Chapter 65
When the two parties met, Shen Xun threw out a ball of fire with both hands. The flames instantly surrounded them. The one-meter-high flames blocked the surrounding blood vines.

Any blood vines that wanted to attack from the top of their heads would be burned by the suddenly rising flames, and the latter would grow again, be burned again, grow again and be burned again.

The blood vine has the ability to grow infinitely, but Shen Xun does not. Her current superpower has reached level two after absorbing six crystal nuclei, but it is still a bit weak compared to the mutant vines whose level is higher than hers.

"I can hold on for more than ten minutes, so cooperate with me and rush out, otherwise you will really have to feed a plant."

Shen Xun controls the output of supernatural powers, and this range and degree of fire consumes a lot.

brush brush --

They were probably the ones who were talking about the bad times. The blood vines were a problem, so forget it. The surrounding trees suddenly trembled again, and countless green leaves shot towards them like Xiao Li's flying knives.

Wei Jie turned into a stone shield to block the crowd, the leaves were so powerful, Wei Jie's stone shield collapsed to the ground after the first wave, and everyone was shocked when the next wave came.

Again? ! !You are going to be bald with inspiration, right? !

Shen Wei wrinkled his face and then let out his mental power. In just one second, all the leaves that were released were split into two and became ordinary leaves that floated down.

"I thought we were going to die." Long Xueni's legs were shaking like Parkinson's, her big eyes were full of fear, this short effort was more exciting than breaking into a zombie den.

Kid Gu Li, who had never seen such a scene, turned pale with fear. He thought zombies were scary, but this monster seemed even scarier.

"Shen Xun, do you still have a car?" Mu Yiran approached Shen Xun and asked.

Shen Xun, who probed into the space, frowned and said, "Yes, yes."

Speaking of which, there were four more charging sheep on the ground, and the expressions of the seven people were all a little weird.

"It's better than nothing." Tong Zhen gritted his teeth and rode on one of the roads, "Whoever you come up, it's better to have someone with a power, I'll drive you and throw the power behind you"

Cheng Hao immediately sat back in the back seat, Li Feizi also got on one, and Shen Xun sat in the back.

Shen Wei pushed Long Xueni to one of the cars and said, "Take me, you have no powers."

What he said was justified. Long Xueni cried and said, "My driving skills are not very good, please don't yell at me."

"Don't scold you, hurry up." Shen Wei pushed him onto the little sheep impatiently, wiped it off, and grabbed Gu Li from Wei Jie's arms, put him on the little sheep's car and stood there.

"You two are big and heavy enough. If you add a child weighing [-] to [-] pounds, your car may not be able to move."

Mu Yiran and Wei Jie shared one vehicle, and the combined weight of their two vehicles was at least more than 300 kilograms. Shen Wei's words were not unreasonable.

"Cheng Hao and I are here to clear the way, Mu Yiran, you and Shen Wei are behind."

Shen Xun patted Li Feizi's arm, and the latter activated the little sheep to rush out, and Shen Xun's fire circle was also instantly closed.

Without the ring of fire, countless blood vines pressed down on them, causing Long Xueni to panic instantly.

"Can you please stop being crooked!!"

Shen Wei, who was sitting at the back of her car, was so shaken by her swaying car that she couldn't concentrate at all.

"I, I, I, I don't want to, I told you that I am not very good at driving"

Long Xueni turned the front of the car around, but she was still driving the car to the maximum speed. Gu Li, who was standing in front of the car, hugged her thigh in fright, he was really afraid that he would be thrown out.

Shen Xun stood up and put his legs on Li Feizi's back to steady himself.

"Shen Xun, are you going to drive too big?" Li Feizi looked vaguely excited when he saw Shen Xun's driving, he was really envious of the cool abilities.

"Turn it up? Forget it."

Shen Xun opened his hands, both of which rose to the sky and danced in her hands. The temperature of the two fires was frighteningly high. Cheng Hao, who is also a supernatural person, rushed to suppress them, and Shen Xun threw fire balls at the blood vines rushing forward. , With a bang, the fireball exploded in the blood vine, sending the broken limbs of the blood vine flying.

Cheng Haomu's ability was also activated instantly, and dozens of tender green vines trembled from the ground, and the blood-red vines pulled them to both sides to open the way.

The bloodvine tore the tender green vines to pieces, but that was enough time for them to escape.

Eight-tenths of the Shen Xun's abilities that had been turned on were empty, and she immediately sat down to watch out for the blood vines that were left alone.

Shen Wei's main responsibility was to cut off Xiao Li Feiye, but Long Xueni's crooked driving skills made him dizzy, allowing other Xiao Li Feiye to take advantage of the loophole and stab others.

Mu Yiran had a bloody cut on his cheek, and he didn't care when he wiped it with the back of his hand. Instead, he controlled the lightning ability to cut off the blood vines that were chasing after him.

He should be the busiest one. Wei Jie's earth ability has no effect on the blood vine, and the first level earth ability has no effect at all.

It would be fine if he could find the root of the blood vine, but if he couldn't find it, his earth ability would be useless.

For a moment, the color of superpowers flashed on the cement road, accompanied by the sound of explosions.

"Steady, Long Xueni!! The moment of life and death, sister!!"

Shen Wei failed to manage his expression, so Long Xueni could only drive crookedly. The key was that the speed was quite fast, and his mental strength was out of balance due to the shake.

When the next wave of little Li Feiye attacked, he made a mistake and let the unchopped leaves attack Shen Xun and Li Feizi who were opening the way.


The leaves as hard as steel bars penetrated Shen Xun's arm, and the bloody leaves stuck from her arm to the ground.

She clenched her teeth and suppressed her voice, but Li Feizi was more dangerous than him, with a scratch on his neck, blood gushing out.

Shen Xun's eyes were shocked. When she thought Li Feizi had been scratched into the aorta, Li Feizi said, "It's okay, no vital parts were hurt."

Shen Xun took out a bandage and wrapped it around him to stop the bleeding, and then yelled at Shen Wei, "If you make another mistake, we're going to burp."

Shen Wei turned his head and said to Long Xueni, "Did you see it, did you see it, if you shake it again, we will be finished."

Chen Wei's mental power is strong. Logically speaking, his mental power should be controlled very stably. However, his mental power is severely distributed and his learning is complicated. He has not fully understood the stability of his mental power for a while. He is only learning various attacks. It took a lot of thought.

And it is true that people with psychic abilities cannot receive external interference, otherwise they will really be distracted and make mistakes in their grasp of mental power.

"Understood." Long Xueni raised her breath and squeezed the handle vigorously, then the little sheep did stabilize a little.

But Mu Yiran, who was broken, almost used up his powers, and the blood vine was still chasing after him.

He was the only one who was cut off, and the consumption was extremely high. Wei Jie wanted to help, but it didn't help much.

"Hurry up, you should be fine if you leave this land."

Shen Xun shot a few rockets in the back and threw fireballs and flames in the front. She was the most tired of all.

(End of this chapter)

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