In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 87 Want to Raw Snake Eggs (2000 words)

Chapter 87 Want to Raw Snake Eggs (2000 words)
"We will protect the tribe, hunt with you, and build the tribe together."

The backs of these orcs were sweating, their legs and feet were weak, and their voices were trembling when they swore, but Mi Yin didn't seem to get the answer he wanted, and his face became even colder.

"Hiss~ that's all?" The blade-like scarlet blood pupils shot straight at the trembling orc, and the black-red snake's tail raised slightly as it rubbed against the ground.

Several people's legs were too weak to support them, and they collapsed to the ground with a plop.

Out of the crowd came a tall, strong and strong man named Dashu, who was the backbone of this group of orcs.

He looked past the terrifying snake beast, looked directly at An Jin with firm eyes, stepped forward two steps, and said loudly and sincerely, "We will dedicate our lives to the tribe, and we swear to the beast god that we will never betray!"

Although Mi Yin does not believe in beast gods, the beast gods are the spiritual beliefs of most orcs in the beast world.

You can't swear an oath of betrayal in the name of the beast god, otherwise a natural disaster will come down!Be condemned and reviled by all orcs!
Only then did Mi Yin look away contentedly, and the crowd broke into cold sweat as if they were about to receive an amnesty.

It has to be said that his pale face sang really well, and An Jin immediately gave a few words of comfort to these pale orcs.

They finally let go of the last defense in their hearts, and their awe of the tribe sublimated again, and at the same time, they became more convinced and loved this gentle female patriarch.

"We will obey the dispatch of the tribe, besides, we females are all here, please believe in our loyalty!"

An Jin smiled, "The tribe also welcomes you to join."

This group of orcs settled down in the tribe.

[Number of tribe: 66↑ (female 9↑)]

【Public opinion: 39↓】

Although what they said was very pleasant, the average of the public opinion has dropped by 1 secretly.

An Jin can understand it, after all, it is a last resort in times of crisis, and the popularity of the people will definitely be slightly lower than the first batch of orcs in the tribe.

Jingjing smiled, and comforted her dutifully, 【As long as the owner steps up to develop the tribe and brings them enough benefits, the popularity value will naturally increase! 】

With the influx of more than a dozen orcs, the original wooden house was beginning to become crowded. Moreover, this small tribe was not the only one that was destroyed by the beast horde.

An Jin can be sure that there will be several groups of orcs pouring in in a few days.

She originally wanted the orcs to hurry up and build a few more wooden houses, and four stone walls that could resist the normal beast tide, but seeing the bad weather now, the plan will be delayed.

The heavy rainy season in the animal world is not what she thought, it just simply increases the rainfall.

The coming of the heavy rainy season brought terrifying squalls and torrential rains. The rainstorm became heavier and heavier, and the sky was as dark as night. The doomsday-like tornado swept across the land with floods, rolling up countless rocks, broken logs, and torn pieces. of animal remains.

Floods, storms, lightning...

Looking out of the window, I saw black clouds rolling violently like a deep sea tsunami at a low altitude of several hundred meters, blocking the sky and the sun. The thick black clouds were mixed with dense lightning like swimming dragons, and high-voltage lightning of hundreds of thousands of volts. Through the sky.

Continuous large-scale electric arcs suddenly lit up like daylight in the dark sky as dense as night, and the roaring thunder was deafening...

The whole world is cold and depressing, and it seems that there is only one kind of weather left - continuous and terrifying thunderstorms.

In the wind and rain, the tribe's wooden house is still strong, not affected by the rainy season at all, and the orcs are more sure that the choice to join this tribe is extremely correct!

[People's hearts +4, now +43↑]

It was impossible to go out in such horrible weather, so An Jinbian, Mi Yin and the others huddled in the wooden house, warming themselves by the warm bonfire and eating the food that had been stored long ago.

The continuous roar of thunder outside the window and the sound of intensive rain hula very much destroyed the leisure and elegance.

"When will the rain stop?" An Jin didn't go out for several days, and felt a little bored.

Miyin turned into a snake shape and curled up around her in a circle. When the weather got cold, he became more lazy. He leaned the snake's head on her thigh to accept the female's gentle touch, and slowly closed the red membranes in front of his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

It was Ling Hong who answered her, "This weather should last for another three days, and we will have a few sunny days."

"The rainy season is about three months, and there will be three heavy rains in total, this is the first time."

"After this rainstorm, there will be a few days of good weather, followed by the second rainstorm, and then the third rainstorm..."

An Jin nodded, and sighed looking at the dark and terrifying sky outside the window. The house was also very dark, with only a few sunstones and a bonfire to light up the vision.

"By the way, is there any news from Yanshi?" She turned to look at the little shark beside her.

Xi nodded obediently, looking at the beloved female with crooked eyebrows, her good mood was not affected by the bad weather at all, "I swam to a shallow sea area not far away a few days ago and met a group of turtle orcs. Salt stone, and the kind of clay you're looking for!"

"After two days, I can take Ah Jin there. The back and forth waterway will take up to three days. I will definitely be able to make it back before the second rainstorm."

"Okay, thank you, Xi." An Jin's mood finally brightened.

Xi's cheeks were slightly red, and the blue ear fins were softly tinged with red, and she said in a soft voice, "As long as Ah Jin wants, Xi will try her best to find it~"

Sure enough, after another two days, the wind and rain stopped for a while, and the "silkworm babies" have shed their three layers of skin one after another, preparing to enter the pupation stage before the cold season.

There are two rows of black holes on the side of their plump, white and fat bodies, spewing out dense and tough silk threads, wrapping them into a large snow-white cocoon, piled up in the straw shed, motionless.

Before the rain stopped, Miyin changed her usual laziness and volunteered to take some water-loving stray animals out to hunt.

They brought back a dozen live sheep in the afternoon, most of which were ewes about to give birth, and there were also a few rams, which An Jin wanted to keep for breeding.

She didn't know if these wild sheep could be tamed, but she had to take the first step. At most, she would breed them a few more times and breed them for a few more generations.

The orcs looked at the rams with complicated eyes. An Jin actually saw a hint of envy in their eyes?

Even Ling Hong and the three of them were no exception.

The male to female ratio of their orcs is seriously out of balance. Many young and strong orcs can't find a partner. I didn't expect these livestock to find females to mate and give birth to offspring.

An Jin rubbed his brows, and explained with a smile, "Don't think too much, this is just to produce more lambs, and when they are bred, these bleating beasts can also be used as food for the tribe."

Miyin looked at the ewes with big bellies, and suddenly hugged her from behind, and put her thin crimson lips close to her ear and said ambiguously, "Jin'er, I also want you to conceive me and lay snake eggs."

"Pregnancy" and "snake eggs" stimulated a certain nerve in An Jin, and goose bumps appeared on her body.

She doesn't want to lay eggs, at least not right now.

"Not yet, wait, wait until I get into heat later, it's too early."

"Okay." Miyin buried her head in her neck, sighed regretfully, Xinzi touched her face lightly, already silently planning when the female would come into heat.

He has been looking for prey diligently these days, just to keep the female body healthy. Seeing that her complexion is rosy and healthy during this time, and her thin and thin face is also slightly rounded, she is beginning to look delicate, and she has a hunch that she won't have to wait too long.

 Another Beast World Essay by the author, the full text is free, has been completed, welcome to read.

(End of this chapter)

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