Chapter 129

So, after trying to understand this series of things.Even Cularina, upon hearing the intermittent knocking on the door, a strong sense of dread quickly appeared in her mind.After all, although Culalina's strength has been greatly improved at this moment, for Culalina, her current strength is still far from enough.Therefore, although Kularina is not afraid of the navy of the Navy Headquarters attacking them.It is also very clear that the Navy of the Navy Headquarters will not let them go just like this.But Culalina hopes that the naval soldiers of the Navy Headquarters will be able to attack like them when her strength becomes stronger. In this way, when a real disaster strikes, Cularina is also able to protect herself. Not to die in the attack of this group of naval soldiers from the Navy Headquarters.In this way, when the real disaster comes, Culalina already has the ability to help Leach share some of the pressure. It won't be like this time, just watching the difficulties keep coming and being unable to start.Therefore, when Culalina opened the door of the training room, Culalina was very disturbed.After all, at this moment, Clarina is not willing to hear information about the navy.Therefore, when Culalina put her slender and white hands on the handle of the door of the training room, thick sweat still appeared on Culalina's palms.Because, even Cularina, after getting this kind of news, was not particularly willing to get it, so at the moment, he seemed very entangled in his heart.

Of course, the entanglement at this moment is only the entanglement in Cularina's heart.And at this moment, Culalina had some entanglements in her heart, and when Culalina finally completely opened the door of this training ground, it finally completely disappeared.Because, when Culalina opened the door of this training ground directly, Culalina didn't see any other figures she didn't want to see.What Clarina saw was the figure of an extremely tall young man.Although the young man's clothes were not simple, they were not gorgeous either. What he was wearing were just the most simple and monotonous ordinary clothes in the world of pirates.However, this kind of ordinary and monotonous clothes, which he wore on his body, revealed an extremely huge charm.This is a kind of charm that does not match this piece of clothing at all. This young man is wearing such a pair of clothing, giving people the feeling of flowers stuck in cow dung.But because of this, it is easier to see how handsome this young man is.I saw that this young man was tall and strong.Because it is summer now, the young man is only wearing a very simple short sleeve.And through this short sleeve, the strong muscles of the young man's body are conspicuously exposed.This young man has a very strong physique, even if he only sees his body through the simple short sleeves, he can clearly see how powerful this young man's physical skills are.For some days, Culalina has always thought that her physical skills have become very powerful.But now, seeing the physical body of this young man in front of him, he felt ashamed.

It seems that Leach's strength does not depend solely on the so-called silver dragon fruit.In addition to this silver dragon fruit, Leach's physical skills are also very powerful.After all, although the silver dragon fruit is powerful, a strong physique is necessary to fully exert the power of the silver dragon fruit.If the physique of the ability user is too weak, not only cannot fully display the power of the silver dragon fruit of the Phantom Beast series, but also may suffer the backlash of the silver dragon fruit because of his own weak physical body.Not to mention making good use of the power of the silver dragon fruit to fight, even switching between human and human-dragon forms will become extremely difficult.Therefore, Culalina, who had always thought that Leach was just a powerful silver dragon fruit, was shocked involuntarily after realizing that Leach's physical body was actually so powerful.Randomly, Culalina quickly felt ashamed.In the past, because Culalina didn't get involved in this aspect, Culalina couldn't understand how terrifying Leach's attainments in this aspect were.Therefore, in the eyes of the previous Culalina, Leach's power naturally relied on the silver dragon fruit.After all, most of the time, Leach directly changes into a half-dragon state to fight, and in that state, it is actually impossible to know what Leach's physical skills are.In addition, the previous Culalina was actually not good at physical arts, so she was not good at it, so she didn't understand it.She doesn't understand at all.

How much time and energy would it take to cultivate the terrifying physique that Leach had before, so Clarina didn't understand, so she just thought very simply that as long as she took the silver dragon fruit of the Eudemons series It can have extremely powerful power.But this is not the case, and there is nothing wrong with what Clarina has absorbed to some extent.Taking the so-called silver dragon fruit at this moment can indeed improve one's own strength extremely quickly, as Culalina thought, and thus burst out extremely powerful and terrifying power.However, while possessing such terrifying power, it is also an extremely huge risk.After all, the greater the power you have, the more difficult it is to fully control it.If a more powerful force wants to completely refine it, it will inevitably encounter countless difficulties on the way to refine it.There are some things that Culalina didn't understand at all before.Because in the past, Culalina grew up safely under the protection of Leach and the owner of Yixin.But now, after these two months of being in charge of the house slightly, Culalina must go to find out more.Therefore, for Culalina, these two months are actually very precious and important.It is precisely because of these two months of study that Cularina's form and views on many things have become very different.Of course, the most important thing is that Cularina's vision has become higher.After all, if it was before, Culalina would only feel that it should be taken for granted when she saw Leach's such a strong physique.But now, after Culalina herself realizes the difficulty of such cultivation, Culalina finally understands how rare Leach's terrifying body is.

Of course, compared to Cula Lina, Leach's two months can be said to be fleeting.Since he was severely injured that day, Leach returned to his pirate ship under the leadership of Cularina.Although Clarina took herself to receive treatment from the pirate doctors above the pirate group in time, the damage to Leach was too heavy in that battle.Therefore, even if Culalina had led herself to the medical treatment in time, it would not have much effect.In addition, Leach is also very clear that above his own pirate group, although he also has a so-called doctor.However, there are some doctors who can only be regarded as second-rate and third-rate doctors.Compared with Chopper or Kurox, this group of doctors is far inferior.Therefore, after suffering such an eye injury without a particularly strong doctor, Leach was naturally seriously injured. Therefore, under the treatment of these second- and third-rate doctors, Leach spent a full two months. time.In order to be able to fully recover.Today, Leach successfully healed all the injuries on his body. When he got out of bed, he found that the blood butcher and Cularina were both gone.So, Leach began to ask about the movements of the two.According to his inquiries, the blood butcher has successfully healed his injuries a month ago. Although he also suffered a lot of injuries, the injuries caused by the blood butcher are less than Leach himself. how many times.In addition, the blood butcher's body is also very strong, such an injury is nothing to him.

Therefore, it only took a month for the blood butcher to successfully heal all the injuries in his body.And after the blood butcher successfully healed all the injuries in his body, he immediately started his own cultivation.After all, the former blood butcher was almost an invincible existence in the South China Sea.Although he had also been defeated by Eustace Kidd before, for the blood butcher, he was absolutely dissatisfied with being defeated by Eustace Kidd.After all, Eustace Kidd did not defeat the Blood Butcher head-on, but because the two of them restrained each other, and Eustace Kidd restrained himself extremely greatly, so the Blood Butcher was defeated by Eustav Kidd Under the palm of Germany, and this way of defeat, the blood butcher does not approve.Therefore, the blood butcher has always thought that there is nothing.However, for Leach, the blood butcher is [-]% approved.Because although Leach also defeated himself.However, the means by which he defeated himself was upright.His strength made the blood butcher feel ashamed, and at the same time, it also made the blood butcher see the possibility of being stronger.After that, the blood butcher actually saw the angry commodore of the navy headquarters again, and exchanged his tone.And it is precisely because of this that the blood butcher is very clear about how powerful the Commodore of the Navy Headquarters is.The blood butcher is a battle madman, and when he sees stronger power, he becomes excited.In the previous time, because it was only in.

Because of the South China Sea, the entire South China Sea has greatly limited the vision of the blood butcher.Therefore, in the past, when he was not with Jian Liqi and Clarina, the blood butcher once thought that he should be regarded as the strongest in virtue. Blood Butcher himself.But judging from the later events, when the blood butcher thought, it seemed too naive.Therefore, from the point of view of the blood butcher himself, the slashing at any time seemed a bit too like a frog in a well.Of course, the blood butcher is an extreme battle maniac. After learning such a series of news, the blood butcher's first thought was not to be annoyed by it.Because if you change to another person, it is likely to feel this way.But now, this is not the idea of ​​the blood butcher.The appearance of Leach, and the appearance of the Commodore of the Navy Headquarters, for the blood butcher, a combat madman, opened the door to a new world for her, so, almost as soon as the blood butcher recovered from his injuries, , the blood butcher has already started his own crazy training.There are many training grounds above the Crozoa Pirates, and the Crozoa Pirates are also huge in size, so, this time, on top of the Crozoa Pirates, the Blood Butcher There is time and space to practice Xiulan, and so is Culalina, she also has time and energy to practice.Leach felt very emotional about this, but he didn't expect that he had slept for two months as soon as he fell asleep.At the same time, he also expressed his admiration for the blood butcher's attitude.

Unlike himself, the Bloodbutcher is a complete fighter.A person like the blood butcher really likes fighting. He deserves to be called a fighting madman, because he really likes the thrill of fighting, so he can be so active and full of passion. Practice.Although the defeat this time caused the blood butcher a huge injury, from the body of the blood butcher, Leach could hardly see the slightest bit of depression and despair. What Leach could see was only a strong enthusiasm, and full of excitement.At this moment, the blood butcher started to practice like crazy as if he had discovered a new continent. Therefore, despite the fact that it has only been a month, the blood butcher's strength has also been greatly improved.The current blood butcher, because the previous strength has surpassed Clarina, so after this month's promotion, the strength of the blood butcher is almost the same as that of Culalina.It's just that the two of them took completely different routes, so if the two of them didn't really fight, it would be difficult to really judge who the two of them were.But one thing is certain, no matter between the two of them, whoever is the water gun.The gap between the two of them will certainly not be particularly huge.Between the two of them, if a high ground can really be separated, the person who can win the door will win at most three strokes. That's why Leach thinks so, Cularina and the blood butcher Between them, the strength difference between the two of them is actually not too big.

Of course, this is just news about the blood butcher, although Leach has not known the blood butcher for a long time.But for people like the blood butcher, it is not difficult to understand.Therefore, although Leach has not known him for a long time.However, Leach could clearly understand the blood butcher's inner workings.You can also roughly guess what the blood butcher will do after it resumes its listing.However, Cula Lina's actions really surprised Leach.This time, Culalina was a bit scary in her strength.Culalina's actions, even Leach, were completely unexpected.After all, before that, because Leach promised Yixinguan to take good care of Culalina, no matter in which aspect, Leach took very good care of Culalina.Therefore, in the past, Leach basically didn't have too many demands on Culalina. He basically chose to let Culalina play by herself, and never put too much pressure on Culalina.Therefore, this also caused Culalina's character to be slightly optimistic.Moreover, it is precisely because she was also the eldest lady before, so the previous Culalina did not think that there was any difference in her actions.But I didn't expect that after this incident, Culalina would be able to recognize her current status and identity very well.Now they are just some young ladies who are not of a certain strength.Now they are facing the crisis that they may be killed by the enemy at any time, so they are struggling now and need to constantly improve their own strength, but they will be able to protect themselves when the next difficulty comes.

Thinking about some ideas, before again, Cula Lina absolutely did not think of it.And Leach, because he won the Yixin Pavilion and mainly strengthened Clarina, did not have the slightest idea of ​​reminding Clarina.After all, since Leach won Yixinguan mainly to take good care of Culalina, when he has the ability to protect him, he should not put too much pressure on him.So Leach thought so, and he did.Therefore, before again, Culalina has not felt too much pressure, and this is precisely because Leach has completely carried it down.However, it did not appear to be high. The difficulties this time were too great, and the pressure was ancient and great.Even for Leach, it would be too much to take it down completely.Therefore, this time, the naval soldiers who appeared at the Navy Headquarters were too harmful, causing extremely huge damage to Leach.Therefore, during this time, Leach suffered an extremely huge injury, and he stayed on the ship in a coma for two months before fully waking up.And Cularina, following this opportunity, fully recognized her position.Therefore, after this period of imposition, Culralina began to practice crazily, and the reason was because she had no sense of security.Because the piece that belonged to him has completely collapsed at this time, so Kularina wants to become his own sky.In fact, at this stage, Culalina will have to work hard sooner or later.Although Leach can protect Culalina for a while, it is impossible to protect him for a lifetime.

To be honest, Culalina is probably much safer than Leach himself.After all, Culalina used to be Leach's crew.But compared with Leach, Culalina has nothing to fear from the navy who is leaving the navy.Therefore, the high-level navy at the Navy Headquarters didn't care about Clarina. In the previous mission, when the group of naval soldiers at the Navy Headquarters dealt with Clarina and the blood butcher, they just held the incidental Just try to deal with them.Because, among the high-level navy at the Navy Headquarters, Culralina and the blood butcher are really nothing, but Leach is different. Maybe in the near future, it will be another phoenix Margo.Therefore, the high-level navy at the Navy Headquarters is very afraid of Leach. Therefore, the high-level navy at the Navy Headquarters is naturally a version of Gary for the hunting of Leach.But Culalina and the blood butcher have no such worries at all.Therefore, compared with Culalina and the blood butcher, Leach at this moment is really like a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect himself.Therefore, although Leach wanted to protect Cularina all the time, his own strength was really limited, and, most importantly, the naval headquarters that Leach was facing was the most terrifying one on the sea. He can safely pass this mission, but it will be very difficult for Leach to pass the next mission safely.Therefore, Leach needs strength more urgently than Cularina.

Leach guessed that his own strength probably needs to be raised to be equal to that of a navy headquarters when he is a vice admiral, at which time he can really be regarded as not so dangerous if he steps on it.Remember, it's not about being safe, it's about being less dangerous.After all, even if you have the strength of a vice admiral of the naval headquarters, although there are only sixteen vice admirals in the naval headquarters, there are still three admirals after the naval headquarters. If Leach meets these three In the case of an admiral of the navy, he must be dead but not alive.Therefore, if Leach really wants to seek asylum, there are only two ways. The first one is to join the forces of the Four Emperors.In the next few years, the status of the Four Emperors will be like Mount Taishan. Except for White Beard who will die after a long time because of the time when Fire Fist Ace arrives in Marin Faldo, the other Four Emperors will have a long period of time. safe.Therefore, if you really want to seek asylum, the best way for Leach is to join a force of the Four Emperors.And Leach's strength is very powerful, and the devil fruit he possesses is also very terrifying.If he joins the strength of a Four Emperors, he will soon be able to be reused by the Four Emperors.However, this method, Leach is not without ideas, but completely unfeasible.Because, although Leach took the silver dragon fruit, Leach's body still had the Crozoa virus when he was in mourning.This kind of virus was the virus that directly poisoned One Piece King Gol D Roger before.If Leach can't find the corresponding antidote, I'm afraid it won't be long before Leach will die from this kind of virus. Then, if he becomes a subordinate of the Four Emperors, it will be meaningless to play circles.

(End of this chapter)

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