alone, the flowers bloomed in an instant. The old man guessed that you should have already established the foundation. Your shitty master must have reached the late stage of foundation establishment."

Ning Qian had a panoramic view of the reactions of the lords of the four major sects sitting in the audience, and said in a clear tone, "It's easy to say, easy to say, thank you, Sect Master, Qian has practiced for more than a year, and finally succeeded in building the foundation three months ago. Family teacher, modesty is insignificant and insignificant, in the later stage of foundation establishment, Yu family teacher is just a small skill."

Xie Wenyuan smiled, and said with a sarcasm on his face, "In general, the strength of your Huashan is worse than that of my Jin Yanzong. If you only rely on superficial strength, my Jinyanzong is not as good as your Huashan!" also."

Yun Tiannan's eyes rolled, he didn't understand what the old man was thinking, he actually admitted that he was not as good as Huashan, you must know that he had fought against him in the Luoyan Sect for decades, but he had never heard this old man admit that he was not as good as others, could it be the sun? Coming out from the west, the old man is about to change his temper.

"How about it, Ning Qian boy, let your master who hides his head and shows his tail come out, and your masters and uncles come out. The power of your Huashan, this time, come out in full force. I don't understand. Your Huashan has a power that surpasses everything in Dongmu District. Why is the power above the strength of the third-rank sect always huddled on a small Huashan Mountain?"

Xie Wenyuan spoke mockingly towards the hall, causing a burst of laughter.

"Of course I was afraid of being beaten and killed in the first place. Our Jin Yanzong is suppressing the Linqing Mansion, and that sect dares to compare with our Jinyanzong." Behind Xu Mingyuan, a Jinyanzong disciple shouted loudly.

Zhuge Shang narrowed his eyes and stared at Xie Wenyuan and Ning Qian. Among the several sects, his Xijian Sect was the weakest, so Zhuge Shang also developed the temperament of not putting everything first. Xijianmen is firmly in the position of the third-rank sect in the Eastern Qing Prefecture.

Yun Tiannan frowned and glanced at the disciples of the Jinyan Sect behind Xie Wenyuan, a little unhappy, although Wen Ting said that Huashan would be the next Xihe Sword Sect, but after all, he is a third-rank sect, right? Dare to speak in this hall, Jin Yanzong Xie Wenyuan is really a little crazy.

"Rampant..." Yun Tiannan suddenly raised his eyebrows. When Xie Wenyuan spoke just now, although he admitted that he was not as good as Huashan, but he had a pun, superficial strength?

Ning Qian squinted his eyes, looked at Jin Yan suzerain Xie Wenyuan with mocking eyes, and said, "I do things in Huashan, so I don't need to explain to you, Xie Wenyuan. In the past year, I have traveled all over the world in Huashan. It is also necessary to report to you, Xie Wenyuan, Xie Wenyuan, you have taken the wrong medicine..."

"Zhuzi!" Xie Wenyuan shouted angrily, but Ning Qian really provoked him.

"Kill him, Ming Yuan." Xie Wenyuan pointed to Ning Qian who was on the stage.

Xu Mingyuan took a step forward, and a fierce spiritual coercion permeated the entire hall in an instant. The end of the spiritual coercion pointed directly at Ning Qian on the high platform.

Ning Qian's frown slowly relaxed, his eyes were filled with a warm smile and he said, "If you want to fight, you must fight outside. If you break something in this hall, it must be Huashan's own property." .”

A hideous look appeared on Xu Mingyuan's face, and he said in a piercing and stern tone, "Can you break my Jin Yanzong's things by cleaning up your early foundation establishment, boy, don't waste your time and delay!" , If you have the ability to escape from this hall, I will naturally go out with you to fight, Lord."

Ning Qian had a warm smile on his face, and with a wave of his hand, Aoki Teng came back behind him, and said to Xu Mingyuan with a smile in his eyes, "Really..."

When the last word was spoken, Ning Qian had already turned into a golden light and disappeared into the hall...

(End of this chapter)

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