Huashan Zhangmen Road

Chapter 56 Sapphire Stone

Chapter 56 Sapphire Stone

The surface of the golden spirit stone exudes a faint golden light, and the golden light gradually intensifies as the spirit stone rises, looking as far as the eye can see, the venue is full of golden light.Staring at the golden spirit stone carefully, I saw a few small shadows inside the spirit stone, resembling puppies and birds, constantly running and jumping. Gradually, as the spirit stone rises, the golden spirit stone sprinkles A faint golden light fell on everyone, and everyone seemed to be coated with a layer of golden plating, which was dazzling.

Jiang Yan stared at the golden spirit stone, and a transparent information interface appeared.

Spirit Tool: Requiem Stone
Grade: second grade

Additional functions: Suppressing spirit beast souls, locking souls

The corners of Jiang Yan's mouth rose slightly. The second-rank spirit beast garden was really unusual. What suppressed the spirit beast garden turned out to be a second-rank spirit treasure soul-suppressing stone, which was far better than the one that suppressed the spirit beast garden when he first built the spirit beast garden. A broken plaque.

"Boom...", another muffled sound came from the ground, and then, a round fence appeared under the soul stone, but the railings of the Spiritual Beast Garden slowly rose up from the ground...

Beast Taming Talisman Formation, Animal Raising Formation, Beast Gathering...

Bit by bit, the spirit beast garden popped up from the ground, and with the sudden sway of everyone's feet, a spirit beast garden that was much wider than before stood firmly in front of everyone.

Viewed from above, the upgraded spirit beast garden is distributed in a regular hexagon. On each of the six corners, there is a huge square pillar made of bluestone. Under the bright sunlight, the cyan boulder exudes a soft cyan light.

Between the bluestones on the six corners, several bright blue light rays shoot out from each other. The light rays cross each other to form a misty light curtain. The light curtain formed by several huge stones forms six blue light walls, confining the spirit beasts to the spirit beasts. In the garden.

"It's such a big spirit beast garden, it must be worth a lot of spirit stones." Mu Yun exclaimed, feeling sorry for the senior brother who built such a big spirit beast garden, how many spirit stones it would cost.

"It's such a big garden." Yunying said crisply in Jiang Yan's arms, pointing her little finger at the spirit beast garden in the distance.

"What a big bluestone." Tang Wan's beautiful eyes also lit up, looking at the six round boulders on the top of the hexagonal pillars in the Spiritual Beast Garden in amazement, her beautiful eyes were full of stars.

"This, this..., this yard is so big and bright, Aqian." Sun Yang stammered a bit, and said to Ning Qian beside him.

"How can the Spirit Beast Garden advance?" Jiang Yan looked at the tall and wide Spirit Beast Garden strangely, and muttered to himself in confusion. He did not make any move to advance the Spirit Beast Garden. Why did the Spirit Beast Garden advance? will improve by itself.

Jiang Yan stared at the spirit beast garden of the second grade, and the transparent information interface floated in front of his eyes.

Special Building: Spiritual Beast Garden
Rank: Second Grade (can accommodate fifteen first-grade spirit beasts, nine second-grade spirit beasts, and one third-grade spirit beast)
Number of spirit beasts: Moon Sable (sleeping), Roaring Sky Dog (first-tier upper-tier), Roaring Soul Dog (first-tier mid-tier), Golden Eye Eagle (first-tier mid-tier), Spirit Worm (first-tier mid-tier)
Functions: Breeding spirit beasts, raising the level of spirit beasts, domesticating spirit beasts of the third rank and below, killing spirit beasts of the fourth rank and below
Additional functions: Increase the advancement speed of spirit beasts by [-]%, assist beasts to advance to spirit beasts, mustard mustard

After the Spirit Beast Garden has advanced to the second rank, the most obvious change is the number of spirit beasts that can be accommodated. From less than ten in the past, it has jumped to nearly ten of the second rank spirit beasts alone, which makes Jiang Yan even more nervous. Surprisingly, the spirit beast garden has the function of domesticating third-rank spirit beasts.

There are no third-grade spirit beasts in Huashan, Tianshan, and the largest sect in Linqing Prefecture, Jin Yanzong. As for which family has them, Jiang Yan doesn't know much, but it doesn't matter, Jiang Yan is no longer afraid of third-grade spirit beasts.

Second Grade Spirit Beast Garden has a special incidental function - Mustard Seed Sumeru.

After the Spirit Beast Garden has this function, Jiang Yan can make the Spirit Beast Garden with the Jie Zi Xumi function larger or smaller and carry it with him. After encountering a third-grade spirit beast, Jiang Yan only needs to use the Spirit Beast Garden as a hood. , the third-grade spirit beast is tamed obediently.

However, the Spirit Beast Garden itself is quite large, and counting the stones used to build the walls, it weighs about a thousand catties. Jiang Yan wants to take the Spirit Beast Garden away with his own spiritual power, but it is a bit unrealistic...

"Dog..." Yunying broke free from Tang Wan's embrace, and ran into the spirit beast garden.

"Woof woof..." When Roaring Sky Dog saw Yun Ying, he jumped up happily. As soon as the white shadow flashed, Roaring Sky Dog jumped into Yun Ying's arms and stretched out his long red tongue to lick Yun Ying's powder. A small face carved with jade.

"Good dog!" Sun Yang yelled angrily at Roaring Sky Dog, full of resentment, the young master wanted to twist the little girl's face at the foot of the mountain, but was slapped to the wall by the big bird's wings , you bastard little bitch...

"Woof woof...", the black howling soul dog circled around the cloud shadow, barking happily.

The golden light on the small body of the first-grade mid-level spirit worm is brighter because of the advancement. When the body is twisted, the spirit worm disappears into the soil. In Jiang Yan's spiritual perception, the spirit worm meanders underground Moved, and flew towards the Lingtian in the back mountain.

"Huhu..." The golden-eyed eagle flapped its huge wings and slowly flew into the air. Due to its advancement, the golden-eyed eagle's body became one size larger, and its dark feathers were dyed with a light golden color. The broad wings have also grown for more than a generation.

"Woof..." Xiao Tiangou's angry cry came from the corner of the wall.

Jiang Yan turned his head, and saw Yunying and the two puppies, one black and one white, who were standing in the middle of the spirit beast garden, were blown to the corner by the hurricane blown by the golden-eyed eagle flying, and the angry roaring dog was heading towards The golden-eyed eagle bared its teeth and grinned, and the black roaring dog jumped back and forth, expressing its anger. Only Yunying stared at the huge golden-eyed eagle curiously with its pitch-black eyes.
"Eldest brother, why did Dahei get bigger?" Yun Ying asked strangely as she was picked up by Tang Wan, pointing to the golden-eyed eagle in the air with her little finger.In Yunying's memory, the original golden-eyed eagle was not so big.

Ning Qian was shocked, and stared blankly at the big eagle flying in the air. In less than a month's time, how could the big eagle have grown so much...

"Food." Beside Ning Qian, Sun Yang scolded the huge golden-eyed eagle in the air with an indignant face.

Mu Yun smiled and nodded on Sun Yang's forehead, "Boy, don't speak ill of the golden-eyed eagle, it is very smart. You entered my Huashan Mountain, and you will have the opportunity to ride it down the mountain when you turn around. At that time, it took the opportunity If I trouble you, you will suffer a lot."

Thinking of himself standing on the eagle's back, the eagle tossed up and down, turning 360 degrees from time to time, Sun Yang immediately closed his mouth obediently.

Jiang Yan took a strange look at Yue Diao lying on the corner of the wall, seeing that Yue Diao was still motionless, he couldn't help but stare at the Soul Requiem Stone in the air, wanting to see the reason why Yue Diao could not wake up...

Spirit Tool: Sapphire Stone
Grade: third grade

Additional functions: auxiliary advancement

Jiang Yan's eyes glanced at the hexagonal stone pillars around the Spiritual Beast Garden, and a transparent information interface suddenly appeared. Seeing the name of the sapphire stone, Jiang Yan suddenly realized that he couldn't blame the Spiritual Beast Garden for being able to advance. Several sapphire stones.

The sapphire stone, a third-grade spiritual treasure, contains powerful energy itself. The energy contained in a sapphire stone is almost enough for a master at the Jindan stage to practice. This shows how powerful the energy contained in the sapphire stone is.

The most important function of sapphire stone is to assist the advancement of special buildings. The energy in sapphire stone emits slowly. This effect is quite criticized by high-level cultivators, but this effect is quite effective when used in the promotion of special buildings. The energy slowly nourishes the special building, which is just able to assist the special building to advance.

Moreover, sapphire has a characteristic, it is a companion spiritual treasure. Each piece of sapphire is surrounded by five pieces of sapphire to protect it, which just forms the energy source of the six pillars of the second-level spiritual beast garden, allowing the spiritual beast garden to successfully advance.

"Ding, there are disciples at the foot of the mountain." The voice of the head system rang next to Jiang Yan's ears.

PS: Brother ngstone has two reminder tickets. Hongyan is very grateful and hopes to fulfill Brother ngstone's wish.One piece today, one piece tomorrow, Hongyan worked hard.

(End of this chapter)

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