Chapter 192 Island
Therefore, in the next period of time, while Leach was training himself, he was also helping this group of pirate members to train.This is about half a month.And within half a month, this group of pirate members, with the help of Leach, roughly guided the so-called knowledge-colored domineering, and the so-called armed-colored domineering, what is it for us in the future? .

Of course, knowing something is the first step for them to do, but after knowing something, there is a second step, which is what they really want to do, so, even if they know the first step now, but In the second step, it is Leach who will personally demonstrate what is knowledge-like domineering and what is armed-like domineering.Therefore, in the next period of time, Leach also demonstrated to this group of pirate members what is knowledge and domineering.

As for armed domineering, in fact, after half a month of training, Leach himself has almost mastered it.Previously, because Leach had already been able to make his armed Domineering have the ability to control entities.Therefore, for Leach, in fact, Leach already possessed certain abilities before.

However, now, it is completely different from before.So, now, in fact, Leach has already mastered the armed domineering, although the current Leach, the armed domineering that he has mastered, will be promoted to the state where you are only a junior armed domineering, but anyway Well, Leach has also mastered this armed domineering, so, in the fact of the example, Leach will not lose face too much.

Of course, Leach has only been away from guiding for a while, as I have already said before.It is impossible for Leach to keep this group of pirates on his own pirate ship for training.Because Leach's time is indeed very limited.Therefore, during this period of time, Leach is actually very precious.Now, after Leach probably guided the group of pirate members, he began to assign them to perform tasks.

For example, for Mr1 and Nicole Robin, Leach assigned them a new pirate ship, and then asked the two of them to go to various islands to help Leach find out about healing fruits.As for mr2, he was sent out by Leach alone to lurk in the navy branch.When working under Crocodile, Crocodile did not make good use of the ability of mr2 von Clay, but now that mr2 von Clay has become Leach's subordinate, then Leach will naturally make good use of his ability , So, before, under Crocodile's men, mr2 von Clay didn't make good use of his abilities, but now Leach will not let mr2 von Clay waste his talent, so now Leach Directly intend to let mr2 Feng Kelei break into the navy.Leach believes that it is best to start with the Navy branch for mr2.Because compared with the Navy Headquarters, the Navy Branch has more opportunities to make a head start, and the Navy Branch is safer.

If mr2 Feng Clay can really grow into a naval captain of a naval branch in the future, then it will be a very good thing for Leach. In that case, Leach will also know a lot of pirates Unknown information.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the current mr2's strength is very good. It would be a bit troublesome to become a naval captain of the Navy headquarters, but with the current strength of mr2 Feng Kelei, he wants to become a naval captain of a naval branch. questionable.So, after Leach was ready, mr2 von Clay set out alone.

Engaged in latent work such as mr2.Leach didn't assign any subordinates to him, because he didn't need it at all.He only needs to rely on his own ability to randomly find a navy pawn who was originally from the Navy Branch, or change a new face, and sneak into the Navy Branch. It all depends on how mr2 Feng Kelei is going to operate.Therefore, in fact, Leach is not worried about mr2 Feng Kelei, and Leach also believes that as long as Mr2 Feng Clay gets the last loss, he will definitely be able to do well.

Moreover, for this kind of thing, in fact, as long as he becomes a proud colonel of the Navy Headquarters, mr2 will actually live a very comfortable life.The captain of the navy branch and the captain of the navy headquarters are two completely different concepts.If it is the headquarters of the navy, then mr2 Feng Kelei may always need to perform tasks crazily, but if it is the branch of the navy, it is completely different.

After all, as the captain of the navy branch, he has the final say on everything. He has become the ruler of this navy branch, and he has the final say on everything. His subordinates are working hard outside , mr2 Feng Kelei can also stay and sleep in the office.

Of course, if it is mr3, Leach is not too relieved, so in fact Leach has been waiting for the blood butcher to come back.It has been more than a month or two since Leach ordered the blood butcher to carry out the mission.During this period of time, the blood butcher has also been completing his mission.And just a few days ago, the blood butcher finally sent Leach a message.After returning the message to Leach, the blood butcher told Leach that he had found a suitable island, so after the blood butcher gave Leach a general geographical location, Leach headed towards the blood butcher to find out As for the blood butcher, he is actually waiting on which island right now.So for the next period of time, mr3 has been waiting on the pirate ship. Before mr3, there were actually a lot of tricks in his heart.

After all, in his opinion, Leach is too dangerous.So, in fact, when he saw that when Leach gave Nicole Robin and others a chance to leave by himself, he actually wanted to leave himself.Therefore, it can be said that for mr3, in fact, he joined Leach's pirate group before, which was just a stopgap measure. For some days, mr3 has been looking for an opportunity to get out.However, what he didn't expect was that Leach treats him differently. When he treats himself, Leach doesn't treat Mr. Feng Kelei and Niu Yanni who have the ability to go outside to perform tasks by themselves, but treats him Pay another pirate member as a second-in-command.

Now, although mr3 still hasn't seen the blood butcher, but now, in his heart, mr3 is already thinking about how to escape from the blood butcher and leave Leach's Croso Ya Pirates.

After all, in mr3's view, although Leach is good, this kind of person is really too dangerous.Moreover, the most important thing is that there are many capable people under Leach, and Leach does not trust himself too much from his current performance.So, now, in fact, mr3 doesn't particularly want to do things in Leach's hands.Therefore, the current mr3 actually thinks in his heart that as long as mr3 boards the team of blood butchers, as long as Leach is not here to monitor, he can escape.

He is still very confident in his own strength.If it is really necessary, mr3 actually thinks that he can kill the blood butcher directly, and then become a captain himself.After all, on this pirate ship, mr3 thinks that as long as he doesn't meet Leach, other people, when he meets them, shouldn't be a big problem.So, before the blood butcher came here, mr3 thought exactly like this in his heart.

However, after mr3 really met the blood butcher, all the gossips in mr3's heart disappeared completely.Before, he really wanted to attack the blood butcher, but now he thinks that he was too stupid before.He was so stupid that he wanted to take action against such a terrifying thing.To be honest, from the body of the blood butcher, he can feel a kind of fluctuation that is more terrifying than Leach. I believe anyone will say it like this.

And that's true in reality. To be honest, in fact, although Leach's strength is several grades stronger than that of the blood butcher, in terms of murderousness, the blood butcher is definitely far superior to that of Li Qiye. Strange, so even Leach, when he didn't make a move, his aura was completely suppressed by the blood butcher.

Therefore, even if Leach and the blood butcher stand together, ordinary people will mistake the blood butcher for Leach, the captain of the Crozoa Pirates, and Leach for the Crozoa sea captain. The top leader of the bandits, the blood butcher.Therefore, in the past, mr3 had a lot of thoughts about the blood butcher in his mind, but now, after seeing the blood butcher, the thoughts in mr3's mind before have been completely dissipated. clean. mr3 wants to admit very sincerely, before, he was indeed too ignorant.

Actually thinking about doing that kind of thing to this kind of terrifying existence.Even, there is such a stupid idea that if it is really impossible, the blood butcher can be beheaded.From his point of view now, he could do this himself, but if he really wanted to do it himself, the one who died was not the blood butcher, but himself.And his own behavior can actually be summed up in one word, that is courting death! mr3 dared to use his own head to guarantee that if he took action against the blood butcher, he would definitely die a miserable death.Because, the blood butcher, his murderous aura has reached an indescribable level of terror. mr3 is full of fear for him.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, the blood butcher is much more terrifying than Leach.However, in fact, the blood butcher also knew that although his aura was terrifying, he was simply a powerful person, a truly powerful person.It's Leach, so the imposing blood butcher knows better than anyone how terrifying Leach is.Therefore, other people may underestimate Leach because of his appearance and aura, but the blood butcher will not have such an idea at all.

So, now, the blood butcher looked at Leach. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time, when he saw Leach for the first time, he was still very respectful.Leach naturally felt indifferent to this.In Leach's view now, the status of the blood butcher in his heart is already extremely high.Now Leach may understand Whitebeard's state of mind, why he regards his pirates as family members, because, after going out with them to a certain extent, the relationship between them has actually reached a very special level .At this level, they can put their lives in the custody of each other in a very ordinary way.Because they are very clear that in many cases, the other party actually regards their mutual lives as more important than their own.

Therefore, in many cases, they are actually willing to fight for each other. Therefore, in this state, although they are not family members in the true sense, they are actually more important than family members. Get close a lot.It has been drafted. It can be said that, in fact, Leach now understands what Whitebeard thought before.

Of course, the scene ended here. After the blood butcher met Leach, Leach also introduced mr3 to the blood butcher.To be honest, when mr3 heard Leach introduce himself thinking of the blood butcher at the beginning, in his heart, he couldn't help but be clever. Mr3 told the truth, he really didn't want the blood butcher to know him, and he didn't want to work under the blood butcher either.Because, from the perspective of mr3, a guy like Leach is already very scary.

But the blood butcher in front of him, in his opinion, was even more terrifying than Leach.Therefore, he did not dare to follow him to do things at all. If possible, he thought that he might as well follow this Leach to do things.After all, at least he was much safer that way.Judging from the aura of the blood butcher in front of him, this guy is definitely a murderer. Maybe when he gets bored, he can kill himself by the way.Therefore, for him, he is not willing to follow the blood butcher.However, now, Leach has given the order to die, even if he resists this matter in his heart.

But at the last moment, it had to be done.After all, where he was stuck, he could refuse, but the end after refusing would definitely be very miserable.Although Leach usually shows a harmless appearance to humans and animals.But knowing now, mr3 still clearly remembers how miserable Crocodile was when he died, so he will not think that Leach is a good person just because of Leach's performance recently.I kept thinking that Leach was the wolf in sheep's clothing, and he was much more terrifying than the blood butcher.

So, this time, since this matter has been decided by Leach, he thinks that even if he is unwilling in every possible way, it is still necessary in the end, and he chooses to do as Leach ordered. .Therefore, now, although he has a certain resistance in his heart, on the surface, he still has to go up honestly, face the blood butcher with a respectful face, and stretch out his hand.As for the blood butcher, because before, Li Qi had probably told the blood butcher what kind of person his partner was, so, relying on Li Qi's tacit understanding with the blood butcher, and The blood butcher has a tacit understanding with Leach, and they can also be very clear about what the other side is thinking.

Therefore, the current blood butcher didn't put on airs, it was for Leach's face, he shook hands with mr3 in front of him, but quickly took it back, and then said to the blood butcher in front of him, work hard.Maybe when, you can also become a captain.Not urgent you are just a vice captain.Of course, it takes time.However, I believe that you have this time and this experience, so I don't think there is anything to worry about.Now, Leach cut the blood butcher and mr3 in front of him, and he has no idea to continue chatting with the two of them here.So, Leach said to the blood butcher on one side,.Take me in and have a look.

The words of the blood butcher are naturally based on Leach's words. For the blood butcher, Leach's words are everything, so Leach can do whatever he asks him to do.Now Leach asked him to report on the results.He naturally has no need and no reason to waste time here with mr3 in front of him.Therefore, the blood butcher quickly nodded towards Leach, and then, the blood butcher began to take Leach towards the front, introducing this island to Leach.As for mr3, after the blood butcher and Leach walked away, he finally breathed out involuntarily.He also did not expect that the blood butcher's aura would be so terrifying.

Before, he had already guessed that when he was talking to the blood butcher, the latter's aura would be terrifying, but he didn't look tall either. This aura was actually terrifying to this level!So, now, after the two of them have finally left, there is a deep sense of fear in his heart, as well as a feeling of fear.He is now very clear that Leach is very likely to know what is in his heart.

So, now for a while, Leach has no intention of continuing to talk nonsense with him, so this pirate quickly took back the fancy intestines in his heart, and he can already see that Leach He was guarding against him, so next time, he had to be more honest.Because he thought that if he didn't behave more honestly, maybe in the next time, once Leach and others discovered some of his little thoughts, they might not give him a chance, but took direct action.

This is not what he wants to get.Although he doesn't want to join Leach's pirates, but again, he is not similar.For him, perhaps it is the most important thing.Otherwise, before that, he was completely unnecessary, because of that kind of trivial matter, and then joined Leach's pirate group in a U-shape.

If he was not afraid of death before, then he could have chosen to fight Leach to the end instead of joining the Pirates.So, in fact, at present, this pirate, under the premise of careful thinking, wants to save his own life. mr3 believes that if he can save his own life, then he has more possibilities.If being dissatisfied with Leach would lead to his death, then this pirate pawn believes that there is no need for him to remain dissatisfied, because once he dies, there will be nothing left.

mr3 doesn't want to die directly because of something like you, this is indeed a bit too unworthy in his opinion.Therefore, for mr3, compared with freedom or other things, it is obvious that one's own life is more important.If mr3 has no way to save his own life, then mr3 thinks that there is no need for him to think about other things.After all, the real important thing is to be comfortable with something, so, for mr3, no matter what, as long as he can keep his promotion, then he will do it.But now, Leach and the blood butcher have clearly issued a warning to him.So, now, mr3 doesn't dare to act recklessly.

As for what Leach and the blood butcher said, they naturally didn't know that the little conversation he had just now made mr3 involuntarily startled a smart guy, and in his heart, there were so many scenes, in fact, in his opinion, This is also nothing.Therefore, now, in fact, mr3 did not continue to let them bother.

The two of us are talking more about things before this island.Because, when Leach passed the inspection, he found that the buildings here are all very good.It's just that some buildings look a little old.But in Leach's view, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a place where people can live.Leach's words, the current words, although it is said that he has the financial resources to reproduce the construction here, but he has the financial resources to have the financial resources, but he does not have the time!His Crozoa virus was a constant threat, and every second of Leach's time passed, he was in danger.Therefore, now Leach, his time is indeed running out.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Leach has no choice but to waste his time on this general matter.All, Leach's inner thought, is naturally that it is possible to find the expected fruit quickly.As for other things, Leach doesn't really want to, and he doesn't have time to get them. He doesn't have so many things to waste, so now Leach doesn't want to re-get some things.Moreover, in fact, the results of the blood butcher made Leach very satisfied. This island is very huge, and there are all the facilities on the island.Therefore, now Leach is very satisfied with the success of the blood butcher.

(End of this chapter)

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