Chapter 19 Blacklist

After the incident, Udon Town returned to calm again.Early the next morning, the red sun rose slowly from the east as usual.When the bright and warm sunshine scattered to every corner of the earth, the townspeople got up early to welcome their new day of life.Mrs. Ailan left, and Yixin gymnasium was destroyed.But no one would care about it. In a troubled world, being able to protect oneself wisely is already a blessing from God, and they dare not have extra thoughts to care about others.

Moreover, they are used to the disappearance and death of people around them.Didn't old Bob from Zhenxi disappear three months ago?Who knows where he went?They don't care about people who don't have much to do with the townspeople.

Seven days later, Leach and Culalina settled the affairs of everyone in Yixin Gym.They buried their bodies in the cemetery in the west of the town. Some gym students here came from afar. Leach and Culalina didn't know where their hometowns were, so they could only do so. .

The cold wind blew back and forth in the cemetery, passing through the icy stone tablets, making a burst of "woo-woo" sounds.Leach, who was standing in front of the tombstone, felt that the weather was a bit cold today. With this gust of cold wind blowing, he felt pimples all over his body.

"Let's go." Culalina turned around, her eyes were still a little red, and her expression was a little tired.But Leach could see the firmness in her eyes, and she thought she had made up her mind to bid farewell to the past and welcome the future well.

"How about resting for a few more days before leaving?" Leach tentatively asked Cularina.

"No, it's the same to rest on the boat. Besides, your time is very tight." Culalina shook her head at Leach, she knew that Leach was worried about herself.But compared to himself, Leach needs to worry now.After all, he was seriously ill, and it was still unknown whether the virus could be cured, so Cularina didn't want to waste time.

"Okay. Then let's go!" Leach put his arms around Culalina's shoulders. The latter's pretty face was slightly red, and her body was slightly stiff.

Leach smiled at Culalina: "You don't mind?"

Culalina's voice was as big as a mosquito: "No, I like it very much."

Leach and Clarina, who returned to their residence, quickly packed up their things, and they boarded the pirate ship with their own things.When they arrived, everyone on the pirate ship was already waiting on the ship.

Leach and Culalina put their respective salutes back into the room, and quickly returned to the deck.Soon there was a pirate crew member walking towards them, holding a black flag in his hand, with a white skull drawn on the top of the flag, and there were several eye-catching marks on the left and right sides of the skull.

"Captain, this is the pirate flag you requested." The pirate crew member said to Leach respectfully, and handed over the flag.

Leach checked the Pirate Flag left and right, and nodded in satisfaction. In fact, he didn't pay too much attention to these things.It's just that since he chose to go to sea, he naturally had to go through this process, so he asked his subordinates to go out like this.

"Go and hang the flag up. As for our pirate group, let's call it the Crosona Pirates!" Leach said to the pirate members.

"Okay!" The pirate members cheered loudly. They didn't know the meaning of Leach's name of the pirate group Krosona, but as long as Leach asked, they could strictly follow it.

"Crosona. Is it named after that virus?" Clarina cast a glance at Leach.

"Well, after all, I have to go to sea because of this virus. Otherwise, I might not be a pirate." Leach rubbed Culalina's head with a smile.

"However, I named the pirate group Krosona also has another meaning, that is, to always remind myself to try my best to overcome the virus in the body, and then start our wedding."

A blush appeared on Culalina's cheeks: "What wedding, what are you talking about?"

Leach hugged her with one hand, and gently bit the base of her ear: "Of course it's ours."

After seven days passed, not only Leach started to go to sea, but also a huge meeting about Leach was held at the Naval Headquarters.

A meeting about Leach?You heard me right, this is indeed a meeting about Leach.

Of course, this kind of meeting is not the highest-level meeting. Leach is just a fledgling shrimp now. With this status, he is not qualified to have various bigwigs from the Naval Township have talks around him.

However, this time the meeting was also organized by a lieutenant general of the headquarters and several naval captains.

The lieutenant general of the headquarters who participated in this meeting was Stolobeck, who was one of the black-armed Zefa disciples of the former admiral. 12 years ago, with the rank of major general, under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Borusalino (later Admiral Azaru) of the Navy Headquarters, he attacked and severely damaged the girl who sent Kerla back to her hometown on Fuiishout Island. Fisher Tiger, captain of the Sun Pirates.

It can be said that Stolobeck is an extremely veteran lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, and among all the lieutenant generals of the headquarters, his strength ranks extremely high.In the naval headquarters, his right to speak is not low at all.

And why Leach, a small fish and shrimp, can attract the attention of a big man like Strolobek, this is all due to the devil fruit he possesses.

The Naval Headquarters has a long history, and it also has a deep research on the devil fruit.Therefore, there are all kinds of devil fruit data in the database of the Navy Headquarters.

However, the Silver Dragon Fruit owned by Leach is not in the navy devil fruit database.This immediately aroused the interest of the naval researchers in this department.And after their in-depth research, they discovered that the devil fruit owned by Leach is a devil fruit of the animal family, and the animal he transformed is not a normal animal, and no scholar knows this kind of animal.

Scholars have directly ruled out the possibility of common animal-type devil fruits. The common animal-type devil fruits have basically been included in the database. Even if they are not included, they can still distinguish normal animals.And Leach's changing form is obviously abnormal.

Is it an ancient species?
It's possible, but unlikely.

Because, the navy's database also has information on various ancient animals, and after these scholars read all the ancient animal information, they did not find an ancient animal that looked like Leach.

Although it is not ruled out that there were some animals in ancient times that were not in the naval database, they think that the greater possibility is the most powerful and mysterious phantom beast species among all animal systems!

Scholars reported this matter to the top immediately, and because the Navy Headquarters was busy with things and Leach was too weak, this huge matter was finally handed over to Marshal Stolobeck with full authority.

"It doesn't matter whether this man called Leach is an ancient species or a phantom beast species, but one thing is certain is that this person is very dangerous!"

"I don't care what method you use, you must take it back to the Navy Headquarters for anatomical research. Of course, if there is really no other way, it is also feasible to solve it on the spot!"

"However, one thing you must pay attention to is that, before he grows up, he must be resolved as soon as possible. I don't want him to become, the second phoenix, Margao."

At the meeting, Stolobeck gave a death order to several naval colonels.If it weren't for the many things in his hands, he would even go to the South China Sea to kill him with his own hands.

After all, when it comes to the devil fruit of the Phantom Beast series, the first thing that comes to mind is Margo the Phoenix, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates!He is the confidant of all high-level naval officers and an extremely powerful opponent.

He is the most typical Phantom Beast powerhouse, so Stolobek is unwilling to let Leach grow up and become the second troublesome Margo.Such a threat had to be completely wiped out before he had fully grown up.

"Understood, Lieutenant General Stolobek!"

The captains of the navy agreed one after another. From Stolobek's words, they also knew the seriousness of the incident, so they all agreed. ,
Therefore, on this day, although Leach hadn't done any grandiose events on the sea, he had completely entered the navy's blacklist!

(End of this chapter)

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