Chapter 357
Hearing the broadcast from the fleet next door, Arturia looked a little weird.

"You can gain friendship by driving away the interstellar pirates? Should I say that the friendship of the Canglan Federation is a bit cheap, or should I say that they are a bit simple? They are not afraid that we are teaming up with the interstellar pirates, and the purpose is to gain their trust. ?"


Before Huang Chengyang could speak, Morgana said first:
"My dear Liya, you are acting like a king and a devil, you are full of conspiracy and tricks.

The possibility you mentioned certainly exists, but the actual situation must also be considered.

The opponent's fleet is not as powerful as the interstellar pirate fleet.

But we can easily annihilate the interstellar pirate fleet, and they won't fail to see the gap between us.

If it were you, if the other party could easily pinch you to death, would you consider whether the other party deliberately approached you to save you?

Obviously they can be crushed, why bother?
Taking a ten thousand step back, even if it is really a game, just to gain the trust of their little-known and insignificant planetary forces, they destroyed a huge fleet with dozens of large space battleships. Will the price be worth it? too big?

They are not the Scarlet Empire, one of the top empires in the universe like the Radiance Federation, and it is not worth spending such a big price to gain their trust! "

In fact, the Blue Federation did think so.

The so-called family members know their own affairs.

They know exactly what level their civilization is.

Although they are still relatively wealthy, it is possible for the things they own to attract interstellar pirates to rob them halfway, but if they want to attract the coveted eyes of a more powerful civilization, even a powerful civilization has paid a huge price to gain trust with them. It is absolutely impossible.

I dare not dream such an outrageous dream!

Therefore, there is a 90.00% chance that the opponent is a spaceship of a powerful civilization passing by by accident, but it just strayed into the battlefield and was pissed off by the interstellar pirates.

Conspiracy theory?
Do they have the capital worthy of a higher civilization's conspiracy? Can they not know it themselves?

Well, if they really use this to colonize them, they have nothing to say, they can only blame themselves for being blind and unlucky.

Of course it's not necessarily a bad thing.

The other party's technology is so awesome, it must come from a powerful civilization, can be colonized by such a powerful force, ordinary forces dare not mess with them at all, and the interstellar pirates may have to detour if they see them!

"Ah!" Artoria exclaimed in a low voice.

Afterwards, her pretty face was slowly stained with a blush, and even the dull hair on her head drooped weakly, obviously feeling quite embarrassed by her "conspiracy theory" just now.

Huang Chengyang smiled. He had wanted to say this just now, but Morgana had beaten him to it.

But he didn't care, and was even a little complacent.

Hey, as expected of my wife, we all thought of it together!

"Ayang, do we want to respond?"

Xiaojuzi asked suddenly, interrupting Huang Chengyang's flirting.

"Hmm..." Huang Chengyang pondered for a while, then said lightly: "Let's establish a communication channel with them first, and then we'll see the situation.

""it is good. "

Xiaojuzi nodded, and immediately gave a series of instructions to Zhinao.

Soon, the communication channel was built, and a picture suddenly appeared on the huge virtual screen on the podium.

I saw a very ugly alien wearing military uniform appeared on the screen.

"Ah, this is too ugly." Huang Chengyang couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

The appearance of this alien is similar to that of the alien who was caught drinking wine in Huang Bo's "Crazy Alien". The overall skin is brown, with a big head, big eyes, a big mouth, and a small nose.

The chest part feels like skin and bones, and the ribs are clearly visible, but the abdomen has a big belly like a beer belly.

Overall, that's pretty ugly.

"Hello distinguished guests from afar, I am Karen, the commander of the Blue Federation's first fleet. Nice to meet you."

In the video, the ugly alien performs a strange ritual.

Although they had never seen this kind of etiquette, Huang Chengyang and the others reckoned that this should be the highest etiquette for the other party to treat guests in a civilized manner.

After all, that kind of respect that comes from the heart cannot be faked.

"Well, hello. I'm Kotori Wuhe, the captain of the ice orange spaceship."

Wuhe Kotori is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for this kind of diplomatic occasion.

Of course, in fact, Morgana and Artoria are also good at diplomacy, but Morgana is not interested in this kind of ugly male, and Artoria is still in an embarrassing mood. In the hands of Wuhe Qinli.

But that's nothing.

After all, when he faced the Dusky Star Fleet in the outer space of the blue star, Kotori was also a horse.


Hearing this word, Karen's expression suddenly became a little strange.

But because Huang Chengyang and the others had never been in contact with an alien like Karen, they didn't notice any abnormality in the other's face.


You must know that spaceships and battleships are two concepts.

Spaceships are generally used for civilian or commercial use, and for military use. Except for those aircraft that are larger than space planes and smaller than small battleships, they are also called spaceships, and others are generally called warships.

So, you call this strange warship, which is comparable in size to a medium-sized space battleship, with naval gun power and energy shield defense more powerful than a large space battleship, as a spaceship?

Whose spaceship is so awesome!

Aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?
If Karen had the opportunity to come into contact with Chinese culture, she might know that this is a Chinese characteristic.

After all, even the fishery administration boats in Huaguo have artillery.

Absolutely rogue operation.

Unfortunately, Karen didn't know this.

He shook his head secretly, thinking it was just a slip of the tongue. Although he himself didn't believe it.

"Captain Wuhe, thank you for helping us wipe out the interstellar pirates. To express my gratitude, on behalf of the Canglan Federation, I formally extend an invitation to you to visit our home planet of the Canglan Federation."

After finishing speaking, Karen saluted again, and then quietly waited for Kotori Wuhe's reply with an extremely apprehensive mood.

To be honest, he didn't have much hope.

The other party's technological level is so much higher than theirs, what kind of civilization has never been seen, and there is nothing in their own civilization that can attract the other party, the other party is not likely to accept their invitation.

But hearing the other party's formal invitation, Wuhe Qinli hesitated for a while with such a respectful and sincere attitude.

She glanced in Huang Chengyang's direction calmly, saw him shaking his head slightly, and at the same time heard his voice transmission "this alien race is too ugly", she immediately had an idea.

It's not that she, the captain, has no right to make decisions, but that she has to consider the feelings of her lover and sisters.

But it just so happens that all of them have the same idea. This alien race is too ugly, and they really can't arouse the slightest interest in making friends.

If they were all humanoid aliens with handsome men and beautiful women, they would be able to make some friends.

"Thank you for the kindness of your federation, we appreciate it. But we still have important things to do, and we really don't have time. If we have a chance, we will visit your home planet next time."

Wuhe Kotori politely refused.

She can't say that the other party is too ugly.

The two sides have different races and different aesthetics. Maybe the other party thinks they are mighty and handsome, while Huang Chengyang and the others are weird and ugly.

(To be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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