Fairy Dragon Maiden

Chapter 143 A Deceitful Lie

Chapter 143 A Deceitful Lie
After the misunderstanding was resolved, the relationship between Xiao Zhiyue and Gu Xing took a 180-degree turn. Since Gu Xing is the second senior brother and Xiao Zhiyue is the junior junior sister, Gu Xing is older in the same family, so he can give orders to the junior junior sister .

Lone Star stood on the rock wall, watching the thick clouds under the cliff, while the two dragon girls, Alice and Lena leaned side by side, sitting on the edge of the rock, stretching their little feet on the edge of the rock. Dangling in the clouds.

Lone Star is a man, so naturally he won't play around with sex like a girl, even standing is enough, there is no need to sit on the cliff, standing is not tiring at all.

Under Gu Xing's order, Xiao Zhiyue leaned against the cliff on the plank road and observed the figures under the plank road.

The order she received was to wait for Ni Xi and Silica to show up, and to tell Lone Star as soon as they showed up, and if other irrelevant people appeared, she should also tell Lone Xing so that Lone Star could hide.

She met Ni Xi once, and felt that Ni Xi's beauty was indistinguishable from hers, and even made her a little jealous, but Silica was a strange woman, and now she didn't know how many girls the second senior brother had beside her. .

After listening to Gu Xing's details, she understood that Ni Xi was Gu Xing's childhood sweetheart, and it was understandable that the two were so good, but when introducing Silica, Gu Xing played out his previous bad habits.

Don't ask, it's JOJO.

As a result, no matter how she asked, she couldn't get half of Silica's information. She was very concerned about Silica's appearance and how Silica met Lone Star.

He cared too much about Silica, so he stared at the bottom of the plank road, waiting for Silica and Ni Xi to appear together.

"Shuangshuang asked the moon, haven't the two of them come up yet?" Gu Xing crossed his arms, overlooking the clouds and mists below the mountain, suddenly revealed a side face, and asked Xiao Zhiyue.

"Not yet." Xiao Zhiyue shook her head in a friendly manner and smiled. Since she got to know the second senior brother's personality, she was determined to get along well with the second senior brother, so she smiled.

"That's it, then you continue to watch." Gu Xing said casually without appreciation, and looked down the mountain again.

"Okay." Xiao Zhiyue nodded friendly, not dissatisfied because Gu Xing was standing on the plank road, but felt that Gu Xing was standing just like her.

She mistook Lone Star's action of standing on the edge of the cliff as a way to suffer the same as her, and not sitting down made her feel that she was the only one standing and suffering.

So she felt that the second senior brother was really gentle to her, and her face couldn't help but slightly flushed with cherry blossoms.

After a while, Gu Xing suddenly sat down, sitting down in front of her eyes, she thought that Gu Xing would stand and suffer like her, but after she thought wrong, she shook her head, her pretty face tensed.

"Here we come, those two people." Xiao Zhiyue glanced at the empty plank road, lied to Gu Xing sideways, and looked down quickly, pretending to see two people.

"Coming?" Gu Xing was taken aback, then slowly got up from the cliff.

The two dragon ladies beside her, Lena just wanted to get up, but was pulled by Alice and sat down again, Alice whispered: "The master didn't tell us to go, it's okay if we don't."

"Really?" Rena answered in a low voice with a smile, then secretly stared at Lone Star's back, and then sat beside Alice under Alice's gaze, staying with Alice.

Xiao Zhiyue noticed Gu Xing's walking speed, she thought that Gu Xing would show a surprised expression after hearing that he was coming, and then run quickly.

As a result, Lone Star once again exceeded her expectations, walking in a leisurely manner, as if he didn't care whether Ni Xi and Silica were here or not.

This made Xiao Zhiyue put down a big stone in her heart, and there was a kind of inarticulate words held in her heart.

Generally speaking, when a man hears the girl he likes coming, he will show excitement and walk faster.

But Xiao Zhiyue observed very carefully, and didn't see that Gu Xing walked much faster, and even the expression on his face didn't change at all, without a trace of strangeness.

If it is a fake expression, deliberately burying the joyful mood under the skin, then this acting is too realistic, right?

Xiao Zhiyue couldn't see through it, and didn't know whether Gu Xing could tell from his slow walking and expressionless expression whether he liked Ni Xi or Silica, so he stared at Gu Xing for a while.

After Lone Xing approached her, he asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, what do you see me doing?"

"No, nothing." Xiao Zhiyue shook her head, then lowered her head.

She told a lie, obviously Ni Xi and Silica didn't come, she insisted on deceiving Lone Star to come, she was uneasy and ready to be scolded.

She wondered how she would be scolded by the second senior brother?Maybe she is a jitter, thinking about it, she lowered her head and smiled.

Lone Star observed Xiao Zhiyue's expression, feeling very weird, and then looked down the plank road. Although the night obscured the view and the dense fog on the top of the mountain was very thick, he could still see it.

I saw that there was no one below, and there was no Ni Xi and Silica that Xiao Zhiyue said were coming, so a trace of impatience was raised on his face, he stared at Xiao Zhiyue, frowned and asked: "Didn't you say you are coming?" Is it? Why can’t even see their shadows.”

"I lied to you, haha." Xiao Zhiyue stopped by the rock wall with her hands behind her back, she couldn't hold back her smile with her head down, so she raised her head and looked over to show a smile.

"You lied to me?!" Gu Xing was slightly surprised, but he was already used to being scolded by his junior sister many times, so he just sighed and wanted to leave again.

"Wait!" Xiao Zhiyue hurriedly called out.

"What are you doing again?" Gu Xing walked to the road, turned around, and stared at Xiao Zhiyue suspiciously.

"Aren't you scolding me? I lied to you." Xiao Zhiyue asked uneasily.

"Why are you scolding you? If you didn't come, you didn't come. If you cheated, you would treat it as being bitten by a dog. Have you ever seen someone who was bitten by a dog and still making a scene in the street? Isn't that being treated as a joke?" Lone Star took advantage of the situation and made a joke.

However, Junior Sister didn't seem to be good at joking, she mistakenly thought that Gu Xing had been resenting her, so she kept her gloomy face silent.

Seeing her like this, Gu Xing quickly changed his words and said, "Actually, there's no need to scold you. If you make a joke, you'll just make a joke. What do you care about?"

Finally, Xiao Zhiyue raised her head. She was scolded for being bitten by a dog, feeling very uncomfortable, and asked with a gloomy face: "Then what you just said about being bitten by a dog is also a lie?"

"Of course." Gu Xing smiled in order not to make the other party angry.

Seeing the smile, Xiao Zhiyue felt relieved, took a breath, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, the second senior brother is very good at joking. We have not talked before, and I thought you were a taciturn person."

"The taciturn person, is that the senior brother?" Gu Xing replied immediately, and in his impression, the senior senior brother's unapproachable face made him afraid when he saw it.

"Hey hey." Xiao Zhiyue could only laugh loudly after hearing this.

Gu Xing shook his head, and said again: "You have nothing to do and lie to me, why are they here? Are you so idle?"

"No, just talk about it casually, it's too boring, and you are sitting comfortably on the edge of the cliff alone, and I am the only one standing guard in such a dangerous place." Xiao Zhiyue looked at the steep plank road and said helplessly , she is also a girl, and she is also afraid of heights, so she dare not leave too close to the edge of the plank road.

"Then... I'll stand with you." Gu Xing sighed, and had no choice but to walk back to Xiao Zhiyue's side.

(End of this chapter)

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