Chapter 44
Thank you brother Yibiao Qingcheng for your reward yesterday. I was looking for a nap yesterday, but it was already dawn when I opened my eyes. One chapter is missing. I am ashamed to reward and support you brothers. Forgive me.Another: Thank you for the recommendation. The children’s shoes you have collected are your recommended collections. This is the guarantee that Huashan can continue to receive recommendations.

As the red spiritual power on the palm of the woman in black gauze gradually became stronger, a quiet and elegant medicinal fragrance slowly permeated the audience, causing the graceful and peaceful Ding Yuan's face to change color. This panacea is not simple... …

The woman and Ding Yuan glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. This panacea is at least a first-grade intermediate...

The woman asked Jiang Yan with a puzzled expression on her face, "Dare to ask my lord, this elixir should be a first-grade bone-yielding pill, but its grade seems to be a bit wrong?"

Jiang Yan's heart skipped a beat. Didn't he already say that it is a good panacea? Could it be that there is something wrong with the grade level? At worst, if I take out the first-rank earth panacea by myself, I don't believe that I can't justify you two drug sellers...

Jiang Yan made a decision in his heart, so he asked anxiously, "Well, you said there is a problem with the grade of my elixir, what is the problem?"

The woman frowned tightly, and Jiang Yan felt even more uneasy when she saw it, so she couldn't help asking, "Girl, my elixir is of the wrong grade, is it of a low grade? My elixir is a top-grade elixir. "

The woman saw that Jiang Yan was anxious, so she slowly said, "It's not that the grade is low, but that the grade is high. According to the record of the pill map, Yi Gu Dan should be a low-grade or middle-grade panacea. It is considered against the heavens that a high-level alchemist can refine a middle-level Yi Gu Pill, but the master's panacea seems to be a high-level high-level one!"

Jiang Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat down on the stool, and said irresponsibly, "My junior sister is a genius in alchemy, and it is not trivial to refine the high-level bone-yielding pill, except for this bone-yielding pill. Dan, I also took a high-level bone-yielding pill."

The woman in black gauze opened her mouth wide, with a look of surprise on her face, "My lord, you have taken such a high-grade Yi Gu Pill, do you know how effective it is?"

Ding Yuan, who is graceful and peaceful, has a heartache on his face. The rare bone-yielding elixir of the first rank is a elixir that is worth countless spirit stones. This kid actually took one just like this...

Seeing the woman in black gauze staring at him with burning eyes, Jiang Yan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Is it effective? Of course it is very good, but if you want to know the specific effect, you can only know after taking it yourself. "

The bright look in the eyes of the woman in black gauze obviously dimmed, she glanced regretfully at the Yi Gu Pill in her palm, then handed it to Ding Yuan beside her, and walked out of the private room without saying a word.

Seeing the woman in black gauze walk out of the private room with a lonely expression, Jiang Yan couldn't help asking Ding Yuan curiously, "Why did that girl leave like this?"

With a peaceful smile on Ding Yuan's face, he looked at Jiang Yan with a smile and said, "She just broke through the fourth level of Qi training, and taking this Yi Gu Dan is useless. If my brother came a few days earlier, my little brother You don’t need to go out for this elixir, Miss Yi will buy the elixir directly.”

Jiang Yan couldn't help but sighed regretfully, and secretly regretted that he hadn't come to this Pavilion of Odd Objects sooner. If he had come to this Pavilion of Odd Objects earlier, wouldn't he be able to raise the price from the ground and make up enough to complete the main task and upgrade in one go? Necessary spirit stone.

Ding Yuan's smiling face moved closer to Jiang Yan, and because of the excessive smile, Ding Yuan's face was almost full of flattery, "My lord, let's talk about the price of this Yi Gu Dan? Do you want to bring Yi Gu Dan?" As for the auction, do you want to sell the Yi Gu Pill directly to my auction house, or put it on the counter of my auction house for consignment?"

Finally, when it was time to negotiate the price, Jiang Yan paid himself that even though he had never participated in the negotiation, he had watched many negotiation movies, "You Ding Yuan, don't try to deceive me."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan coughed lightly, and said calmly, "Shopkeeper Ding, it doesn't matter how you sell it, but what is the price?"

Ding Yuan's face brightened, and he immediately explained to Jiang Yan, "Young master, sell it directly to my auction house, the price may be lower, but you can get the spirit stone directly, and according to the rules of my Pavilion of Strange Objects, Your elixir is of high quality. After you sell the elixir to my Odd Object Pavilion, you will naturally become a high-ranking customer of my Odd Object Pavilion. If you have a elixir to sell, I will naturally give you a high price. "

Ding Yuan's face was full of smiles, and he looked at Jiang Yan eagerly. He very much hoped that this panacea could be included in the auction house. The album was sent to the heads of various sects. The finale item of this auction was a first-grade middle-ranked bone-yielding pill. According to the news from the spies of the Pavilion of Strange Objects, many sects had already prepared for this bone-yielding pill. The masters of Pai Nei were sent to participate in the auction.

If this panacea can be included in this auction, it will not only save a lot of publicity costs, but more importantly, this panacea will definitely fetch a sky-high price.

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan's saliva almost flowed out. When Ding Yuan looked at Jiang Yan again, it was like looking at a flower. This is the great God of Wealth!

Jiang Yan touched his nose, and a narrow smile appeared on his face, "I said Treasurer Ding, don't you have an auction tonight? The method is also good."

A trace of disappointment appeared on Ding Yuan's face, and he said quite unexpectedly, "Auction, the price of the auction cannot be guaranteed, my lord, and we are going to charge commissions for the auction items. We will charge a hundred percent for each item. Ten out of ten."

Jiang Yan seemed a little moved when he heard the words, "Master Ding, if I sell the elixir directly to you, how many spirit stones can I sell?"

Ding Yuan's face brightened, and he said happily, "Master, if you are willing to sell the panacea to my Pavilion of Odd Objects, you will naturally become a high-grade client of my Pavilion of Odd Objects in the future, and I will give it to you according to the highest market price."

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Ding Yuan gritted his teeth suddenly, and said rather cruelly, "We are willing to pay 300 yuan for spirit stones to buy this panacea."

Jiang Yan was a little disappointed when he heard the words. He originally thought that he could use this panacea to earn 830 seven-speed spirit stones, so as to complete the main task, but now the 300 yuan spirit stones are not as good as Jiang Yan imagined. Some are too far.

Seeing the disappointment on Jiang Yan's face, Ding Yuan couldn't help but thump in his heart. Could it be that the young master is not satisfied with this amount? You must know that this is the highest price of Yi Gu Pill that can be offered on the market, and he did not give less. !

However, Ding Yuan overlooked one point. The bone-yielding pills on the market are basically lower-rank ones, and bone-yielding pills that are mid-rank ones are already rare, let alone high-rank ones.

Ding Yuan continued to use his three-inch tongue to lobby Jiang Yan, wanting Jiang Yan to sell the Yi Gu Pill to the auction house. According to Ding Yuan's plan, the price of the Yi Gu Pill will be set at four hundred spirits in this auction. Shi, if the auction cannot be sold, the Yi Gu Pill will be sent to a larger Pavilion of Strange Objects, where there are a lot of rich people waiting for these panacea that can change the bones.

Jiang Yan shook his head in disappointment. The price offered by Ding Yuan disappointed Jiang Yan. The 300 yuan spirit stones were not enough to meet half of the spirit stones Jiang Yan needed to complete the task. The price said that there is nothing on the ground, and it is rare in the sky, Jiang Yan is not tempted.

Jiang Yan glanced at Ding Yuan, who was about to continue persuading himself, and said firmly, "I want 500 yuan for this panacea, treasurer Ding, take it and put it in the auction for me, if the auction fails Go out, I will naturally take it back."

However, Jiang Yan had his own ideas. Seeing Ding Yuan's appearance, he seemed to hope that he could sell the panacea, so he would auction off the panacea now. If someone auctioned it off, it would be good, but if it couldn't be auctioned off At worst, he will sell it to the Pavilion of Strange Objects. Although the price may be lower at that time, if it can be auctioned for a high price, it will always add a glimmer of hope to Jiang Yan to complete the task.

Ding Yuan was very disappointed, why didn't this young man come in, so Ding Yuan could only say rather disinterestedly, "My lord, if you want to participate in the auction at the price of 500 yuan of spirit stones, you may not be able to get this panacea. If the auction fails, we will reduce the 5.00% auction fee to [-]%, and the fee will still be paid."

(End of this chapter)

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