Chapter 82 Cthulhu Incarnation

Great Empire, a coastal city in Wales.

In the dark basement, above the altar, there is a huge statue of the evil god.

This is a weird statue with an octopus head, a human body, bat wings, and countless tentacles, and there is an ominous, desperate, and terrifying smell constantly coming from its body.

A blood-red magic circle is depicted at its feet, and there are constant cultists holding innocent civilians captured by them, killing them, putting the corpses on the magic circle, and then quietly waiting for the magic circle to absorb the blood in the corpses. blood.

Around the statue of the evil god, there are many believers of the evil god kneeling and praying.

Judging from their images, it seems that they have enshrined the statue of the evil god for a long time. They have already used his divine influence, and their entire bodies have also changed.

The human head has been completely distorted and turned into a fish head. On both sides of the neck, there are constantly trembling gills, with huge and protruding eyeballs that never close, and dark blue scales on the face, but it can still be seen vaguely. Seeing a trace of a human being while smelling like a combination of sea salt and seaweed is disgusting.

If there were ordinary people here, even if they just took a look at the fish head, they would probably feel dizzy and nauseous.

Yes, they have all changed towards Cthulhu's lower servant race - the deep divers.

Seeing that the 99 pure virgin nuns were all bloodletted and thrown into the magic circle, the black-robed priest mentioned earlier looked at the group of believers who worshiped the statue of the evil god with gloomy eyes, and shouted loudly:

"For the glory of Lord Cthulhu! Dedicate your lives!"

Hearing the priest's shout, the cult believers who had already been brainwashed took out the short blades around their waists and wiped their necks neatly.

Originally, these believers were not required to take sacrifices for the evil god ceremony, but they have recently arrested too many people in order to collect the sacrifices, which has aroused the vigilance of the masses and the government, and it is already very difficult to arrest people.

However, the final number of sacrifices was still a little short. In desperation, the priest had no choice but to let the group of believers commit suicide.

As countless blood was absorbed by the magic circle, the statue of the evil god emitted a thin burst of blood, adding a sense of agility.

Suddenly, a violent vortex erupted from the statue of the evil god.

Immediately, the vortex rotated faster and more urgently, and the space in that place began to distort, accompanied by black thunder, each thunder was enough to tear the space.

The power can be described as frightening and full of force.

Accompanied by the appearance of invisible and intangible objects from the vortex in the void, filling the statue of the evil god, in an instant, an ancient and boundless will filled the entire space of another dimension.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of cold mist with blue, green or yellow fluorescence and endless stench appeared from the vortex, and then gradually spread in all directions.

Feeling that his spiritual world was being eroded, the remaining priests were not surprised but happy, and let the cloud and mist wrap themselves, swallow them, and let them control them without any resistance.

After the icy cloud and mist devoured the priest, it immediately acquired the memory of the black-robed priest.

As if he felt that no one in this world could stop him, the cold clouds and mist quickly spread and continued to spread towards the ground.

At the same time, His huge spiritual power spread rapidly, covering the entire city in a short period of time, and then spread to the entire Wales and even the entire Great Empire.

People who were originally asleep suddenly dreamed that they appeared in a lost ancient underwater city.

There is another voice in the city telling something.

The voice attracted them like a spell, and the more they couldn't hear it, the more they wanted to hear it.

Finally, that voice clearly appeared in their ears.

"In the eternal mansion, R'lyeh, resting Cthulhu awaits you in your dreams."

After hearing this sentence, everyone showed a happy smile.

Then the original normal face suddenly elongated and turned into a fish face, scales grew on the smooth skin of the body, and trembling gills appeared on both sides of the neck.

A nasty fishy smell emanated from them.

The people who hadn't fallen asleep at first were wrapped in blue mist.

A person with a strong will can still rely on his personal will to contend against the thought control of the cold cloud, and the whole person is constantly changing between murloc and human.

The weak-willed people, like those sleeping, are instantly swallowed and manipulated by the cold cloud and mist, turning into deep divers and his puppets.

With such a huge change in the city, it naturally quickly attracted the attention of the officials of the Great Empire.

They didn't pay attention at first, and just sent a few people into the city to investigate randomly, but the people who went in lost contact and never came out again.

This made them suspicious.

Looking at the clouds that were still spreading outwards, the Daying Empire sent people into the city with video equipment to be cautious.

Now, they finally knew the scene in the city.

Monsters with fish heads and human bodies all over the street!

And through the video equipment of the companions next to them, the supervisors in the background found that the people sent in by their side were gradually wrapped in blue clouds, and the whole people were constantly changing between murlocs and humans (this group is the official specially trained people) , the will is naturally stronger than ordinary people).

However, even specially trained agents are still mere mortals after all, they can't resist His influence for a long time at all, and soon they will completely become murlocs, and become a member controlled by the blue cloud.

"What is this?!" The people in the background watching the video sent back in real time looked horrified.

Human beings are always full of fear of the unknown.

Faced with this weird situation, they reported the news without hesitation.

This matter is beyond the control of ordinary supervisors like them.

Soon, the top management of the Great Empire learned the news.

They quickly convened an expert group to analyze.

This phenomenon of murlocification is typical, so the experts narrowed down the scope of their inquiries.

Soon, they came to a conclusion that made them extremely horrified.

This is the lord of R'lyeh, the god of water, an incarnation of Cthulhu, the god of sleep - Beamon!
"Few have witnessed the power of this colossus, and its sights are filled with eerie terror... Mysteries all stem from the foul-smelling mist, because the Devourer can appear in any moisture... The phosphorous fire of the dead lives in This house, fills this room, and from it comes the spirit of the devourer; who lives deep in the ocean, waiting to return to the surface. His eyes see all directions, and his ears hear all directions."

An expert tremblingly read "The Curse of Beamon" written by Bertram Russell in his hand. The things recorded in it were very consistent with the clouds and fog in the video.

According to the book, Beamon (B'Moth) is one of the incarnations of Cthulhu, in the form of a cold cloud with blue, green or yellow fluorescence.

It is the embodiment of Cthulhu's spiritual power, has powerful spiritual abilities, and can affect humans through dreams and telepathy.

It can send terrible nightmares to any corner of the world, and it is an important medium for Cthulhu to spread his thoughts.

It has the ability of mind manipulation, and can read the minds of any animal and human at will. The former will be easily controlled, and the latter can use its own will to resist this influence.

If the effect fails, Beamon will wrap the victim in layers of clouds and gradually devour his consciousness, causing his consciousness to be completely lost and controlled by himself.

(to be continued.)

(End of this chapter)

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