Chapter 28

The original sky was extremely blue, and the endless horizon seemed as deep blue as the sea.The sky is full of white clouds. Under the decoration of these white clouds, the originally empty blue has some more decorations, which makes the sky more beautiful.There was even a red sun in the very center of the sky. The sun shot out a purple-red light, and the light shone on the earth and the sea, making the whole world extremely hot.

However, this was only before.

In the blink of an eye, the whole world suddenly changed drastically, and a gust of cold wind blew from all directions, completely consuming the dry heat brought by the sun in the sky.It seemed that the world suddenly became a little cooler, but soon, this coolness became extremely extreme, and it became very cold.This caused many pirates on the pirate ship to shiver involuntarily. Looking at the sudden change in the weather, there was a hint of dissatisfaction on the corner of their mouths: "What the hell is this weather? It was so hot before. It is like a furnace, but now, it has become so cold?"

The white clouds disappeared quickly, and it was unknown whether they had been blackened by the darkness or were dispersed by the strong wind.The originally clear sky suddenly became dark, and only a little light in the corner of the sky could be seen.The big red sun had completely disappeared. At this moment, the dark clouds covered the sky, the sun, and everything.This scene is like the end of the world, and many people who saw this scene trembled. Could it be that something big is about to happen?
Leach in the training room saw the scene outside through a window in the training room, and his face suddenly became a little dignified.He put down the training equipment in his hand, and the equipment fell to the ground, causing a slight sound on the ground. The huge gravity made the whole ground tremble slightly, and even Leach's soles were numb from the shock.

However, at this moment, the world suddenly changed, and even Leach was horrified by such a huge change.He seemed to smell danger, so at this moment, he was in no mood to pay attention to such a small change under his feet.His eyes were fixed on the window, looking at the blackness between the sky and the earth that was getting deeper and deeper, and the expression on his face gradually became extremely dignified.

"What's going on here? The sky was still clear before, so why did the sky and the earth suddenly become so dark? I've heard that the sea weather in Pirate World is unpredictable, but this change is too big. According to this Going down, those huge monsters in the sea may all come out to be demons."

He raised his head and looked in another direction, and soon Leach found that in the direction he was looking, the sky and the earth were still extremely blue, and the sunlight in the sky was not blocked by dark clouds at all, which was different from what he was at the moment The place forms an extremely stark contrast.

He felt a little trembling in his heart, this pirate world is really full of wonders, a line between the sky and the earth seems to separate this place into two worlds, one is heaven and the other is hell.

It is naturally impossible for Leach to stay in hell.In this horrible weather, it would be safer to stay on land.But in this terrible weather, the sea will inevitably become terrifying with this terrible weather, and Leach is now in the sea, if he does not leave as soon as possible, if he continues to stay here, if he is not careful in the future, he may die Will end up buried in the sea.Leach still has his own great ambitions to accomplish, and he would rather be poisoned to death by the damn virus than die in the sea so aggrieved.

He quickly ran out of the training room. There were lights in their pirate ship. Although it was already as dark as hell outside, the pirate ship was temporarily full of light because of the lights.However, the members of the pirate group seemed to be aware of the crisis at the moment, standing on the deck one by one, staring at the extremely terrifying environment around them solemnly.

"Turn around! Go to a safe sea area to avoid the limelight. If we continue to go like this, we are likely to be buried in the sea! Everyone, obey the navigator's command and strictly follow the navigator's order. If you don't want to die."

Leach didn't stand there in a daze like these pirate pawns and waited for the danger to come. Even if the gods wanted to judge him, he had to fight with all his strength, so that he might be able to escape under the hands of the gods .Leach is an extremely unyielding person, otherwise, he would not stubbornly want to save himself Jinxi after being infected with the virus, and just huddle in a corner of the pirate world and wait to die. That is also an extremely good choice.

"Yes, we must strictly follow the navigator's order!" All the pirates on the pirate ship finally realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment. Although they have been out at sea for a long time, it is the first time that such terrible weather as now So, in the past, they were inevitably a little panicked and overwhelmed.However, the appearance of Leach is like a bright light that illuminates their bodies and minds, enabling them to escape from confusion and confusion, and at the same time gives them a bright road.The pirates all thanked Leach in their hearts. Being able to become their captain was indeed not ordinary. Such a strong psychological quality and fearless courage in times of crisis completely defeated all of them.Only a strong man like him is qualified to let them pursue it wholeheartedly.

"Leach, what's going on, why did the sky suddenly look like this?" Culalina was still asleep because of being too tired, but now the movement of Leach and the others was too loud, and she was brought out of a deep sleep. woke up.After seeing this piece of world, Culralina's face was extremely strange. She didn't know what happened at this moment.

Leach shook his head at Cularina, but he didn't know what happened at this moment.But living in the world, everything is unpredictable.Moreover, although they will never know why things are developing like this, but things have already appeared, and they must use all their strength to relieve the crisis, otherwise, they may sink in the crisis.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, but judging from the current situation, we should work hard. Have you seen the sea over there? Compared with this, the sea over there seems extremely safe .As long as we get there, the current crisis should be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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