Chapter 285 Ten Plagues of Egypt

"Oh, Shet!"


The subordinates next to the coffin suddenly screamed, and even cursed.

The Boss came back to his senses, looked in the direction of the coffin, and suddenly discovered that the mummy had torn one of his men into pieces.

Boss' face changed, and he said quickly:
"Let's withdraw!"

"Yes, Boss."

Johnny agreed and immediately started to cover the Boss's retreat with his comrades.

As they ran out, everyone happened to see locusts flying out of the underground palace.


Johnny yelled, put the Boss on his back, and ran towards the outside of the underground palace.

Johnny is worthy of being the captain of this elite team. Even with a man weighing more than [-] jins, he is still not weaker than other men, and even faster than some of them.


Those who ran slowly were directly thrown to the ground by countless locusts.

Thousands of locusts instantly covered several people and began to devour them.

A few unlucky ghosts struggled a few times, and immediately stopped moving. Soon, only a bone was left after being eaten by locusts.

However, the deaths of these people also bought some time for their boss to escape, and escaped from the underground palace safely.

But they didn't stop for a moment, because they knew that the locusts would fly out soon and sweep the entire Hamna Tower.

They must leave this capital of the undead immediately!

Originally, Boss planned to get the "Sun Golden Sutra" again, but now that such an accident happened, their lives might be in danger at any time. For the sake of his own life, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​getting the "Sun Golden Sutra".

Anyway, the "Black Book of the Dead" alone was enough to put him above too many extraordinary people.

Star City, Huang Chengyang's house.

"Ni-chan, something happened over there in the Pharaoh Kingdom."

Wuhe Qinli hurriedly found Huang Chengyang and said.

"What's the matter? Is there a new space channel?"

"I'm not sure about this. You should see for yourself first."

Saying that, Wuhe Kotori handed over a tablet.

Huang Chengyang took the tablet, and saw that the sky in the picture was extremely dark, and the clouds in the sky looked hideous, like gray skulls.

"and this."

Saying that, Wuhe Kotori swiped the screen.

"This is the Nile River in the kingdom of the Pharaohs. Now it has completely turned scarlet, like blood."

As soon as the screen changed, Wuhe Kotori said again:
"Now countless frogs suddenly appear throughout the Pharaoh Kingdom, and the ground transportation order of the Pharaoh Kingdom has completely collapsed."

"Ni-chan, this scene is so weird. And this sense of déjà vu reminds me of..."

“The Ten Plagues of Egypt.”

Before Wuhe Qinli could finish speaking, Huang Chengyang said the answer directly, with a very firm tone.

"Yes, the ten plagues of Egypt!"

Itsuka Kotori nodded repeatedly.

The so-called ten plagues of Egypt, also known as the ten plagues of Moses, refer to the ten plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock plagues, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the plague of the firstborn. A catastrophe that people are terrified of.

It was originally because the Pharaoh of Egypt was hard-hearted and refused to listen to the repeated requests of Moses and Aaron to let the Israelites leave the borders of Egypt. God ordered Moses and Aaron to show many signs and wonders in front of Pharaoh, using ten disasters come down to Egypt.

These catastrophes became more serious each time. Not only did they cause great human suffering, but the disaster itself was God's judgment against the Egyptian gods.

To put it bluntly, it may be that God wants to compete with the gods of ancient Egypt for faith.

Among them, the blood and flood disaster refers to the fact that God used Aaron to raise his staff and strike the water of the river, and the water turned into blood. At the same time, the fish in the river died and the water smelled so fishy that the ancient Egyptians could not drink the water in the river until seven days after it was full. , the water source was cleared.Generally speaking, this river refers to the Nile.

The plague of frogs, that is, countless frogs covered the whole of Egypt, and even entered the Pharaoh's palace, on the bed of the bedroom, and on the body of people.

This is what troubled the ancient Egyptians the most.

Because they love cleanliness very much, the priests often shave their heads and body hair and wear fine linen clothes.

According to the records of ancient historians, they bathed their bodies in cold water twice during the day and twice at night.

As the saying goes, the sacrifices are like this, and the people are no exception.

Priests, being constantly on guard against every kind of impurity, this nuisance was an abomination to them.

Moreover, the ancient Egyptians originally used frogs as a symbol of their goddess, who was in charge of fertility, so they did not dare to kill frogs.But in this plague, the frogs became their plague.

The plague of lice, that is, God used Aaron to stretch out his staff and beat the dust on the ground, causing the dust to turn into lice all over Egypt, so there were lice on both humans and animals.

The Egyptians worshiped the earth as the mother of the gods, but God would perform miracles on the earth, hitting the dust and producing lice everywhere, making the ancient Egyptians who liked cleanliness even more unbearable because of the plague of lice.

The plague of flies, that is, God sent swarms of flies into the palace of Pharaoh and the houses of his servants.

The whole land of Egypt was corrupted by this swarm of flies.

The plague of livestock, that is, the hand of the LORD on the livestock in the Egyptian field, that is, on the horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, and sheep, a severe plague occurred, and almost all died.

The plague of blisters, that is, God commanded Moses and Aaron to take a few handfuls of ashes and throw them up to the sky before Pharaoh. .

Those who knew magic, such as the priests, could not stand before Moses, because they had the sores on them, and on all the Egyptians.

This disaster is another severe punishment from God. Even those who know magic cannot stand, and they all become victims of judgment.

Sometimes when the Egyptians offered human sacrifices, they would take the ashes of the sacrifice and throw them into the sky, saying that they wanted to avert disasters.

This time, however, Moses took ashes and threw them into the sky. Instead, he wanted to send disasters and harm the Egyptians.

The ancient Egyptians suffered from blisters, and even livestock were not spared from the plague.

The hail plague, that is, God commanded Moses to stretch out his staff to the sky, then thunder and hail came, and fire flashed to the ground. The hail and fire were mixed together, which was very severe. Since the founding of Egypt, there has been no such disaster in the world.

The hail struck all people and animals in the field, all vegetables of every kind, and all trees.

This was the first catastrophe among the ten plagues of Egypt that caused the death of people, killing all the livestock, which was more destructive than the previous plagues.

The plague of locusts was when Moses followed God's instructions and stretched out his staff to Egypt. God caused an east wind to blow on the earth, bringing locusts and settling on all sides of Egypt.

Because the locusts covered the ground, and even the ground became black, eating up all the vegetables and the fruits of the trees that were left after the hailstorm.

The plague of darkness, that is, Moses stretched out his staff to the sky according to God's command, and the land of Egypt was dark for three days. People could not see each other, and no one dared to get up and leave the place.

The Plague of the Firstborn, this was God’s last plague to warn Pharaoh, that is, at about midnight, he went out to patrol all the land of Egypt, from Pharaoh on the throne to all the firstborn sons of the slave girl behind the mill, and all the firstborn of the livestock. They were all killed, and there was no family in ancient Egypt that did not die.

The eldest son is the representative of the family, and people in ancient Egypt respect the eldest son the most, so this disaster made the people of ancient Egypt extremely worried.

The above is the content of the ten plagues of Egypt.

The original version is a judgment sent by God. Later, the punishment of insect bites or the return of cursed sinners from hell will also bring these ten plagues.

It's just that, because the sinner's heart is filled with the flames of revenge, the Ten Plagues don't change from mild to severe like the original version, and the death doesn't start until the seventh plague.

The order of the ten disasters brought by sinners is not fixed, and may even occur at the same time, and each disaster will cause a large number of casualties.

There are no immortals and Buddhas in the world, and there is no God.

At least not now.

Therefore, the ten plagues of Egypt in the Pharaoh's country today are the latter, full of endless blood, hatred, and killing.

(to be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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