Chapter 272 Don't Die!
Because of the urgency of the situation, all countries gathered their people as much as possible and rushed to Antarctica.

After landing in Antarctica, the daredevil team members ran towards the target without stopping.

Although the journey is tiring, fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, and this tiredness will not affect everyone.

Not long after, behind an ice mound in Antarctica, the death squad led by Huaguo was repairing.

"After climbing over this mountain, we will reach our destination after another ten miles. This station is related to the life and death of our human beings, and there is no room for carelessness. Everyone, hurry up and adjust your status, and don't lose the chain at critical moments."

Yue Zhou, the S-class transcendent of Huaguo who led the team, glanced at the electronic map and said in a deep voice.

He is a newly promoted S-level powerhouse of the Special Affairs Bureau, and also a soldier. He is the most suitable leader for this operation, so he was sent out to participate in this secret operation related to the future of mankind.

"Mr.yue, don't worry, you can just order how to act when the time comes, and we will definitely execute it meticulously." An A-level transcendent in Britain responded.

"That's right, Yue, the people in my Holy See also completely obey your command, even I am no exception."

At this time John, the leader of the Holy See, also spoke.

This time they came with ten A-levels, and John was even an S-level transcendent. This power can be said to be similar to that dispatched by Huaguo.

But this is the case, they are also willing to obey Yue Zhou's command.

The so-called specialization in the art industry, it’s okay if you let them kill the enemy directly, but it’s not so good to formulate some kind of combat plan in order to obtain the maximum result at the minimum cost.

Hearing this, other people in the team also nodded in agreement.

They all knew what the operation they participated in meant.

Although there were constant frictions between countries in the past, now everyone is united and no one dares to make trouble.

Moreover, everyone has family members alive, and they don't want human beings to encounter catastrophe, and one out of ten will die.

Likewise, they know what they are about to face.

But they don't regret it.

When accepting this task, they already had the determination to die.

This world should always need heroes.

A hero means sacrifice.

If there is no hero, then they are willing to be the hero themselves.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if there were no such reasons, they would not dare to have the slightest opinion on Yue Zhou leading them.

Everyone is extraordinary and follows the law of respecting the strong.

Others who are also S-level Holy See bosses say that they must obey the command of Huaguo S-level. They, B-level and A-level, dare to jump out and stab them. Isn't that lighting a lantern in the latrine-looking for death?

The strong cannot be humiliated.

Even if people ignore you now, when the time comes to confront creatures from other worlds, they deliberately refuse to support you, and say that they sacrificed themselves when they go back, what can you do?
After all, you obviously have a chance to survive, but because you offended the boss, he is unwilling to save you, so who will die if you don't die? !
After receiving everyone's response, Yue Zhou nodded solemnly: "Rest on the spot for 10 minutes, and wait for the news from the American troops, let's act immediately."


After receiving the order, the extraordinary people began to adjust their state to the peak according to their own habits, preparing for the upcoming battle.

After scanning around, Yue Zhou finally set his eyes on John of the Holy See.

He walks up to John:
"Not taking a break?"

"Heh, with our strength, there is no need to take a rest during this tiring journey, but thank you." John smiled and shook his head, making people feel good about him unconsciously.

"Harm, it's nothing, it's all just to maximize my strength for a while." Yue Zhou waved his hand and continued.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that your Holy See would make such a big effort. This is a matter between countries."

"Yue, what you said, no matter how small our Holy See Holy City is, it is still a country, why can't we participate in this matter. Besides, this is a matter concerning all mankind, even if the Holy See is not a country, as long as my Holy See If you have this ability, you will not stay out of it.”

"Hahaha, I forgot about this, it's my fault, my fault."

Yue Zhou smiled embarrassedly. He subconsciously regarded the Holy See as an equal with other religions, but he forgot that as the most influential religious force in the world, his holy city is also a country, a country recognized by the world. .

John didn't care too much. The fact that his holy city is actually a country is not only often overlooked by outsiders, but even many people in the Holy See have this problem. This is quite normal.

"Speaking of it, that was just righteousness just now. In fact, our Holy See participated in this operation with a little selfishness." John added.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Yue Zhou was also interested.

"You should be familiar with the Nordic undead invasion, right? In that incident, the appearance of the Lich King Arthas had a great impact on the prestige and status of our Holy See, and a dark council appeared among the people. Claiming to be a follower of the Lich King, he said that only the Lich King can save the world.

If it weren't for the Joan of Arc, who also has many human manifestations on the side of the Holy See, I might have been overwhelmed by their mighty momentum.

But just like that, the dark parliament is also growing day by day, and it seems to be competing with us for our beliefs, and it means fighting against each other.After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Lich King is much stronger than our saint.And so far, my Holy See has not seen a descendant of the Lich King's strength, so there is no advantage at all. "

"So you want to use this action to prove to the world that the Holy See is the religion that can truly save the world. You are even willing to sacrifice a talented young S-class like you in exchange for the continuation of the human race. The Dark Council is just a group of people. A selfish villain is not worthy of being followed by the world." Yue Zhou was thoughtful, guessing the intentions of the Holy See.

"Yue, you are right. But you must pay attention to the relationship between primary and secondary. Even if there is no dark council, my Holy See will still send S-level extraordinary people. This is our responsibility and obligation as the religion with the most believers and the greatest influence in the world." John He corrected with a serious face.

"Is that so... Then my perception of your Holy See has changed."

"Haha, what are your original senses? A group of pious, moral sticks?"

"Ahem." Yue Zhou smiled awkwardly, "I can't help it. I'm an atheist. Before my spiritual energy recovers, all religions are magic sticks in my eyes."

"Understood. Most atheists are almost like you. I've seen it a lot, and I'm not used to it."

Yue Zhou smiled, feeling a little more fond of this straightforward clergyman.

"John, you are completely different from the stubborn and rigid clergyman in my impression, and you are very appetizing to me. If you are lucky enough to return alive this time, I will definitely invite you to Huaguo for a drink."

"I have long heard that there are many fine wines in Huaguo, and I have long been fascinated. With you as a fool, it seems that I have to go back alive no matter what."

"Haha, that's a good deal, you must not die."

"Yue, you are the same, don't die, I'm still waiting for you to buy me a drink."

(to be continued...)
 2 Chapter [-] was blocked without accident, but fortunately, it has no plot connection with the context and does not affect reading.Um?Why was it blocked?Don't ask, just ask
(End of this chapter)

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