Chapter 350 Night Attack
In the evening, because the system was updated in a short while, in order to research new functions as soon as possible, Huang Chengyang didn't check any wife's brand, nor did he plan to put his daughter to sleep.

Needless to say, Bing'er slept with her own mother Cang Yue at night.

And because Xu Ling was not there, Xu Xiaoran also followed Cang Yue.

Anyway, Cang Yue's bed is big enough, it is more than enough to sleep one big, two small and three people.

Besides, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded.

Soon, the time came to the point where the system started to sleep and upgrade last night.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded, and the dimension transmission function is now enabled. Please check the specific effect by the host."

After speaking, the system stopped making any sound.

However, when Huang Chengyang heard this reminder, it was like hearing the sounds of nature.

Dimensional teleportation?
Is it? !
In order to confirm the idea in his mind, he quickly opened the system and found something like an "update announcement", which contained detailed instructions for this update.

After reading it carefully, Huang Chengyang has a solid understanding of the new functions of the system.

The functions that have been enabled in the past have not changed much, and the main thing is this newly enabled function-dimension transmission.

As he imagined, the main function of this function is to allow Huang Chengyang and his paper wives to travel back to the world where the paper wives lived, and the timeline is the moment when the paper wives were first summoned by him.

Honestly, this timeline is pretty perfect.

You know, except for the timelines of Artoria, Joan of Arc, and Izaya Sakuya, it is not easy to confirm, and the timelines of the other women are all before the start of the plot.

The short ones are a few days and months, and the long ones are even a few years, ten years or even decades.

This time is enough for him to plan and change some of the plots that he couldn't see when he watched the show in the past.

And, more importantly, he can use this to save the fate of many regrettable characters, and at the same time, he can also help the original fate of the paper man's wife who has been summoned by him.

It can be said that there are many benefits!

However, the only troublesome thing is that the dimensional teleportation needs to consume points. Each person needs [-] points, not including the round trip, but the paper man who has been summoned and comes from the corresponding world does not need points to go back and forth, which can be regarded as a small benefit.

Huang Chengyang looked at his points deposit.

Well, there are 380 million left, which is more than enough to take all the paper wives to the Two-dimensional world to play back and forth.

Moreover, there is a special event network, the big deal is to be more diligent in completing tasks in the future.

At the same time, Huang Chengyang also noticed that to go to the world where the paper man's wife is, you must go with the paper man's wife in the corresponding world, otherwise you will not be able to enter.

In layman's terms, if you want to go to the world of Dating A Great Battle, you must take Wuhe Qinli with you; If you want to go to the Dragon World, you must bring Gao Jiangting with you; if you want to go to the Dragon World, you must bring Erika and so on.

That is, the paper figurines from that world must be brought along, while other paper figurines are optional.

This is not a restriction for Huang Chengyang.

After all, if he doesn't take the paper man's wife back to his natal home, there will be fewer people in the plot, and it may be shifted to some unexpected direction. This is not a good thing for him who is used to being in control.

In addition, the update notes also said that after going to the Two-dimensional world, there may be tasks triggered. The task rewards are similar to the tasks related to events with strong influence that were triggered in Blue Star before. They are all points and various characters. card, summoning card, and the point rewards are far more than the previous missions. I don't know if it is because the dimension transmission needs to consume a lot of points, so the system has increased the point rewards.

But in general, once it is triggered, it is blood money.

After all, with their abilities, there is almost no task that they cannot complete.

After checking the system update instructions, Huang Chengyang was surprised to find that the system also gave an "upgrade reward".

That is, he can use the dimensional teleportation function for free with five paper man wives.

Well, that is to say, it still costs money to come back.

But this is not important, after all, this saves 60 points, so don't waste it for nothing.

It's just that this first world has to be carefully considered, and it's best to ask the wives for their opinions, and you can't choose blindly.

"emmmmm it's too late today, let's discuss it with them tomorrow."

With this thought in mind, Huang Chengyang fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Huang Chengyang felt that his arm was being pressed down.

Lifting the quilt to look, she saw that Alena got into her own quilt at some point, with her eyes slightly closed, her long eyelashes fluttering, she was suddenly cute.

I am?
Attacked by Alena at night?
To be honest, it's not that he hasn't been attacked by the paper man's wife at night.

People like Morgana, Heizhen, Uesugi Erika, and Xiaojuzi have all done this.

But Alena attacked him at night, which he never expected.

In other words, Alaina's character is destined to make it impossible for her to have such thoughts.

So, she was probably teased by someone?

"Who taught you?" Huang Chengyang caressed Alena's smooth pink back, his tone full of ridicule.

Although Alena's eyes were closed, it was not difficult to see from her trembling eyelashes and increasingly rosy cheeks that she had actually woken up a long time ago.

"Yes, it's Jiang Ting." Alaina replied as thinly as a mosquito.

Her face was blushing, which was quite different from San Wu's previous appearance.

However, this kind of her is also exceptionally cute, a little more human than usual.

At this moment, she only felt extremely shy in her heart.

I am really crazy, under the instigation of Gao Jiangting, I actually attacked the owner of the hall at night.

I didn't pay attention to the consequences in my head before, but now I come to my senses, I am really ashamed.

"Jiang Ting, I didn't expect that girl to have such shameful thoughts." Huang Chengyang's mouth couldn't help but twitch a charming arc.

"My lord, please stop talking."

Although Huang Chengyang said that Gao Jiangting had shameful thoughts, Alaina felt that he meant something. On the surface, he was talking about Gao Jiangting, but in fact he was teasing herself, so her face became more rosy. up.

Gently pecking Alena's forehead, Huang Chengyang teased again:
"When I didn't expect my Alena to be shy, it was an eye-opener. However, it also just shows that you start to have emotions and desires, and you become more and more like a person instead of what you used to be , like a bunch of programmed dead things."

"Then, do you like me like this, the owner?"

"I like it. Didn't I say it a long time ago, I hope you really have human feelings."

"Well, as long as the owner likes it, Alena will work harder."

(to be continued.)

(End of this chapter)

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