Chapter 97 Clues
Didn’t you hear from Bogomon last time that there are no indigenous little devil beasts at the Flame Terminal, so why are there two here?

The seven people got out of the car and were shocked when they saw these two little evil beasts, but they didn't approach them with clear reminders before.

Thinking of what Qingyi said just now, it seems that these Baigu beasts really have an ulterior secret.

In order to beware of being caught by those pegus and little evil beasts, Qingyi hid among the crowd and tried not to show his face.

There is not only one hotel here, the seven people found another hotel to live in, this one is very loving, it is run by cute floating beasts, just looking at it is pleasing, they don’t have to go around like those pegus. Recruiting guests, as expected, "cuteness is justice", and many guests are won by relying on appearance.

In the era of looking at the face, floating beasts are larvae of the angel family, with a kind heart and a pure heart, and generally do not have any bad thoughts.

After the seven people found the hotel, they stayed first, but the expressions of the seven people were extremely gloomy.

After arriving at the hotel, we put down our luggage, gathered together, and started discussing what had just happened.

Qingyi thought for a long time, and he was very aware of the seriousness of the matter. At the very least, it meant that those dark forces were further expanded, and they were able to infiltrate into the Flame Terminal. This city has a very high status in the digital world. .

Although the place of the flame terminal is not big, its status in the digital world can even be compared with the city of the three angels, because a group of ten fighters once rose here, and those ten fighters saved the entire digital world.

Although there are many Pakumons here, under normal circumstances, if they only live in the flame terminal, they will not evolve into little evil beasts. This is why Pogomon once said that they have no indigenous little evil beasts here.

But something unreasonable happened.

Temporarily guessing that the hotel has a lot to do with those dark forces, Qingyi didn't make a judgment last time, because they let themselves leave safely the next day, but now they can come to the conclusion that the Baigu beast is very To a large extent, it belongs to the same faction as the little evil beast.

Jin Teng frowned and said, "In the past, there were no little evil beasts at the flame terminal. What's going on? How could there be two at the same time?"

He continued: "Little Evil Beasts belong to the virus category, and virus-type Digimon are the least numerous in the Digital World, so it can really have the effect of seeing the big from the small."

"Whenever viral Digimon expand in large numbers, that's when the digital world is in crisis."

After listening to Jin Teng's analysis, Qingyi felt a little admiration in his heart. He was able to come to similar conclusions because he knew more things, and he could think of these only through two little evil beasts.

Jin Teng added: "We need to find out where these two little evil beasts came from, whether they are local or from elsewhere."

"It would be better if they came from somewhere else, but if they evolved locally it would be a problem."

The atmosphere in the room is very depressing. As the new elite of Odaiba, the people here have certainly better insight than others.

Xiaowen also felt the pressure. When I first came to the digital world, I encountered such a thing. Can I still travel well? But only when there is pressure can there be motivation, and this kind of travel can be called an adventure!
The Digimon partners of the seven people also came out, including the motion sickness corona beast. After a good night's sleep, they recovered a lot of strength, and now they have at least [-]% of their previous peak strength.

Qingyi told the Corona Beast about the matter, and after listening to it, the Corona Beast actually smiled, did a few fitness movements, and said: "Since there are, then just defeat them."

The few people did not relax like the Corona Beast, and were still thinking about this matter.

The Corona Beast is not a fool (it is red), because it knows that only strength can solve problems.

Jing Ping said: "Let's not act rashly now, we still don't know their strength. If it's just two little evil beasts and some Paku beasts, it's certainly not a problem, but it's not clear at all whether they are still in the dark." helper."

"Wait until the time is right, and then give them a fatal blow, so that they have no time to react."

Jingping's view is still relatively safe, at least he is waiting for the opportunity, but where does this opportunity come from?


At the Flame Terminal, Qingyi also has an acquaintance, namely Bogomon and Q&Amon. They know this place very well, maybe they can know something.

Qingyi said: "We can ask Bogomon and the two of them, maybe we can get some useful information."

The few of them basically know about Bogo Beast, only Xiaowen doesn't.

I just don't know where it is, but it hangs around Flame Terminal all day long, so it's easy to find. If you go out and ask a random Digimon, you might be able to find out.

Mu Yuti suggested: "Let's split up. It would be a waste of manpower if we all go to Bogo Beast."

Well, several agree.

After simple grouping, it was finally decided that Qingyi, Xiaowen, and Muyu would be in a group, and the remaining four would be in a group.

Xiaowen had already been handed over to Qing Yi, so he was naturally in the same group.

Bei Xue, Zhijing, Jingping, Jin Teng, and a group of four are mainly responsible for investigating the traces of the little evil beasts. If possible, they should be eliminated. The four of them formed a team, and they already have a team of seven. The power of the vast majority.

Qingdao said: "We will keep in touch at any time. If you have anything, just call or send a message. We will keep in touch at any time."

Alright, let's go, we must investigate this secret.

Qingyi and the others first came out of the hotel to look for Bogomon.

Bei Xue and the four of them followed out and went to investigate the situation near the Baigu Hotel.

The Corona Beast also came out now, followed Qingyi, and said: "Qingyi, if the forces behind them appear, as long as they are not of the full body level like the witch beast, I think we should be able to handle it, as long as they mature level, there should be no problem."

Qing nodded, the strength of the few people, after the battle with the lion beast, has basically got a general idea. Last time, if we added the earth-burrowing beast and two growth stages, it should be similar to dealing with a peak mature stage. .

Mu Yu said: "We must be careful. There is no one who is easy to deal with in the mature stage, so we must not take it lightly."

The Buga beast lay on Xiaowen's shoulder, rubbed it twice, and said with some discomfort: "Xiaowen, I feel a little uncomfortable here, why is it so hot everywhere?"

(End of this chapter)

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