Chapter 64

From those silvery white and bright silver longan eyes, a bone-chilling coldness emerges.Leach's gaze seemed to be lifeless, and at a glance, the captain of the navy branch felt cold, and his heart began to be filled with fear.At the same time, Yas's attack finally arrived.Just now, with one of his dragon claws, he smashed the slender iron long sword of the naval colonel of this naval branch directly to pieces. Now, that huge silver dragon claw did not stop, and continued to move with incomparable speed. stabbed forward.In a blink of an eye, this huge silver dragon claw passed through a large piece of air, and suddenly pierced the lower abdomen of the naval captain of the naval branch in front of him.

Bright red blood emerged from his body, randomly followed Leach's huge silver dragon claw, and continuously flowed downward.The captain of this naval branch felt a kind of extreme pain. Leach's dragon claws seemed to have extremely terrifying power, constantly devouring the vitality in his body.making his consciousness blurred.When Leach didn't let go of the idea of ​​​​the captain of the navy branch in front of him, he used this move, naturally to completely kill the captain of the navy branch of this navy branch.Therefore, he stabbed out his claws and directly tore the captain of the navy branch in front of him to pieces.

The flesh and blood of the captain of the navy branch began to be torn by Leach, and the bones and flesh were completely torn out by Leach.At the same time, bright red blood began to flow out from the body of the naval captain of this naval branch, and some bright red blood dripped onto the hard ground, and soon splashed out.At the same time, the bright red blood left continuously formed a thick pool of blood on the ground.A thick pungent smell emerged from the ground, and soon filled the surrounding air, causing everyone around to feel a burst of pain involuntarily.

The remaining four navy captains finally arrived at Leach's side.But when they rushed to Leach, the captain of the navy branch had been torn into pieces by the dragon claw in Leach's hand, and the bright red blood dripped all over the ground, revealing a pungent breath.The captains of the four naval branches were shocked suddenly, and the look they looked at Leach changed from underestimation at the beginning to complete fear.Obviously, after seeing the strength displayed by Leach, even the captains of the navy, as the navy branch, couldn't help but feel a biting fear. They were afraid of Leach.

After all, the strength shown by Leach is too strong. Although they are in high positions, they are still ordinary people.What's more, high-ranking navies like them are even more afraid of death.Because they have spent more than half of their lives fighting for this position, and now they have finally sat in this position, they could sit back and relax and enjoy the clean service.But now, except for one existence that could threaten their lives, it is difficult for them to be fearless.After all, they are already afraid now. If it was in the past, the colonels of this group of navy branches might not have fear.After all, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.But now they are different, they have too many worries, and their fear of death is unprecedentedly strong.Therefore, facing Leach at this moment, he expressed great fear.

Naturally, Leach didn't know what was on the minds of this group of naval captains in the naval branch.Even if he knew, he would not stop his current attack.He has said many times that he didn't want to have anything to do with some navies, but from the beginning to the end, these navies took the initiative to provoke him.During this, Leach has made many concessions. However, how he still retreated, these navies have been intensifying, which made Leach more and more annoyed. Finally, when he met these navies again, Leach I chose not to swallow my anger anymore, but to eradicate this group of navy directly.

Anyway, he has been completely blacklisted by the navy after taking the Phantom Beast series of silver dragon fruits. Since this is the case, he might as well massacre this group of navy directly.There is no difference at all between him killing these navies and not killing them.Because no matter whether he kills these navies or not, these navies will attack him mercilessly. In this case, his forbearance becomes meaningless.Therefore, leaving at this moment did not intend to continue to release water at all, he took a quick step, and the huge silver figure rushed forward extremely quickly like a silver lightning.

"No, get back!" Seeing Leach rushing towards them, the captains of these naval branches suddenly became panicked. His strength is extremely fearful.The naval captain of which naval branch just now, he is of the same rank as them.However, facing the humanoid monster in front of them, they couldn't even support it for a minute, and their strength was almost the same as that of the captain of the navy branch just now.If Leach is allowed to get close to them, then their final outcome will be no different from the tragic death of the Marine Colonel just now.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing Leach's tall figure constantly approaching him, the expressions of the captains of these naval branches changed dramatically.The extreme filling on their faces at the beginning has been completely exhausted at some point.Now, all that remains on their faces is only fear and fear.Maybe they didn't even notice it, since they didn't know when, the identities of hunter and prey had completely changed.In the beginning, it was indeed they who hunted Leach, but as time passed.Now Leach is chasing and killing them instead.

Now that they are at a critical moment of life and death, the captains of these naval branches are naturally not in the mood to think about some situations.They watched the huge and incomparable figure in front of them keep approaching them, and the color of fear on their faces became more and more serious.He finally stepped forward suddenly. After this step, the tall figure continued to recede towards the rear, and the palm holding the blade also became trembling involuntarily. It seemed that they were extremely aggressive towards the pirate in front of them. fear.They had already lost their will to fight. Now, looking at Leach, it seemed that they were facing an extremely powerful big pirate.

(End of this chapter)

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