Chapter 205
The bus is about to arrive at the station, and the scenery outside the bus has changed from a deciduous forest to a big city. There are many tall buildings in the city. Surprisingly, there are very few humans on the streets.

Inside the bus, Ni Xi blinked her beautiful eyes at Lone Star, and asked, "What you said makes sense, but why is such important information not reported in the news?"

She believes that what happened in the soul online game should immediately become a big event, attracting countless players to wait and see.

Surprisingly, however, there were no news reports about this incident.Even the system mail in the game did not prompt such important information.

Generally speaking, humans stay in online games and no longer watch TV news, but the menus in online games have browser options, and some boring people will still browse the news.

For so long, no one has mentioned such a thing. It seems that the news has not reported this matter.

She looked at Gu Xing in confusion, but Gu Xing sighed and said, "I think no one should know about this, and everyone is playing online games, and now the news is edited by robots. 80% of the sources of information have been lost."

It feels like the whole world is falling, and all jobs are handed over to robots, but robots don't understand the information that humans want to know, and they can't match what they like, so they can't create interesting news.

Over time, all sources of information have been cut off. Except for some important information and social common sense, most things that happen in the real world will not be reported.

There is only one reason, the life of human beings has become an upgrade of fighting monsters in the game. There is only this single incident, and it is a natural result that they are not interested in what is happening outside.

Lone Star looked outside the window and found that he was almost at the station, so he packed up the garbage in the bag and prepared to take it out of the car.

Ni Xiwang came over again and asked: "Is it true that the soul online game caused us to lose our pain? Or are you lying to me, in fact, you didn't lose your pain at all, and I'm the only one who lost it?"

"I didn't lie to you." Gu Xing lowered his eyes helplessly.

"How can I prove it? I can't even feel pain, but the strange thing is that I still have a sense of touch." Ni Xi said, stroking her wrist with her fingers.

It is very simple for Lone Star to prove one thing, so he paused and said, "Analgesia is a congenital genetic disease. Did you have analgesia?"

After Gu Xing asked, Ni Xi was in a daze for a while, remembering the past, after she fell down, her skin was scratched by the ground, and she cried in pain.

There was also that run in junior high school, when I was washing the wound on my foot in the sink, I met Lone Star, and Lone Star handed her a Band-Aid.

It seems that in her life, she remembers these two injuries clearly.

After finishing junior high school, she soaked in soul online games, and did not touch the things in the real world for a long time, and she never suffered a second injury.

When she thought about it carefully, she felt that she still felt pain when she was in junior high school, but now it is gone.Could it be that she lost her sense of pain a little bit because she came into contact with soul online games after graduating from junior high school?

Her beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she looked at Lone Star in disbelief.

Lone Star shrugged and smiled, "What's the matter, why didn't you answer?"

"No. When I was injured, it hurts. When I was in junior high school, you handed me a band-aid when I washed the wound on my leg at the sink. Do you remember that incident?" Ni Xi asked with a smile. It is a very precious memory.

Because she moved away from Lone Star's neighbor when she was four years old, and she didn't know Lone Xing when she was in junior high school. It wasn't until this happened that she became very close to Lone Xing.

But Gu Xing didn't remember this incident very clearly. Seeing Ni Xi talking about it with a smile, he didn't want to spoil her interest, so he nodded and said, "Yeah."

"At that time, when I was injured, the wound would hurt, but after entering the online game, I have never been injured again. If you hadn't reminded me that I lost the pain sensation, I might have been blindfolded for the rest of my life." Ni Xi said with a smile.

It was too strange to lose her sense of pain without loss of touch, and it was too difficult to find out whether she had lost her sense of pain or not.

Who would have nothing to make the body ache?

She looked at Gu Xing with a smiling gaze, Gu Xing was stunned, a little lost, stared at Ni Xi's face for a long time, then reluctantly looked away, lowered his head and said, "Haha."

There is nothing to talk about, because Lone Star has already told Ni Xi about the loss of pain sensation when playing soul online games. There is no other topic, and it is embarrassing to look at the face of the girl he likes.

But Ni Xi seemed to be in a good mood, she took the initiative to talk and asked, "Hey, Lone Star."

"What's wrong? I'm about to get out of the car." Feeling a little flustered, he looked in the direction of the orange car door. Lone Star found that the car was getting closer to its destination, and his gaze on Ni Xi became more and more dodge.

Before buying a housekeeping robot, there is one more thing for the two to do, and that is dating.

Naturally, the date should not be too long, otherwise it would delay the time to buy a robot, but just thinking about dating Ni Xi made Lone Star feel impatient and his chest tightened.

The finger was pulled, Gu Xing turned to look, and found that the finger was gently held by Ni Xi.

Her heart was beating wildly, she didn't know what to say, so she could only stare nervously at Ni Xiwei's ruddy face.

That smile was still beautiful and charming, and Ni Xi asked, "You said, how much money can we make by selling the soul online game that makes players lose their pain sensation to the news agency?"

"Huh?" Gu Xing was stunned, a little surprised.

In my impression, Ni Xi is a perfect girl who won't be greedy for cheap things or do strange things.

However, now she said that she sold this secret to the news agency to make money, which surprised Lone Star.

Staring at Ni Xi's smiling face, Gu Xing thought a lot, finally closed his eyes, shook his head and said, "It's better not to."

"Why not?" Ni Xi asked puzzled.

"Powerful people are also playing games, and it's impossible for the upper echelons of game development to not know that soul online games will make players lose their sense of pain. If we say it, we may get angry." Lone Star replied thoughtfully.

"Are you afraid that telling this matter will make the game development company angry and make the game cool?" Ni Xi changed his words and asked curiously.

"I don't know that the game is cool, but it's true that our lives are in danger." Lone Xing's eyes were stained with seriousness.

For so long, everyone didn't know that there are many possibilities for the loss of pain sensation when playing soul online games. The darkest possibility is that the players who spread this information have been buried.

This is not impossible, how many billion people in the world?Among so many billion people, there will always be a kind person who discovers the secret, and then informs the world about it, but before the announcement, there is no news.

Gu Xing didn't want to take this risk, and he didn't want Ni Xi to take the risk, so he shook his head and rejected the proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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